Using A Salt Water Rinse For A Yeast Infection

Would saltwater rinse be good in a dog's ear if they are shaking their heads?

I agree. Head-shaking usually indicates mites, ear infection, or yeast infection. Since water can usually trigger an ear infection, I don't believe that allowing them to dip their heads in the water.

When they shake their heads, get them into the vet to determine precisely what the issue is.

I have a penile yeast infection. Will salt under the foreskin help eliminate surface bacteria and odor?

Burn! Burn! Burn! Don’t try salt, please - I cannot imagine that would be comfortable for the sensitive tissues there.If you want a home remedy, do what women do - a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water wiped on the area with a tissue/ TP 2–3 times a day would help. Plain unsweetened yogurt (no sugar) applied twice a day. Acidophilus capsules emptied onto a square of TP and rub the powder under your foreskin.If you don’t mind purchased remedies, get a tube of Monostat or another female vaginal yeast infection cream - do not get the suppositories, it won’t work. If you get the pre-filled applicators you can squeeze out a bit and put it under your foreskin twice a day.One of the most important parts is to do a really good rinse (no soap - if you leave soap residue, the yeast will eat the sugars in the soap) a few times a day to clean off the gathered yeast before you do the treatments above.

Can i use saline solutions for dog ear infections?

Get the poor dog to the vet and get the infection taken care of. Only antibiotics will help. If you continue to neglect the ear infection, your dog can become deaf.

Now lets see...if you had an ear infection, would YOU go to the dr or would you self treat by putting saline solution in your ear.

Has anyone had luck with curing a yeast infection in a dog's ears with apple cider vinegar?

Not ACV, but standard white vinegar and occasionally witch hazel. The effect is the same.Before trying it yourself, make certain of the following:1. That the dog's ear is not damaged; you do not want to add vinegar to a perforated ear drum.2. That the infection is a yeast infection; vinegar won't do anything for bacterial infections, ear mites or allergies.3. That the infection isn't severe, or the ear isn't swollen shut. At this point, don't try to medicate it yourself; take your dog to the vet.Never, ever, EVER apply undiluted vinegar to a dog's ear. Or your ear. Or your skin. Always dilute at least 1:1; I diluted down more than that.Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and use it to swab the inside of the dog's ear until clean. Do NOT use a Q-Tip; for the same reasons you shouldn't use it in yours! Don't try to pour the liquid into the dog's ear; most dogs aren't happy about that and they'll fling their heads around, tipping liquid wildly and associating you touching their ear with Bad Sensations.Continue to soak, swab, discard, repeat, until the dog's ear is clean. Do again daily until it's cleared.

Bacterial infection in the mouth?

A hydrogen peroxide rinse followed by salt water should help most oral bacterial infections.

Thrush is a yeast infection and Herpes is viral. These are best treated by a doctor. Check out the site below:

What is the best way to reduce throat infection?

Best way to treat throat infectionGargle with a mixture of warm water and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt.Drink warm, soothing liquids such as hot tea with honey, soup broth or warm water with lemon. Herbal teas especially relieve sore throat (5).Cool off your throat by eating a cold treat, like a popsicle or ice cream.Suck on a piece of candy or a lozenge.Turn on a cold mist humidifier to add moisture to the air.Calm down your voice until your throat feels better.Buy Medicine Online From GoMedii