Upper Back Pain Issues

Pain in my shoulder/upper back?

If the problem has went on consistently for this long, i would definitely see a doctor. When you said it was from lifting trays, my first guess was it was just a strained muscle, but as i read on and since you said it has been going on for close to a year, it is probably an issue with connective tissue under or around the shoulder blade, or possible even with the cartilage or joint in the shoulder. The least severe thing it might be is maybe a few nasty shoulder knots, i have a bad habit of grinding my right shoulder and i have had consistent knots all along my shoulder blades for almost 3 years now, regular massages helped but i stopped going because i cant stop grinding my shoulder so i just deal with the knots lol..Constant heavy lifting is notorious for causing problems, my friend was a waitress for years and it messed up her shoulder quite a bit from constant strain on the same shoulder, over and over again. It wore down the cartilage in between her joints and was basically bone on bone rubbing against each other, she put it off for a long time and ended up having to have a screw put in her shoulder and she had to stop waitressing. If you keep putting it off, you may end up having to have surgery if it is something serious. Right now if whatever it is is caught soon enough, it may be able to be treated with muscle relaxers, massage therapy, or some sort of brace, maybe even some time off work would help from further injury. Your doctor might even prescribe a mild pain killer for ease. In the meantime, try not to put any stress on it unless you absolutely have to (at work), when you are at home, take hot showers or baths, or use a heating pad in the area when it is feeling stiff or hurting. Take ibuprofen for swelling and pain, if any persists.

What is worse, Upper or lower back pain?

Either kind of pain could indicate problems, so it really depends on the person's situation. It could be muscular, or it could be skeletal, etc. And any could also cuase severe headaches. Or they could be unrelated.

A disc problem could give you pain like you describe. Disc problems sometimes resolve themselves when the body resorbs the bulged or ruptured disc, or the broken disc piece dries up. It can take 3-6 months to see relief this way, but at least you don't have to have surgery. Agonizing pain with sudden sharp pain/spasms may indicate a worse problem, like a piece of disc pressing into the spinal cord, which could lead to permanent partial paralysis, etc. Surgery may be necessary to correct it.

There is no real way of knowing without a good physical exam by a trained doctor, and probably Xrays, CT scans, and/or MRIs. Have you considered seeing your doctor?

Take care!


me and a friend were jokin around the other night, he struck me in the middle of the upper back quite hard, now it hurts when i try to take in a deep breath or sneeze. sometimes i feel like it as also diificult to take in a deep breath and it hurts my upper back if i squeeze my shoulder blades or bend around should i be worried?

Upper back pain when jumping rope?

I have been jumping rope for about 5 weeks now and just last week when I began jumping I got a pain in my upper back. It feels like something's crushing my back and breaking my bones, that's how much it hurts. Why is this happening? How can I fix it? And please don't say that I should go see a doctor. I need an effective do-it-yourself thing for me to do at home. Please, help. It really hurts like hell.

My upper back hurts a lot?

You have a pinched muscle or tight muscle some where but from what you wrote I don't know if it's your back or neck so I'm going with both and will get you how you can release them so you won't have this pain anymore. You do have to release those muscles to get rid of the pain. You may have slept on your back and/or neck to get this problem although it may have been happening for a while already but wasn't bad enough to cause the pain. Here is how to release those muscles in your back and neck that would be causing this pain:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your head. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After 45 seconds, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
With your neck in the lowered position, replace your thumbs in under the ears and your fingers behind your head but right next to your skull this time. Press your fingers and thumbs together again and hold. Relax your body while waiting. When the muscles have all released, slowly lift your head until it’s level again, release the pressure but hold your head like that for another 30 seconds.
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder and find the muscles next to your spine and press on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.

When I wake up I have very bad upper back pain between and under my shoulder blades.?

For the past few monthe's I have woke up to the most horrible and unexplanable pain between and under my shoulder blades. I have not done anything to strain or mess it up. It will usually let up a little after I have gotten up, But getting good sleep is hard to do. It really hurts a lot I am only 22 and I am concerned about it. If anyone knows what I am talking about help me out please. Thank you

Can you tell me what my symptoms indicate? I have upper back pain, heart palpitations, depression, some back leg pain, trouble sleeping, coughs, fatigue and jaw pain.

I read about mind body connection books (some are actually written by qualified healthcare professionals, social workers and even doctors) after noticing that sometimes an ailment could not be cured by conventional treatment.From the symptoms you have described, even though they looked seemingly unrelated from medical perspective, but there is a correlation of these symptoms from the mind-body connection perspective:You are going through a very stressful period of your life. Very very stressful that you feel overwhelmed, burdened and hopeless at how to deal with it (palpation and upper back issues).Note: It is still important to get yourself checked for palpation. I had a very stressful job in the past that sometimes give me palpations- I still go and see the doctor to get in checked.If the leg pain comes suddenly it indicate that you also have lack of support and you are most probably shouldering all the problems on your own. Coughs, persistent ones that refuses to go away is a signal of sadness, of grief.Because you are very worried or stressed over the issue, naturally sleep would be affected and this would lead to fatigue.Jaw pain could result from always clenching your jaw (subconsciously without knowing). Either it is to bear with the inner pain or to supress one’s anger.If the symptoms is mind-body related, most of the physical problems would disappear once the issue is being dealt with. If it is true, I hope you would be able to receive the support necessary to overcome this.Take care.

Excessive masturbation causes upper middle back pain - why is that? And is it normal?

I'm 22/M. I've noticed that whenever I masturbate too much, I get this upper middle back pain and discomfort. The pain isn't that bad, but it gets really bad when I masturbate more. Is what I'm experiencing normal? Why does masturbation cause this pain?

How can I treat an upper back pain when breathing deeply?

While it’s quite common for people to “breathe wrong”, as in they move their shoulders up and down when the breathe, rather than stomach out/in (respectively)However, sharp pain with breathing can be related to a long list of possible problems from mild strains, to disc problems, to tuberculosis.Get examined by a qualified doctor, in person, and you’ll get your answer. Unfortunately, the humans body is so unique and different person to person, that no good medical info can be given online about personal issues.