Venus Square Pluto In Natal

Venus square pluto in natal?

Yeah Pluto Venus stuff can be tough, but it has its richness. It's just that superficial, frothy relationships won't please you -- until -- perhaps you can work through all that emotive gristle and realize you will be the only answer to your "issues." With Pluto Venus, as I've learned it (mostly from Liz Greene who is the big expert on this), you have to find something besides a human being (inevitably changeable and disappointing) to work out your passion. You have to find a way to channel all that rich, passionate, creative energy into something other than a relationship -- if just to distract yourself and keep yourself sane. Yes, relationships with Venus Pluto square aren't easy -- but they are alive and enviable to those who will never know those depths. IT IS HARD. But the more you can learn what makes you tick -- outside a relationship - the more you'll have to bring to one. You are certainly not disavowed from enjoying a committed partnership (actually commitment works best for you) but just don't expect it to come overnight. You have to be willing to be 100 percent authentic, raw and make choices that support you regardless of instincts to self-immolate for others. Use your passion to your advantage ... and find a way to express Pluto outwardly rather than it becoming a source for insecurity. You really have to face those fears -- in relationships, we can always lose everything -- but somewhere deep down you know you have a timeless quality that will survive beyond that. Once you really get that feeling in your bones, you'll start attracting the type of people that play on your wavelength. Trust your struggle (I stole that from somewhere).

Venus square pluto in natal chart?

well i have this aspect in my natal chart and well since pluto is generally static, i'll generally square anyone elses pluto with a birthday anywhere near mine.

what could this mean for my relationships?

pluto is at 24 degrees in libra (12th house)
venus is at 22 degrees in capricorn (3rd house)

Venus Square Pluto..?

Intense, deep, powerful relationships and feelings of love and attraction. There may be power issues, you may want to look at how you use power in relationships. I would take care not to compromise either your own or a partners needs. There will be times when you are challenged to overcome obsessive tendencies. It may be difficult for you to accept loss or partings and it would be helpful to you to cultivate acceptance of these things, even though it's hard, along with confidence in the future.

I don't know what the elemental balance of your chart is, but the air and water square here can make the other element uncomfortable, I'd cultivate understanding of and respect for both elements.

Venus square Pluto in natal chart meaning?

What could this mean for my relationships and myself?

My Venus is in Pisces 11.15 degrees and my Pluto is in Sagittarius 7.43 degrees.

And my Venus is in the 7th house and my Pluto is in the 3rd house.

Venus square Pluto in astrological natal chart?

Thanks Been There, that was insightful and helpful. I have Sag on the 8th house and jupiter in the 5th. It was funny, a friend of mine today said "I was the guy with the key". I am often too wrapped in my own intensity and was commented on it in an observation. I have a strange impulse of developing attractions, but not acting further on them unless I fully share myself entirely. However, I also feel as if I must consistently feed my desires and impulsive attractions to verify my identity. Otherwise I feel insecure and just existing.

Does Venus square Pluto in a natal chart equal a magnetic personality or an all-consuming, obsessive one? Venus also conjuncts my Midheaven.

Venus square Pluto is a challenging aspect. As for how challenging it is, that will depend on other factors, such as the sign placement and other aspects, and, mainly, how tight the square is.At the least, your relationships will be intense and very important to you. With Pluto, issues of power and control arise, which are not very “relationship friendly.” There may be a tendency toward obsessiveness, manipulation, and jealousy, which lead to the destruction of relationships. The square aspect shows that you will likely be dealing with the most difficult manifestations of these things.On the plus side, your relationships will be deep and quite possibly expressed with an intense sexuality.The big danger with Pluto, with anything, is when it operates unconsciously. If you’re not aware of the feelings and issues in yourself, then they simply come at you from the world around you, and you can feel like you’re being persecuted. By asking this question you’re showing that you want to be conscious of what’s going on, and that will help you greatly. Keep going in that direction. That’s how to gain the power that Pluto so ardently desires: turn it into power over yourself, control of yourself, coming from an understanding of yourself. Ultimately it’s impossible to control others, and all efforts down that path are doomed. Self-mastery, though, is possible; and in your case, relationships are the training-field for it.Good luck!

In a Venus square Pluto synastry, which one is more obsessive in relationships, the Venus or Pluto person?

Always the Pluto person. This influence is all about jealousy, emotional manipulation, possessiveness and control are likely major components of this relationship if you both weren't careful to sort out your feelings from the start. You've been stirring up intense feelings in your partner from the very beginning. Your sexual attraction to them may also be overwhelming, and you feel transformed by your intimate experiences together.Your emotional lives are closely linked, almost without your having noticed when they merged. And that's when the trouble started. Any separations could leave you feeling intensely insecure, even abandoned, but if that happens, it might have more to do with the kind of dependency your lover has worked hard to create than with anything really to do with you. In fact, they might be the one that really feels insecure and bereft when you display your independence.This kind of emotional extreme can lead the best of us toward urges of possession and manipulation, although dominating each other never brings real satisfaction for either partner. But your partner likely tries it anyway, because your relationship feels so vital to their well-being. Your individual needs for connection and love could be keeping you locked into this pattern, unless you can find a way to examine your emotional life and figure out why you've made the choices you have in your love life.It could be that you feel an overwhelming need for companionship, and that has led you into this controlling, emotionally twisted situation. You both have to learn to stand on your own two feet if you don't want to wear each other out completely.

I have natal Venus square Uranus. Am I doomed to be alone or in unstable relationships forever?

You are not doomed. Astrology inclines, it doesn't compel. And at the end of the day, you are in charge. Take responsibility. And see astrology as a helpful reflector of your inner nature: not a cause of it.You are subtly sabotaging your relationships in some way. Your Venus square Uranus aspect is a helpful pointer and is like a sort of warning bell that is asking you to take a closer look at your relationships. A square is a challenging aspect, yet one you can eventually master and grow from hugely as a person. So this aspect in your birth chart is suggesting that you focus a lot more of your awareness on your close relationships. Research Venus square Uranus on the internet until you get some answers that resonate with you, and thereby boost your personal awareness.Venus denotes close relationships, and Uranus denotes freedom. And many people with this aspect in their chart have an UNCONSCIOUS need for freedom, or perhaps a fear of confinement, or even commitment. So they unconsciously sabotage their relationships, or unconsciously choose people that are inappropriate for them. Become aware of and overcome your unconscious fears.You are the one choosing your relationships. Use your full awareness before you choose your next one. And know that you can succeed and have a unique, beautiful and successful relationship. Look for someone that is prepared to be your best friend as well as your lover.