Verifying Trig Identities 1 - 2cos^2 X = Tan^2 X - 1 / Tan^2 X 1

Verifying trig identities?

cotx - tanx = cosx/sinx - sinx/cosx = (cos^2x - sin^2x)/(cosx sinx) = cos(2x)/(cosx sinx)

cotx + tanx = cosx/sinx + sinx/cosx = (cos^2x + sin^2x)/(cosx sinx) = 1/(cosx sinx)


(cotx - tanx )/(cotx + tanx )

= [cos(2x)/(cosx sinx)] / [ 1/(cosx sinx) ]

= cos2x.

The second question, 1-cos(2x)*sec(x) = (tan(x))^2
seems to be incorrect.
Take x = pi/3.
cos(2x) = cos(2*pi/3) = -0.5
secx = 1/cosx = 1/(cos pi/3) = 1/0.5 = 2
1-cos(2x)*sec(x) = 1 - (-0.5)(2) = 2
But tan^2x = tan^2(pi/3) = 3.

Verifying Trig Identities Please Help!!!?

So your probably thinking that this is for homework...well its not, I have a test tomorrow and I need to understand a few trig identities that i've been trying to figure out for 3 days. Thanks for your help!

θ= theta/variable

(sec^4 θ) - (sec^2 θ) = (tan^4 θ) + (tan^2 θ)

3sin^2 θ + 4cos^2 θ = 3 + cos^2θ

9sec^2 θ - 5tan^2 θ = 5 + 4sec^2 θ

Prove the trigonometric identities?

First, express everything in terms of sine and cosine.

a) I am assuming you meant: [ sin(x) + sin(2x) ] / [ 1 + cos(x) - cos(2x) ] = tan(x)
LS = [ sin(x) + sin(2x) ] / [ 1 + cos(x) + cos(2x) ]
RS = tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)
There are three common forms of the expansion of cos(2x), but I will start using the one that only have cosines in it because the RS only have cosine in the denominator. cos(2x) = 2cos^2(x) - 1
LS = [ sin(x) + 2sin(x)cos(x) ] / [ 1 + cos(x) + 2 cos^2(x) - 1 ]
LS = sin(x) [ 1 + 2cos(x) ] / [ cos(x) + 2cos^2(x) ]
Factor cos(x) out of the denominator.
LS = sin(x) [ 1 + 2cos(x) ] / cos(x) [ 1 + 2cos(x) ]
Cancel common factors.
LS = sin(x) / cos(x) = RS

b) I am assuming you mean: 2tan(y/2) / [ 1 + tan^2(y/2) ] = sin y
RS = sin(y)
LS = 2tan(y/2) / [ 1+tan^2(y/2) ]
There are two common forms for tangent half-angle. I will use the one that has sine in the numerator because the right side has sine in the numerator. For the tan^2 in the denominator, I will use the one with sine in the denominator for the same reason.
LS = 2 sin(y) / [ 1 + cos(y) ] / [ 1 + (1-cos[y] / sin[y])^2 ]
LS = 2sin(y) / [ (1 + cos[y] ) (1 + [ 1-cos(y) ] ^2 / sin^2[y] ) ]
LS = 2sin(y) / [ (1 + cos[y] ) (sin^2[y] / sin^2[y] + [ 1 - 2cos(y) + cos^2(y) ] / sin^2[y]) ]
LS = 2sin(y) / [ (1 + cos[y] ) (sin^2[y] + 1 - 2cos[y] + cos^2[y]) / sin^2(y) ]
LS = 2sin^3(y) / [ (1 + cos[y]) (1 + 1 - 2cos[y]) ]
LS = 2sin^3(y) / [ (1 + cos[y]) (2-2cos[y]) ]
LS = 2 sin^3(y) / ( 2 - 2cos[y] + 2cos[y] - 2cos^2[y] )
LS = 2 sin^3(y) / (2 - 2cos^2[y])
LS = 2 sin^3(y) / 2(1 - cos^2[y])
Cancel the 2's on top and bottom. 1-cos^2(y) = sin^2(y)
LS = sin^3(y) / (sin^2[y])
LS = sin(y) = RS

c) I am not sure how to do this one.


Okay, here are the questions. Make sure to show each step, and if you can explain them!
22.) 2cot2x=cot x-tan x
24.)(cos x - sin x) / (cos x + sin x)= sec2x-tan2x
25.) (1-cos2x +sin 2x)/ (1+cos2x+sin2x)= tanx
26.) sin^2(x)+cos^4(x)=cos^2(x)+sin^4(x)
27.) tan x -cot x = (tan x -1)(cot x +1)
28.) cos x = sin x tan^2xcot^3x

Help me prove a trig identity? prove: tan2x = (2tanx)/ (1 - tan^2 x)?

tan(2x) = (2 tan x) / (1 - tan²x)

Take the LHS.
tan(2x) =

Remember that tan x = sin x / cos x.
sin(2x) / cos(2x) =

Remember that sin 2A = 2 sin A cos A.
2 sin x cos x / cos(2x) =

Remember that cos 2A = cos²A - sin²A.
2 sin x cos x / (cos²x - sin²x) =

Divide the numerator and denominator by cos²x.
(2 sin x cos x / cos²x) / [(cos²x - sin²x) / cos²x] =
[2 sin x(1) / cos x] / [(cos²x / cos²x) - (sin²x / cos²x)] =
[2(sin x / cos x)] / [1 - (sin²x / cos²x)] =

Remember that tan x = sin x / cos x.
(2 tan x) / [1 - (sin²x / cos²x)] =

Remember that tan²x = sin²x / cos²x.
(2 tan x) / (1 - tan²x) =

Prove the identity (8 tan theta)/(1+tan^2 theta)=4 sin 2 theta?

I'll do a couple of them for you.

i) Determine if the equation is an identity (cot(x) - tan(x)) / (sec(x)csc(x))=1. Yes or No?

An equation is an identity if it holds true for all values of x (and y and z, and whatever other variables are in there) where both sides of the equation are defined. If something is not an identity, it's usually pretty easy to find a value of x for which it does not hold true, so let's start by assuming it's not, and finding proof. The way you prove something is not an identity is you find a value of x for which the left hand side does not equal the right hand side.

Normally I'd try x = 0 or x = pi/2 first, because the trig values are so easy to compute, but unfortunately, tan(x) is not defined for x = pi/2, and cot(x) is not defined for x = 0, so we'll have to move on to my second choice, x = pi/4. When x = pi/4, we have:

RHS = 1 ... (as always!)
LHS = (cot(pi/4) - tan(pi/4)) / (sec(pi/4)csc(pi/4))
= (1 - 1) / (1/sqrt(2) * 1/sqrt(2))
= 0

Aha! So, RHS does not equal LHS for this value of x! The equation is not an identity.

f) Factor and simplify.
tan^3(x) + 8 = ?

To do this, use the sum of two cubes factorisation:

a^3 + b^3 = (a + b)(a^2 - ab + b^2)

In this case a = tan(x), b = 2. We get:

tan^3(x) + 2^3 = (tan(x) + 2)(tan^2(x) - 2tan(x) + 4)

Hope that helps!

Proving Trigonometric Identity?

tan2x= 2tanx/1-tan^2x
2tanx/1-tan^2x= tan2x-------------- (1)

cos2x= cos^2x-sin^2x
cos2x= cos^2x- 1+ cos^2x
cos2x= 2cos^x-1
takinf reciprocals
1/cos2x= (1/2cos^2-1)
(1/2cos^2-1)= 1/cos2x ------------------(2)

adding (1) and (2)

2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = tan2x + 1/cos2x
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = tan2x + sec2x
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = sin2x/cos2x + 1/cos2x
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = (sin2x+1)/ cos2x
as sin2x= 2sinxcosx & 1= cos^2x + sin^2x & cos2x= cos^2x- sin^2x
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = (2sinxcosx +cos^2x + sin^2x)/ cos^2x- sin^2x
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) = (cosx+sinx)^2/ (cosx+sinx)(cosx-sinx)
2tanx/(1-tan^2 x) + 1/(2cos^2 x - 1) =(cosx+sinx)/ (cosx-sinx) As Required

How would you prove the identity:  [math] \frac{\cos^{4} x - \sin^{4} x} {\cos^{2} x} = 1 - \tan^{2} x [/math]

I am now going to solve the new question. I will first multiply all of it with [math]\cos^2x[/math], to get that [math]\cos^4x-\sin^4x=\cos^2x-\sin^2x[/math].Let's expand the left side to [math]\left(\cos^2x-\sin^2x\right)\left(\cos^2x+\sin^2x\right)[/math]; as the sum is 1, the identity is proved.OLD ANSWER (DUE TO MISUNDERSTANDING THE QUESTION)Attempting to prove: [math]\cos^4x-\frac{\sin^4x}{\cos^2x}=1-\tan^2x[/math]Let's attempt multiplying by cos^2 x, to get rid of the tangent (it's nasty)cos^6 x - sin^4 x = cos^2 x - sin^2 xLet y = sin^2 x, 1-y = cos^2 x (as the two sum to 1 by the fundamental theorem)(1-y)^3-y^2=(1-y)-y1-3y+y^2-y^3=1-2yy^3-y^2+y=01) y=0 which means sin^2 x = 0 or sin x = 0. Otherwhise:y^2-y+1: Δ=1-4 that gets to no other real solutions. Thus, this appears to have no other solutions when sin x is not 0. In particular, when sin^2 x is 1/2: 1/4 - 1/2 = 1 - 1 (false).

How do you prove sin^2x (1-tan^2x) =sin^2x-2sin^4x/cos^2x?

sin^2x(1-tan^2x)=sin^2x(1-sin^2x/cos^2x)= sin^2x*cos^2x/cos^2x - sin^4x/cos^4x= sin^2x*(1-sin^2x)/cos^2x - sin^4x/cos^4x= sin^2x/cos^2x - sin^4x/cos^4x-sin^4x/cos^4x= RHS

Verify that: tan^2x-sin^2x = (tan^2x)(sin^2x)?

Divide both sides by sin^2(x):

tan^2 / sin^2 = (sin^2/cos^2) / sin^2 = 1/cos^2 = sec^2

sec^2(x) - 1 = tan^2(x)

That's a trigonometric identity.