Was She Not My Real Friend Was She Two-faced All Along

How to deal with or not deal with a two-faced sister?

My sister was my best friend. All along the way, she has insulted me with remarks and always downplaying achievements in my life.but I have always felt like I had to be best friends with her because we do have fun together and I didn't have any close friends. Anyhow, I have come to the conclusion that she is manipulating everyone and always believes she's right and everyone else is stupid and wrong. She has an extremely righteous attitude that makes it hard to be around her sometimes. I have recently yelled at her and told her to never contact me again. I have had enough of her super ego and snappy attitude. Of course, I am sad to lose my sister but I don't think I should subject myself to her attitude and manipulative ways. What do you think?

My son's girlfriend is a back stabbing, two faced drama queen?

Check this out! My 16 year old son and his 18 year old girlfriend were together and I wouldn't let them spend the night together, drink, smoke, and other normal rules. I stopped them from seeing each other for 30 days because they got caught having sex in the car one night so the little ***** called Child Protective Services on me. LOL I couldn't figure out who or why someone would do such a thing. She called and said I was emotionally abusing him and neglecting him. Meanwhile my son knows she is doing this. Can you believe that sh it? She, at the age of 17-18 hacked into my facebook, slashed my tires on my brand new car, stole from me and my son stayed with her. And she had the balls to ADMIT TO ME THAT SHE DID ALL OF THIS. She even stole the stereo system out of my car and told me. She always made fun of me and made rude comments behind my back and had my son literally hating me because I didn't let them run the streets and I set boundaries. She totally controlled him and alienated him from his friends and me and his brother. She called CPS on me ten times in a year. They finally caught on and she got in trouble for providing false info to these CPS people. She told me she did all of this, not because she felt bad but because she was just plain flat evil. I understand sweety. When they broke up, my son told me he loved her and went along with it all. He lost his virginity to that little **** *** ***** so he was very attached to her. It was hell. So as I was saying they broke up and he apologized and told me he was so scared of losing her he just went along with it.
Did this help you at all? I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone and I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND! I don't know if I answered any of your questions. GOOD LUCK! Things will pass, they always do.

My best friend is two-faced?

I had a friend kind of like that in middle school. We had been best friends all through grade school because when you're that little, everything is fun and games. But I noticed as we got older that she was starting fights all the time, not just with me but our other mutual friends as well. It seemed like every other week we were all biting each others heads off, and she was the common denominator. She basically had no filter on her mouth; just said whatever inconsiderate things came to mind. She would talk about us to each other, and in particular would act like the snake in my ear making me paranoid that other people were always talking about me.

I think before you do anything, you should talk to her about how you feel. But if that doesn't go well, or she promises a change and doesn't follow through, don't keep giving her chances. I did with my friend, and she just kept disappointing me.

So, hard as it was, I had to sit her down and tell her we couldn't be friends anymore. Like a break-up. She didn't really get mad; she seemed caught off guard - which I think is what made it harder. It was awkward; part of me still wanted us to be friends, but she was toxic. And the other issue was that we still had all the same friends so we still sat at the same lunch table, hung out with the same people... But eventually, they all got fed up and broke away from her too.

And you know what? It was the right thing for us to do. Our get-togethers went so much better. No fighting, no tears. We got along 10x better, and I'm still friends with all of those people. And that's not to say I became an enemy of the toxic friend. If this ends up being what you have to do, just remember that you should always treat people respectfully, even if they don't always show you the same courtesy (but don't put up with a lot of crap either).

How do I deal with my best friend rubbing her boyfriend in my face?

So, I've got two best friends. The first, we'll call her Beth, has had a boyfriend for around six months now. He's a cool, nice guy and I get along with him. Plus she hasn't changed at all. She's still same old Beth, and when she's with her boyfriend, she still leaves time for me. She's never bragged about him or anything.
HOWEVER, my other best friend just got a boyfriend like, two weeks ago. They are "totally in love", and tell me every single chance they get. He's really nice, however, he live sin another country. They met online. On a kiddy website called Gaia. She just turned thirteen. I can get along with him, but it's becoming a little bit major. Now, they both video call me every chance they get, and brag about each other and their relationship. Also, every chance they get, they bring up that I don't have a boyfriend. I've told them that it irritates me, and that if they want alone time, they can just tell me. But then they insist on video calls with me, in which only to rub their completely fake love in my face. I'm about ready to rub something in their face, and that thing would be my ***. For all I care, they can kiss it. I'm so freaking done, and I don't know what to do. She's my best friend, and I so I don't want to be like, "You guy's need to stop. You're never going to meet. Neither of you can even drive yet. So shut up. You met two weeks ago. You are not in love. Leave me out of your retarded relationship." But that's seriously what I want to say. Point is, I want to keep my best friend, but it's never just me and my best friend anymore. It's me, my best friend, and her clingy *** boyfriend. I'm seriously going to start ignoring them if they don't stop. I've ranted about it to other people, and they even know about it, yet they still continue to rub it in my face. I've separated them and told them both. Yet they still do it. Please help me? thanks(:

What should I do with my best friend? she's so fake, controlling and bossy?

ok lets call her "amy". we've been friends for 6 years. I love her but she gets on my nerves. she's always telling me what to do and she gets mad if I hang out with another friend. last night I was out with one of my friends and my away on aim said " out with diana! havin fun (: " and amy was like oh you love her more than me. wtf I told her that she was being ridiculous.

amys always obsessed with peoples weight & how they look.. its so ANNOYING. a few days ago we were hanging out at the mall and amy was like "OMG you're sooo skinny now. why?!" she kept makin a big deal about my weight loss. (we didn't see each other for a few months and I was kinda chubby the last time she saw me. I'm 5'1 and I was 126. now i'm 110) do you think she was jealous or something? she's a bit on the overweight side -5'7 and 190 lbs (no offense) I think she's a pretty girl but it seems like she's so insecure about how she looks. she's always sayin that she looks ugly and fat

and she's been acting so different lately. she's ALWAYS with her boyfriend. 24/7 literally! there's never a time when she's not with him. i'm not jealous its just that she never has time for her friends. and she hasn't been talking to me that much.

she's kinda 2 faced. one time on aim she was sending me pics of her friends and comparing herself to them. I thought that was really shallow of her. and she's alwayss picking on me. its so annoying

her mom is really b*tchy and makes fun of her weight all the time. do you think that's why she's like this?

sorry this was so long! i hope i get many answers

Why does someone I treat like my best friend not consider me a friend?

Heavy words. So you treated this person as a best friend, but to him/her you are not even a friend? Well, this sounds like a situation I was in during my early school days.This girl was a new transfer student to our class, and I took an immediate liking to her. I was elated when I learnt I was to be her class partner for the semester. I was really friendly to her. Always with her, always talking to her, laughing and joking with her. Things that friends do together and have fun with, you know? I guess I did notice her lukewarm response, but I pushed it out of my mind, believing that we were friends because... hey, I treated her like my best pal so it's not quite possible she did not see me as a friend, right? The answer was "no". Barely before the semester was over, she gave me this glare and told me pointblank to NEVER GO NEAR HER EVER AGAIN.I was hurt. Why? And such a strong reaction! I didn't do anything bad or to her. I was friendly! So friendly to her! Aren't we friends? How come she didn't like me and felt the exact opposite when all I had done was being a best pal? But yep, the problem was that I was too friendly. I never cared if she wanted to be my friend in the first place, I was the one who wanted to be friends with her. It was one-sided all along. So imagine, this person you have no feelings for and isn't that interested in making friends with, is always sticking around you, talking to you, laughing and joking with you (heck, did we even share the same interests and humour?! I don't know that but I doubt so.), no wonder she lost her temper.What counted as friendly actions to me, were intrusive, suffocating and perhaps even creepy to her. So... friendship is mutual just like User-9980406137963918156 said. Pay more attention to this person - does he/she enjoy your company? Does the two of you share any common interests and do you two even talk about a common interest topic? And consider your friendly actions again. Is your story my story? Your "friend" could well be interpreting your actions in a very different way.

Are all Libras two faced?

Libras don't like conflict. If they have a problem with someone they will do their best to avoid it or keep it quiet. Why? Because we like to keep the peace, amd don't want to hurt anyone. Yes, it does fall under that category of being two faced,and unfortunately we do tend to say things about our friends/family behind their back when we're upset. This is how we deal with things at upset us. It's not that your mom or brother really hate eachother, that's their way of blowing off steam. If it is truely upsetting you, confront them. But be mature as possible about it and discuss it calmly without yelling. Libras hate arguements that involve yelling and will tune you out and become submissive just to get along. Good luck & don't get to worked up over it.

Should an impatient Sag confront or let go of someone two faced?

I am a Sagittarius man.I know how you feel. I am straight forward,honest, and I hate people who talk crap behind my back.To be honest, I have never gotten along with a Gemini.

I do not like Geminis.I think your friend was being two faced and I would tell her off and I probably wont even look at her face anymore.

People always call me anti social but the truth is, I am not going to hang around people who are going to talk bad about me or critize me behind my back, I will be anyones friend if they dont talk bad about me or talk down to me.Most people who do have alot of friends dog eachother, I dont know why but its like that.

Most people are jerks, trust me.