Uses Of Ict In Everyday Life

How can "everyday philosophy " help me in daily life?

This is exactly what philosophical counselors do in their practice. Instead of focusing on abstract philosophical issues they use the wisdom of thinkers from all areas of philosophy to help with everyday problems.For counselors who take this approach, there can be several different methods of approach but they all differ significantly from other psychiatric or psychological approaches in recognizing that some life problems or life situations are not psychiatric or psychological problems. They are, inherently, philosophical problems.Such things might include:Needing help finding meaning and purpose in one’s lifeDealing with the loss of a loved oneTrying to resolve an ethical or moral dilemma in the workplace or one’s personal lifeWhile psychology does have something to say about these problems, philosophers can provide another type of insight that is often very helpful in resolving the problem.If you’re interested in learning more about this approach here are some really good resources to look into:Plato, Not Prozac!: Applying Philosophy to Everyday Problems by Lou MarinoffThe Big Questions: How Philosophy Can Change Your Life by Lou MarinoffThe Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de BottonThe Stoic Art of Living: Inner Resilience and Outer Results by Tom MorrisWhat Would Aristotle do? by Elliot CohenThe New Rational Therapy: Thinking Your Way to Serenity, Success, and Profound Happiness by Elliot Cohen

How do environmental laws affect everyday life?

That’s the problem.When environmental laws are working… nobody really notices.Nobody remembers Trump’s “Great America” when corporationswere free to exercise their constitutional right to pollute.(because the Constitution doesn’t specifically forbid it)Those “great American days” when the Cuyahoga River wasa river of fire… and acid rain spotted the paint on our cars,and people used old motor oil for weed control. FortunatelyNixon (the Republican Party’s last fiscal conservative) createdthe EPA because he understood it was cheaper to preventenvironmental disasters than react to the disasters we caused.Every now & then… generations forget. So we have to returnto the dust bowls, burning rivers, & other man made disastersin order to remind us why we have Environmental regulations.

What things do we use in our daily life?

There are many things we use in our daily life and some we are using first time. There are many humans in this world who don’t even use these necessary things so I am only writing about normal people who use these things daily but did’nt even think about it, imagine your Life Lessons without these necessities and have a look at the top 10 things you use everyday. Comment your suggestions of things we use regularly.1. Televisions2. Shoes or Slippers3. Computers4. Mobile Phones5. Clothes

What is the application of sound waves in daily life?

Ultrasound - sound waves that have a very high frequency are called ultrasound or ultrasonic waves - used: Looking at babies in the womb,
Cleaning instruments, Detecting flaws and cracks in metal.
More detail on the above can be found at this site:

Used in sonar: Ultrasonic waves waves can be converted into electric energy by transducers.
Ocean exploration
Earthquake vibrations and waves
Marine mammals and bats use sonar location
The millitary uses sonar in submarines and in planes

Sound waves are used in exploring for minerals and petroleum and also to locate possible mineral or oil bearing rock formations.
Also used in instruments and amplifiers.
Ultrasonic waves waves can be converted into electric energy by transducers.

Consumer goods that use sound waves:
Cellular Telephone, Motion Pictures, Telephone, C.D.'s
Televisions, the old phonographs, Electronics, Hearing Aids,
Video Tape Recorders, Video Cameras, Speakers, Stethoscopes

Feb 28, 2009
"Feb 28 (IANS) Researchers are working on tactile devices that can help the deaf to ‘hear’ — through vibrations.
Tactile devices translate sound waves into vibrations that allow the user to distinguish between vibratory patterns associated with different sound frequencies."

European researchers - using sound waves to turn everyday objects – including 3D objects – into a new kind of computer interface.
Read the entire article by ICT Results here:

What is the importance of computer graphics in daily life?

3D computer graphics has many applications in the entertainment industry, most importantly video games and visual effects in movie production.In medicine, computer graphics is used to visualise data obtained from medical imaging, such as CT scans.Computer-aided design relies on computer graphics for modelling and visualising products, buildings, cars, etc.The same modelling techniques are used for creating 3D-printed objects.Digital design for printed media and web makes use of 2D computer graphics.2D and 3D computer graphics are used by television broadcasters for live graphics, e.g. in news and sports shows.

How does technology affect our daily lives?


Influence Of Technology On Our Daily Lives

There is almost no place that you can go where technology hasn’t been used. Technology affects our daily lives in everything that we do; it saves time, creates a world of endless learning, and makes traveling to halfway around the world effortless.
Technology greatly reduces the time it takes to perform lives everyday tasks. Daily chores such as mowing the grass or doing the dishes have been reduced from hours to twenty minutes with the invention of the automatic dishwasher and gas powered lawn mower. New technologies have even eliminated the time it takes to read books when you can download the audio book off of iTunes to listen to on your iPod. In the work place machines have eliminated many of the hand labors of molding parts and assembling products creating a great surplus of extra hours to finish other works and increasing production...

You can get more info here:

Do you think computers can ruin your life?

well, using ur clasification i also might say that i'm from 3d world))... but perhaps in my country IT r not intolerated, they just r not widespreaded, there r problems with the general access to IT and people in general just do not know well what it's all about, that's why they afraidf and percept it as irrational evil.

from my personal experience i should say that without computers and iCT i would never be able to do my work (i'm programe manager in the NGO, which is part of the world-wide network) and significant parts of it r done everyday together with people who r thousands of kilometers far. so i feel very grateful to all these clever people who invented and proceed to upgrade computers and ICT and i like it very much. of course there r also patalogical situations when e.g. teens are playing games or chating on-line all the time and just do not live real life. but then again it's not because computers r evil, it's because people r not able to handle their problems and sometimes happen that side effects rest with "computer things". but it's not right to blame computer, it's like saying that cakes r evil, cause some women grow more fat.

so i also on the computer side.