Us History Hellppp

How can history help us today?

If one defines ‘us’ as mankind, then history can help ‘us’ understand how we got to where we are today. I love the opening tagline on one news outlet, “This is the first draft of history.”Of course, aphorisms abound. “Those who do not learn from history will repeat it.” The only thing we can learn from history is that we can’t learn anything from history.” “History never repeats itself; man always does.” “To the victors belong the spoils; and the victors also win the right to write the history.” “Figures don’t lie; people do.”If we go beyond those platitudes with only one caveat, mere knowledge of history means nothing if that knowledge is not the base from which good decisions are made.History is replete with examples of false history: post Civil War Republicans waving the bloody shirt, Hitler blaming Jews for post WWI German troubles, ethnic minorities demanding reparations.In my day, college history majors were required to take at least one class in Historiography, the science of writing history. I say science because we learned to use empirical data, original sources and avoid (as much as humanly possible) prejudice and assumptions not based on verifiable facts.If one uses the above paragraph to screen accounts/reports as a police officer or neutral third party, history would be the absolute best method of determining what exactly happened. I remember one Super Bowl coach responding to a reporter’s question of why his team lost, replied, “They scored more points than we did.”After gathering all the pertinent facts and putting those items in a logical order of time, importance and significance, we can build an hypothesis of what actually happened and (hopefully) why. THAT is how history can help any person (family tree researcher, politician, physician, scientist, etc.) conclude what really happened.


2. C
3. A
5. A
6. D
8. B
9. A
11. B
14. Depends if you mean desert storm or operation iraqi freedom. The more recent one is A, desert storm was C.
16. B
17. C, they got the right to vote in the 20s
21. B

Hope it helps

Help Me Pleaseee! History Help!!!?

- The Great Awakening led to the opening of many new churches and greater religious toleration. True Or False?

2- The Quartering Act required colonial families to feed && house British troops. True Or False?

3- Francis Marion led guerilla attacks against the American army in the south. True or False?

4- The Northwest Ordinance provided a system for a territory on the United States to become a state? True or False?

They are definitely all true.

HELLPPP with European History! Please?

Want to help me out with these questions?

18. The so-called Glorious Revolution
a. brought a foreign dynasty to the English throne
b. led to the establishment of a standing army in England
c. gave the new king greater authority, in order to stabilize the country
d. confirmed that the gentry controlled England
e. a and d

19. The great naval power of the eighteenth century was
a. France
b. the Netherlands
c. Spain
d. England

20. In the late seventeenth century the United Provinces
a. succumbed to the absolutism of the Stadholder
b. was crippled by having to maintain both land and naval power
c. had one of the most powerful landed aristocracies in Europe
d. b and c

21. Thomas Hobbes believed that
a. all political authority must reside in an absolute and sovereign power in order to restrain the natural warlike impulses of human beings
b. the natural rights of all human beings include freedom of expression
c. the will of the state may be exercised only with the approval of the majority
d. the natural state of human beings is one of freedom, equality, and peace

22. A major difference between the ideas of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke is that
a. Locke rejects the idea of a social contract
b. Locke thinks that humans live peacefully in the state of nature
c. Hobbes believes that the ruled have no right to rebel against the sovereign
d. Hobbes rejects private property

23. In the Seven Years’ War the main lines of conflict were
a. Austria vs Britain, and France vs Prussia
b. Austria vs Russia, and Prussia vs France
c. Austria vs Prussia, and Britain vs France
d. Austria vs France, and Britain vs Russia

24. The terms of Peace at Hubertusburg
a. punished Prussia severely
b. allowed Prussia to keep Silesia
c. returned Silesia to Austria
d. returned Saxony to Prussia

Thanks in advance!!

What's the use of studying history, how does it help us?

Human learns from Experiences.example: A kid learns that "fire is dangerous", only when he experience the burn Experiences may be good or bad.No one wants bad experiences. So how can learn without experiencing something bad ?The answer is : we should learn from others experiences (#Sharing)History is filled with events/knowledge from which we can learn a lot.Implementing the good things (or getting motivated!! )Not repeating the mistakes made in history. ( avoiding wars )

How does history help us in our daily lives? Why should we study if it shows skewed facts by who survived?

Because there is the popular and the unpopular sides of history. You don't have to always believe what you read or hear. History books are often written in bias by the author and the Internet isn't the most reliable source. However, the good news is that the world has become smaller due to technology and we are more informed of the outside world than just within our nation (of course some nations practise strict censorship and warp their education just to control the new generations). As more people speak their opinions on matters, there will always be an available range of sources that you can check and cross-check. Keep a mind of skepticism! To answer your first question, history helps us unimaginably! It tells us who, what, when, why, where and how something happened. It tells us past mistakes and past triumphs; it inspires and teaches us not to let history repeat itself. Finally, it tells us that even in death, what you do and who you are lives on to benefit the future generations! We are beneficiaries of the deceased famous people  and while there are many unsung heroes, we can choose to find out who these are and also continue to give back to the human race.The word "history" comes from the Greek word historía, meaning "inquiry","knowledge from inquiry". It was later borrowed into Classis Latin and its meanings evolved to include 'investigation, inquiry, research, account, description, written account of past events, writing of history, historical narrative, recorded knowledge of past events, story, narrative'. As such, if we want to, we can also contribute to history by recording the transparent and unbias truth! History does not write itself. You are the writer.If you enjoyed reading this, please upvote it! If you want to read more from me, please folllow me! Many thanks!

I need help with global history homework pleaseee?

Christian missionary groups followed explorers to Africa in order to:
a. convert Africans to christianity
b. gather slaves
c. study african culture
d. map out the course of rivers

What event began the European stampede for colonies in Africa?
a. the Boer War
b. belgian king leopold II's activities in the congo
c. henry stanley's explorations of the nile
d. cicil Rhodes' diamond and gold mining

Which country controlled much of northern and west-central Africa?
a. britain
b. france
c. germany
d. belgium

Why was Ethiopia able to maintain its independence from Italy?
a. it was high in the mountains
b. Menelik II had worked hard to modernize it
c. it was divided into domains
d. the italians were poor fighters

thank you! i forgot my textbook!

Help finding momentum.? HELLPPP please TEST tomorrow !!!!?

The Titanic hit an iceberg estimated to be half of her mass. Before hitting the iceberg, the Titanic was estimated to be going 22 kts (11.3 m/s). After hitting the iceberg, the Titanic was estimated to be going about 6.0 knots (3.1 m/s). How fast was the iceberg going after the collision? (Assume a head-on collision) (Hint: first find the momentum of the Titanic before the collision. Then write the expression for the total momentum after the collision, which is the sum of the momentum of the Titanic and the momentum of the iceberg. Make the expression equal to the momentum before and solve.)

can you please show your work how you got the answer
so i can learn how to do it and i can do it on my test tomorrow
thanks so much:]

the person who shows more work gets the best answer:]

thanks so much if you can help me :]

How Did Henry Ford change the way goods were produced in the United States?

Ford created the assembly line for cars.

Ford revolutionized manufacturing. By 1914, his Highland Park, Michigan plant, using innovative production techniques, could turn out a complete chassis every 93 minutes. This was a stunning improvement over the earlier production time of 728 minutes. Using a constantly-moving assembly line, subdivision of labor, and careful coordination of operations, Ford realized huge gains in productivity.

Which of the following was a cause of westward expansion?

Probably a bit of everything. There is however another factor that I think triggered a lot of the expensions. People left Europe to US for many reason and one of them was Religious freedom. People were free to develop their own branch of Christianism in America.
So when a branch of christianism was not dominant in one state then the followers just had to move westward to create their new community.
For example Pennsilvania has been created this way by Mr Penn.