Was Stalin A Nice Person

What was Stalin like as a person?

Joseph Stalin was a lovable person, strong in likes and dislikes, he loved his country, he also wanted to contribute to the general well being and peace in the world! He was indeed a global person, as much as Nehru of India, Nasser of Egypt! Some successors like Nkita Krushchev, learned a lot from Stalin's life and style of administration and political skills and wisdom!

What if Joseph Stalin was a nice person?

If Stalin was a nice guy, he would not have risen to the top echelons of power in the revolutionary movement. Someone else would have. We would have never heard of Stalin, and we would have this other person in history books.I suppose your real question is whether things like purges and repression would have happened.Most likely, yes. He wasn’t doing it out of some personal sadism. He had goals. Another person in his position would likely have had a similar personality, and probably used similar methods. The Party never lacked for “strong hands”.

Is it wrong to like Stalin as a person ?

No, Liberals love people like that. Along with: Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler, Che Guevara,and Fidel Castro.

(Case in point: Sean Penn attended a candlelight vigil for ailing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in La Paz on Monday)

What was Joseph Stalin like as a person?

He was the leading man in the Bolshevik Party's underground organisation, and it shaped his thinking.  He also successfully organised bank raids to fund the party. He seems to have been scornful of the whole "personality cult", but found it useful for mobilising the mass of the population.He faced an enormously dangerous situation, when Fascism was spreading fast.  This meant dumping some of the more radical ideas of the original revolution and concentrating on saving the core.The power of the Soviet Union and Global Leninism rose steadily while he was in charge and declined steadily under his successors.A lot of his bad reputation comes from Trotsky and his followers, gifted but without a single solid achievement to their name since they broke with mainstream Leninism.

Was Joseph Stalin a good person?

I laughed so hard at your question I spilled my coffee on my keyboard. No he was not.

Stalin's great purges in the late 1930s had almost wiped out the political leadership of the party that had had any connection to the 1917 revolution itself, through the use of coerced confessions and summary executions. That also destroyed his military command and weakened terribly the Soviet army, making it easier for the Nazis to invade Russia.

Stalin sent millions to forced labor camps and forcibly collectivized the peasantry at enormous human cost. Of those 18 millions sent to Goulag camps, many died, either on the way (sometimes more than half of them) or from bad treatments. There's no difference between the nazi concentration camps (not the death camps) and the goulag camps.

Stalin finished to deprive workers of all power and of any social or economic rights

Stalin built a cult around himself and deified himself, just like the North Korean leader is doing

Stalin was responsible for the great famines in Ukraine, This was done to 'teach the peasants who were the masters'. the famine was accompanied by a devastating purge of the Ukrainian intelligentsia and the Ukrainian Communist party itself. The death toll is between 6 to 7 millions dead.

Krushchev exposed the horrible crimes of Stalin, who had died in 1953. Describing Stalin as "violent," "capricious" and "despotic," he cited Lenin's suppressed 1922 testament asking for the removal of Stalin from his position as general secretary of the party.

Was stalin a good person or bad in your view?

Whilst it is not easy to find many good things to say about Stalin - deaths of millions, having his close comrades arrested & shot, abandoning one wife and so humiliating his second wife that she commits suicide and his reaction to his son's capture by the Nazis - he did one thing that everyone in the World should be grateful for; he defeated the Nazis.
True many other countries were involved, but the Soviets absorbed the greatest blow, and, largely through her own efforts, kicked them all the way back to Berlin. Had Stalin's Five Year Plans not involved the mobilisation of the entire country, and had he been too moralistic to use prisoners (effectively slaves) to build the new factories, then WWII would have ended very differently.
One other good thing that came out of Stalin's rule was the total discrediting of Stalinism as a political system. After Khrushchev's 1956 Secret Speech was published around the World, support for Communist ideas fell away sharply, never to fully recover.