Wait So Is Ebola Actually Racist How Can A Disease Be Racist That

Wait, so, is Ebola actually racist? How can a disease be racist? That's absurd.?

FIRST You are is absurd
SECOND There are several ebola victims that are from non-black culture....One Russian lab English lab tech.... One of the WHITE American doctors got it....a Vietnamese nurse got it....viruses are "color blind".....ebola is an equal opportunity killer
THIRD.... this is not political.... it is not conservatives / liberals.... it is life and death....survival

Why is Ebola racist?

Well back in the day ebola could never kill more than 100 people because they were all spread out, unfortunately western bleeding hearts have propped up their population growth to the point where Africa's population has tripled since 1960 (seriously look it up) so now nature is correcting course. You can see the same phenomenon when humans cause overpopulation of deer, you'll get either a stripped forest and then starvation or an epidemic before too long, even if western governments are successful in stopping Ebola it's merely buying time.

Yes or No: is ebola racist?

Do you mean the river? Or the virus named after it? In either case, neither are sentient beings, and thus are incapable of being racist. And just to clear up the confusion, a racist is someone who thinks that at least one race is inherently (and thus genetically) inferior to another race. Furthermore, race is not to be confused with ethnicity.

Why is Ebola racist?

Well back in the day ebola could never kill more than 100 people because they were all spread out, unfortunately western bleeding hearts have propped up their population growth to the point where Africa's population has tripled since 1960 (seriously look it up) so now nature is correcting course. You can see the same phenomenon when humans cause overpopulation of deer, you'll get either a stripped forest and then starvation or an epidemic before too long, even if western governments are successful in stopping Ebola it's merely buying time.

Why do we allow Africans bring their diseases to Europe instead of banning all flights from these countries?

That's not effective because people can always take connecting flights. But ebola isn't really much of a threat to the developed countries. It's spread in Liberia mostly because of a cultural practice of washing the dead bodies, which exposes people to the bodily fluids. Nearby countries, that don't have that practice, have not been affected much. It's also not contagious until the person is actually vomiting and having diarrhea, at which point you can stay away unless you're a health care worker.
Cutting off flights poses serious economic problems. Until ebola appears to be as much of a health risk as flu and pneumonia (which each cause thousands of deaths a year), overreacting is not going to be helpful.

Science is a form of discourse, a large set of language terms and definitions, combined with some political rules that are taken to determine how scieñtists behave toward one another and how they criticize--or attack each other's work.  Did Scientist A follow the rules?  Did Scientist B break the rules? And is Scientist B influential enough to get away with some rule-breaking? How well-funded is his research? How important is his lab to the university? Scientists generally have some high-minded principles about how science ought to work, but it's worthwhile to examine how it actually does work.Scientific discourse fundamentally has the form of polemic. It's intended to convince a community to accept a theory. In actual practice, Paul Feyerabend's characterization of the fundamental principle of science as "Anything Goes" is spot on. Feyerabend's critique of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and his decades-long debate with Lakatos on these issues is worth careful study. So, can science be racial or racist? Of course. Nazi scientists certainly did science by the standards of their little concentration camp scientific community. How long would it take a Jew to die in freezing water? How did identical twins fare when one of them was deliberately inoculated with a disease? In an earlier era, phrenology--the study of bumps on the head--was used scientifically. Scientists regularly try to prove, and claim they have proven, that white people are smarter than black people, that women are inçapable of abstract thought, and a variety of other things we would interpret as racist in 2016. The US military allowed a large group of black men to have untreated syphilis--just to see how the disease would progress. That was science. Science is polemic. It's adherents claim a special status for it, but so do most practitioners of polemic, for their fields of persuasion. Science is great, but it has all the fallibility of other human activities, including the possibility of racism. Science is great. It's just not as special as its enthusiasts would have us believe.

I think what you're describing is class. It's the thing that “whites” quite often mistaken for “Racism.” It is does tend reveal itself in political discussions because of political pecking orders.For example, when Mitt Romney ran for POTUS against John McCain on 2007 (I believe), Romney was alleged to have been told by the Republican elites “to wait his turn.” It wasn't an economic issue because Romney had more money than God. Instead it was about seniority within the party.Class doesn't necessarily have to take on political characteristics. It very well can take on social characteristics but with the same pecking order. I don't know if they still use the term, “social climbers,” but someone is accused of attempts to gain a higher social position within a particular group (e.g. wealth class). Trump's father was a “social climber” according to Christian Winter's answer to Is Trump a social climber?You can also see it across ethnicities within the same social group, “whites.” It is when one ethnicity isn't perceived “as white” as another ethnicity. Unlike Racism, there's no formal structures in place to oppress the perceived lesser inter-group ethnicity. An example would be the English and Irish.I hope this helps.