Visble Pulse In Abdomen For Years

Visible heartbeat in the abdomen...?

You don't sounds like you are marfanoid or have a connective tissue disorder.
The vast majority of young fit people with minimal abdominal fat will have a visible pulsation in their abdomen - especially if you look along the level of the abdomen in a patient who is lying flat.

Absolutely nothing to worry about. You do NOT have a AAA.

Is it normal to see and feel the pulse in the abdomen?

If you’re moderately skinny, yes. The aorta (largest blood vessel that leaves the heart) runs through the abdomen to about the level of your belly button, where it splits into the two iliac arteries (one for each leg). The aorta is a little bigger around than your thumb for most of this path. It’s a big artery, carrying a lot of blood. You should need to push in a little to feel the pulse. You can often see the upper abdomen pulsate a little when you’re lying down but this (in my opinion) seems to be more due to the heart beating and pushing against the diaphragm, which makes it look like your abdomen is pulsing. I used to be fascinated by that when I was a kid and skinny enough to see it…All of that said, there is a pathologic condition called Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in which part of wall of the aorta gives out and balloons out. Imagine a garden hose with a bulge in part of it. This is abnormal and very dangerous as it can rupture, which is almost always fatal. if you are overweight, over about 40, started having back pain around the time you noticed this pulse, are a smoker, or a have a family history of aneurysms, and you can see or feel a pulse in your abdomen, I’d recommend seeing your doctor. If you’re a 20-something skinny person, this is very likely normal.

I can feel my pulse in my abdomen. Is this normal?

The aorta is the largest artery in the body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and extending down to the abdomen, where it branches off into two smaller arteries (the common iliacs). The aorta distributes oxygenated blood to all parts of the body through the systemic circulation (1).Most of the time feeling a pulse in your abdomen is normal, particularly if you are a thin person.However, much less commonly feeling a strong pulse in the abdominal area, particularly if it is together with feeling a bulge, may be caused by a weakness and dilatation of the lower part of the aorta, called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).Risk factors for developing an abdominal aortic aneurysm include (2)Age - AAA is often seen in males over age 60 who have one or more risk factors.SmokingHigh blood pressureHigh cholesterolMale genderEmphysemaGenetic factorsObesityInflammation (vasculitis) or infection of the aortaThe larger the aneurysm, the more likely it is to rupture and break open.Symptoms of AAA:A pulsating feeling near the navelTenderness or pain in abdomen, chest or backClammy skinNausea and/or vomitingShockReferences:Aorta. Wikipedia Aortic Aneurysm Aortic Aneurysm

What might be causing the pulsating upper abdomen just under chest bone?

Your aorta (largest artery in the body) runs thru the center of your body. The thoracic and abdominal aorta are above and below this area. If feeling pulsating it might be blood flow, restriction or something pressing against these areas. Concerning if pain is present with the pulsation. This could mean an abdominal aortic aneurysm or Thoracic aortic aneurysm for the chest area. Refer to this symptom checker to the site there are 67 possible reasons. The above mention being the more serious as could be fatal if bursts and not treated right away.

Why do my feet have a visible pulse now?

I woke up two days ago and ever since that day, I've have a visible pulse in the top of both of my feet, where the prominent vein is. I've never had this happen before and it doesn't seem to hurt. Has this happened to anyone else before? I don't want to go to the hospital and couldn't even if I wanted to, anyway.

Abdominal aortic aneurysm 17 year old?

You should be able to feel your abdominal aortic pulse and see it too if you look hard enough and even more so while your heart rate and blood pressure are up while working out. If you can't, you have too much fat and that's a problem all on it's own. Don't be concerned. And don't let the other 2 people who replied fool you. A blocked artery in the heart has nothing to do with an aneurysm. And an aneurysm isn't always fatal, in fact some aneurysms are treated by the "wait and see" method, so nothing is done unless it gets worse. What IS fatal is a RUPTURED aneurysm, you would have less than 10 seconds of consciousness left if that happened.

If you don't have pain, a fever or unexplained weight loss don't worry yourself. And keep in mind that your upset stomach can be caused by your anxiety. If your mind still isn't eased take a quick trip to your general practitioner. It will take 10 seconds to feel your abdomen and assure you that you are fine.

Please don't worry yourself.