Very Itchy Sore Throat

Red/itchy vagina & sore throat?

I agree. It does sound like a candida (yeast) overgrowth. Stop eating ice cream. Sugar and anything fermented like beer or wine, juice (not fresh squeezed), catsup, soysauce, peanut butter, etc... all encourage the growth of candida.

I know it sounds a little gross but the best way to fight a vaginal yeast infection is to put some PLAIN yogurt on a pad and wear it (in the privacy of your own home) for as long as you can stand. Fish oil, fresh lemon juice, garlic, honey, and acidophilus which can be found in pill form, in yogurt, and in Kefir are all yeast and bacteria fighters. It's important to starve the yeast by abstaining from sugar and fermented products and to fill up on foods that will support your healthy bacteria so that the good can defeat the bad in your body.

Try to follow that type of diet for up to three weeks. You'll feel better within days but your body is still fighting so you must support the good side.

Difference between itchy and sore throat?

hi i was wondering what the difference (feeling wise) was between an itchy and sore throat? right now i am pretty sure that i have allergies, but i'm not sure if my throat is itchy or sore. i know that when you have an itchy throat it's allergies and the latter a cold. please help!

What causes a sore throat and itchy ears?

An allergy, a starting cold, the flu or anything related to upper resporatory tract.

Waking up with sore throat?

For the past week or so I've been waking up every morning with a sore throat and a little bit of an itch in my throat.. This morning I also had a stuffy nose. The sore throat goes away after an hour or so, and doesn't come back until late at night or the next morning. I have my usual energy and appetite throughout the day, and don't feel sick or like I have a cold (except in the mornings).

I had a 10 day cold only 3 or 4 weeks ago, felt better for one or two weeks, and then got this. I did make-out with a girl 11 days ago, and started feeling the sore throat in the mornings only two days after, but from what I know of she hasn't been sick since. Regardless, if it is a cold, I could have gotten it from something else.

Do I have a cold, or is this allergy to pollen or something? If it is an allergy to pollen, how much longer will this last? I've never been allergic to pollen before.

Sore throat, itchy ears, cough with mucus?

I woke up not being able to talk above a whisper yesterday. My throat was really sore and when i could talk, it sounded broken. I can talk now, but it still hurts and i don't sound like myself. I've been coughing a lot, and there is sometimes dark yellow mucus.
Also, my ears are really itchy inside. And it's deep inside, so i can't reach the itch. WHen i swallow, it feels like my ears are like..draining into my brain. I don't know, that probably doesn't make any sense. But when i swallow i feel pulling in my ears. Sometimes pulling down on my ear lobe helps.
I've had a light fever, but nothing really bad. Just a mild one. Does this just sound like a common cold or should i actually go to a doctor about it?

Btw, i have a history of longlasting bronchitis where each time i get it i end up with three inhalers and medicine to take. I also have gotten strep several times, but i've gotten bronchitis where i have it for like, three months, it goes away, then comes back like a month later. I've finally got it to go away for about seven months. I don't think that's what this is, i just didn't know if that'd be relevant.

What is a good remedy for itchy ears and throat?

For Sore throat, gargling warm salt water would help a lot, will cure the pain immediately and you can swallow food comfortably. For ear, Antibiotics would be best use and will help a lot to cure both ears and throat. in case of serious infection, consider a consult with an expert such as Dr. David Greene Arizona to get diagnosed and treat properly.

Can you get a sore/ itchy throat when you have allergies?

its spring and my throat is a little bit itchy....if you have allergies, can you have an itchy throat and no runny nose (mines not running) throat isn't severely itchy but im worried about the swine flu!!!!!! could an itchy throat mean the SWINE FLU!!???? 0_0!

How is a sore throat connected to having itchy ears?

ENT = Ears, nose and throat.If you have an infection in one area it is possible to get into the others that are basically all together.I have found that a red ear, usually because of an infection will itch like mad.A doctor can look properly and determine exactly what is going on.I cannot see your ear from here so I could not give a diagnosis only guess.Thanks for asking, see your doctor.