Was The Changing Role Of Women The Greatest Impact In Russia During The Stalin And Lenin Times

What is the impact of the Russian Revolution?

The problem is that Nicholas and Alexandra were the two stupidest people ever to try and govern a major country. Even at that they may have survived if it wasn’t for the entry into WW 1. This resulted in severe hardship and famine at home and an unsustainable number of casualties at the front. The people wanted “Bread and Peace” and the government was giving them famine and war.The next major causes came about because the autocracy led by the czar refused to share power with a rising middle-class. In Russia, power had always been in the hands of the nobility but as the country began to modernize it gave rise to a new “capitalist class” whose standing was based on wealth rather than land and coming from a noble family. As a sop to this growing class, a duma or parliament was formed, but was essentially powerless and existed at the pleasure of the aristocracy.After the czar was forced to abdicate, the duma was able to seize power and formed a liberal government under Kerensky. Unfortunately, they did not understand the importance of withdrawing from the war, which paved the way for Lenin and the Bolsheviks who were willing to make peace at any price.After the Bolsheviks seized power, a civil war broke out between them and the nobility. (The Reds and the Whites). Armies from the western allies were sent to intervene on behalf of the whites; but to no great effect except to cause years of mistrust and enmity between the new Soviet Government and the Western Powers.The Reds won the war because the whites were just as ineffectual as the czar had been. The Reds would go into an area and redistribute the land from the nobles to the peasants. When the whites came in, they would take the land away from the peasants and give it back to the nobles.This is a very broad outline of these events. There are many excellent books on the subject and if you are interested, I would recommend that you read three or four of them to get a clearer and more detailed picture of these events.

What negative impacts did Ivan the Terrible have on Russia?

His reign was controversial. From one side he unified Russia of those time, from other point, he was a very cruel criminal who tortured a lot of innocent people.
Ivan the Terrible, or Ivan IV, acquired vast amounts of land during his long reign (1533-1584), an era marked by the conquest of the khanates of Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia. Ivan the Terrible created a centrally controlled Russian state, imposed by military dominance. But due to his torture practices many believed him to have been mentally ill.
While his initial efforts were successful, Ivan the Terrible's methods disrupted the economy and culture. He seized private lands and redistributed them among his supported, and created a police force dressed all in black, astride black horses, that existed more to crush dissent than to keep the peace. Thusly, Ivan was not a popular leader, and his unpopularity would continue to grow over the next several years.
Over the next 24 years, Ivan IV conducted a reign of terror, displacing and destroying the major boyar families in the region, and earning the moniker by which he's now best known. (He's also known by the nickname "Grozny," which translates as "awesome.") It was during this period that Ivan beat his pregnant daughter-in-law, causing a miscarriage, killed his son in a subsequent fit of rage, and blinded the architect of St. Basil's Cathedral. It was also during this time that he created the Oprichniki, the first official secret Russian police force.

What were the reason for the Russian Revolution?

1.The czar led luxurious life and people suffered under poverty.
2.Peasants were crushed by corrupt landlords and this rampant corruption was unchecked.
3.Rasputin became the master and the czar and czarina his puppets.they were foolish enough to believe the dangerous monk.
4.When the peasants went to petition the czar highlighting their conditions the soldiers fired at them leading to the BLOODY SUNDAY incident.
5.Next came World War I where the people were taxed to pay for the huge war Russia suffered huge losses.this made people frustrated.
6.Marx and other thinkers found communist rule the only solution to Russia's problems.this was propagated by Lenin and his group.
7.While most parts of Europe had progressed Russia had stagnated under centuries of czarist rule.the czar simply failed to understand the appeals of the masses.

when you are free i would suggest you to see the film "NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA"about the revolution and the fate of the czar.its excellent and captures the mood of the peasants during that time.

What good did Joseph Stalin accomplish during his office?

Stalin is one of the most controversial figures in the history. And although in the west he's mostly perceived as bloody dictator (see picture above), he did some good things to Russia.He turned Russia from agricultural country into superstate with atomic bomb (the creation of atomic bomb is quite difficult process which require a huge amount of research).He won the WWII (together with allies, of course).He built thousands of factories, science blossomed during his rule.Culture and art has been developing rapidly during his rule. However, the dominant style in art was Socialist realism, which is bad.The well-being of the Soviet people has been steadily improving.Stalin himself was a modest man in terms of luxury, among the personal belongings he had one jacket, snorkel and boots.

Causes of the Russian Revolution?

Please discuss how each of the following contributed to the Russian Revolution:

*The Ruling Class
*The concept of God-given right to rule
*The Tsar & Family
*The dynamics of Russia in the century leading up to 1913.
*Early Russian history.

Why Did The Russian Revolution Occur?

The Russian Revolution?
How did the Russian Revolution have an Impact on Russia/Soviet Union. Economically, Culturally, Politically, Military, and Women. Who were some of the key figures and why did it happen. I know some basics, the king was taking all the money while the poor was getting poor but I need some good specific details on why something like this would happen and kill the king and his family. Were these the same reasons why they assassinated the kings/queens of the past history (Alexander II), were they the same people? (The Decemberists ?) How do you think it changed Russia? I don't know much about Russian History once it gets to the Nineteenth Century till WWII so if you can a help please :) thanks