Was Jeremiah Wright Correct When He Said

Why did Rev. Wright say Michelle Obama could be the 1st 'black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally' ?

According to the New York Post:

September 1, 2008

TOLEDO, Ohio - The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's fiery ex-pastor, re-emerged yesterday with a crude reference about race and sex in the White House.

"This ordinary boy [Obama] just might be the first president in the history of the United States to have a black woman sleeping at 1600 Pennsylvania legally," Wright said, referring to Michelle Obama, in a sermon at the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston

It was unclear whether Wright was making a reference to prostitution, to old miscegenation laws, or to the history of illicit interracial sex under slavery

Are these appropriate words to be coming from the mouth of an alleged 'Reverend'? How could Obama bring his daughters to listen to this filth every Sunday?

Jeremiah 7:16 meaning?

Why did Jehovah forbid Jeremiah to pray for the Israelites? Clearly, it was because of their flagrant transgressions of his Law.

Openly and shamelessly, they were “stealing, murdering and committing adultery and swearing falsely and making sacrificial smoke to Baal and walking after other gods.”

Consequently, Jehovah told the faithless Jews: “I will throw you out from before my face, just as I threw out all your brothers, the whole offspring of Ephraim.”

Certainly, it would be out of place for Jeremiah, or anyone else, to pray for Jehovah to reverse His judgment.

And it may even be necessary to disfellowship an unrepentant wrongdoer. In that case, elders do not pray publicly for one who is expelled and is pursuing a sinful course; it would be pointless to do so. (Jer. 7:16)

They will, however, imitate God by showing the disfellowshipped person how he can return to God’s favor.

Rev. Wrights Comments "Chickens Come Home to Roost" Originated from Which Nation of Islam Leader?

You've got your answer, but let's be sure we don't dump Malcolm X in the sewer with Jeremiah Wright.

Malcolm X's own assassination was due in part to the fact that he was moving away from the racist ideology of The Nation of Islam and looking at whites as individuals, not as a group of racist devils.

Obama has excused and forgiven Reverend Wright for his racist remarks and has said that we (whites) should understand that Wright's views reflect the generation in which he grew up. In other words, it's okay for Rev. Wright to hold on to 40-year-old perceptions and teach them to young blacks whose parents weren't even born back then. Obama did not bother to say that Malcom X was 16 years older than Wright and grew up in cirsumstances that were at least as bad as those experienced by his pastor, but Malcom X, who was still a young man (30) when he died, was starting to put his past perceptions and prejudices behind him. Not so Jeremiah Wright!