Virtual Reality The Advancement Of Technology

Technological Advancements - Pokemon?

No... aside from the utter insanity that would have to occur to even think about bioengineering pokemon, think about all the ethical problems that would result. Even if we decide that it is not unethical to keep super powerful monsters as pets to do your bidding, I don't think any society will ever decide it is ethical to raise these creatures from birth to kill each other.

Team Rocket is presented as an anomaly in canon for wanting to use pokemon as tools rather than treating them as partners. In Real life, I fear they would be the rule rather than the exception

Do you think the technological advancements today (VR, AR, AI, Blockchain) confirm the feasibility of having a universal, virtual world in the future?

Absolutely - I just don’t know that it will be universal. It may in the sense that there is a single platform but human beings are very tribal - and seemingly becoming more so these days (I’m not talking about U.S. politics here but looking at it from a global perspective).There could be a universal virtual world in the future but that is no guarantee that we will all see it that way. We currently live in a universal physical world - and the fate of the planet impacts us all - and look at the differences between us.So it could very definitely happen - I’m just not sure we would notice.

What will the future technology be like?

I wonder what will we have in 100 years from now? what do you think is going to happen in this century? I am wondering if the future is going to look high tech. What do you think would happen.

And don't give me the world will end in 2012 answer or the world will blow up answer I would like an actual answer on what would happen in the future.

Technology... Good or bad?

"They" say that the world is becoming even more connected than it ever has before.

I say if anything we are moving farther away from each other.Even if modern medicine extends our lives. Even though we (the entire human race)are now comparable to a parasite or a swarm of locusts, we are still able to avoid face to face conversing. Business meetings, birthdays (replaced by facebook), what used to be a great phone conversation has now turned into a text full of slang, that leaves people wondering about the tone of the text, or what omg or btw means. Technology in itself is giving us an excuse to hide indoors. Indoor water pieces, exercise equipment, virtual tennis, bowling ping pong... you name it. Let's sit around a damned TV and frantically wave our arms at it. Society is increasingly becoming lazier and obese. "They" try to blame it on fast-food and calories, but the reality is we do not burn as many as we used to. McDonald's has a machine that pours the soda for employees, we rent movies form the computer instead of walking down to the ma and pa video store, or wait, are any of those still open? Not if Blockbuster is filing for bankruptcy. I can sit here and list my growing anger of this dire situation. But, I want your opinion.

Technology,... pick a side. Good or Bad?