>x; //the o" /> Want To Write A Constant String With The Block Of Data In C



Want To Write A Constant String With The Block Of Data In C

How do I convert a string into an integer in C++? I have many strings like "98756" and "433", and I want to convert them to integer variables. How can I do that?

It's simple,use the stringstream to stream the class to operate on stringsfor example: convert the string "12345" to integer:1-first use the library that include the class stringsream and it's sstream2-use a copy from this class3-codestring s="12345";
int x=0;

stringstream convert(s);//object from the class stringstream
convert>>x; //the object has the value 12345 and stream it to the integer x
//now the variable x holds the value 12345
My code:for more details check this link:http://www.cplusplus.com/referen...

What is meant by pointer to array?

A pointer to an array is a reference to the array or data so that its contents can be read or manipulated. It gives you a handle to the array so that you can access it. In low level terms, a pointer does first level indirection. You read the actual value of the pointer and that value will give you the location of the data element you wish to access.

How do I create an array of strings in c++ dynamically using pointers?

You want to do it using raw pointers? Alrighty, then.std::string* ptr = new std::string[n];
Or, use C++11 smart pointers.std::unique_ptr ptr(new std::string[n]);
For the above, you'll need to include the header file.

Write a program to find whether the entered number is an integer or float in C?

#include #include int main(void) {int a;float b,c;printf("Enter the number \n");scanf("%f",&b);a=b;printf("a= %d \t", a);printf("b= %f \n",b);c=b-a;b=b-a;printf("a= %d \t", a);printf("b= %f \t",b);printf("c= %f \n",c);if(c==0)printf("Entered number is integer \n");elseprintf("Entered number is float \n");return 0;}Program is no doubt very simple once you identify what logic to you. I have used the simplest logic(or say “basic logic”). Critical step is “b=b-a”; internal typecasting happens here. Further I have made use of it.One other option is making use of logic “char- ‘0’ ” . Suppose char is 5.6, it would return 5 a result. Further it’s same.And yeah, I have used so many print statements for a reason.

What is the dictionary meaning of a word?

This phrase is misleading. The "dictionary meaning" is a loose reference to what is known as the "denotative" meaning of a word, that is, what the word specifically and concretely names. There are other meanings, called the "connotative" meaning, which is what the word "connotes," or what it implies or suggests or is associated with beyond what its literal meaning is.

What data type for an IP in C?

you mean IP address? Try a string if you want it in human form else is 4 byte integer.

ie: "" as a string

char* ipstr = "";
long ip = (255<<24)|(254<<16)|(253<<8)|252;

(untested, but you get the idea)

Why do we need variable declaration in c?

Put it like this. C is strongly typed, compiled language. As you know, all computers have RAM which is a finite source of memory to allocate. When you program, you actually try to solve the real world problem, and you use different types to represent the different data. If you didn't have a mechanism to do so, how would you tell your computer that your program will need 4 bytes of data allocated for your operation? Simple -> You declare a variable of primitive types (int, float, char, boolean, long), or complex types (string, vector,  YourFooClass), and give it a name. The compiler will know how much memory it has to allocate for the given type.