Vitamin G The Vitamin Everyone Should Take

What vitamins can I take to become fat?

Depends on your nature, age and health status.No vitamins will do that. Only more food (carbs, proteins). If you’re slim by genetics, you may not even get fat without endangering your health. If you’re young and healthy best way is to do some body shape exercise. If you do them every day, you will also have to add one additional meal.That will easily make you gain 10% of your weight in a one year span. Since exercise is targeting muscle groups, you can reshape your body and such a small change can make your appearance and impression change drastically. It’s a totally different story if you gain 10 kg of muscle and 10 kg of body fat which will just make your skin look 1 cm thicker.Remember:

Should I be taking Vitamin C and Dong Quai at the same time (to induce early pregnancy abortion)?

I've been taking 1gram of Vitamin C every 2 hours and 1.6grams every 4 hours. I feel no cramps or nothing. Is that normal?

Women who don't like my question, don't answer it. If you're going to "report abuse" on this question, as you been doing with all my other abortion questions, then you'll only depriving a desperate person for information. Please let me know my options before I decide to bring someone into this world. I can stop taking the pills and it's not dangerous to have the baby, but first I want to know my options.

No nasty comments, because I will just ignore them.

Large doses of vitamin C are suppose to cure the common cold. One commercial over the counter product?

1g = 1000mg
0.9g = 900mg

for every tablet, there is 100mg vitamin c. so you'll need 9 tablets for a .90g dose of vit.c.

Wat kind of vitamins will make your penis grow?


College student - should I take a multi-vitamin??

I would take a multi- vitamin, even though you are eating healthy there are still a lot of vitamins and minerals that your body needs and you may not be getting them. I would keep it simple, like buy Centrum which you take once a day. That way your are not over doing it with vitamins but at the same time your body is getting what it needs. Best of luck to you :D