Was The Revolution That Led To Independence In Ghana In The 1950s Violent

What was the American Revolution?

The American Revolution or War of Independance, got started about year 1775-1776.

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What we are talking about is a liberty of the people. Americans felt they were being taxed beyond their ability to pay and without any reprentation.

Slogans such as "No Taxation without Repesentation" were used to rally the people to the cause of the Revolution.

Meanwhile here in England, people got busy helping to raise funds for the Continental Army. Back then the colonists were getting about 50% support from the British people. (Could do better etc).

Here are some photographs of Revolutionary War Veterans - these were taken in about 1850 when these men were all very old, in their 90s and 100s. They had to sit still for about 30 seconds for the photo to set. Not like a modern camera, aim, snap, done etc.

George Fishley describes being at or near Valley Forge with neither shoes nor stockings.

Marching tour of the Revolutionary War

What were Americans faced with? They faced up to a highly professional British Army

Of the ten battles fought between the British and the Continental Armies, the British won eight of them.

When Lord Cornwallis handed his sword to George Washington at Yorktown there were still 10,000 British Lobsters in the Loyal City of New York.

The Madness of King George

from all of that, to all of this. . . .

Nonviolent revolution possible?

No. The only way we will ever take back our constitution right back is by, arresting, trying and if found guilty executing every politician, judge and president that is in office.

For those of you who say your rights have not been walked on, though I don't agree with their religious practices, the children of that texas ranch have been ripped from their families when there is NO evidence of abuse and no sworn testimony of such.

If you say that we have to protect these children, then I agree, but do it so it does not violate the rights of all involved.

Because you never know when you will be next. If you don't believe me ask a German Jew from say 1940, that's if you can find one that Hitler did not kill. And yes I compare our government to Nazi Germany.

I am exercising my Constitutional Rights by saying this.
Freedom is not free. Our founding fathers knew this. One day it will happen again.

How did Africa gain independence?

As others have said, Africa certainly is not a country. There are (currently) 54 countries in Africa, and they gained independence in different ways, although for the most part countries formerly ruled by the same European power achieved independence the same way. Most of these were due to Britain and France realizing that they could not actually hold onto their colonies forever. They tried to transition very slowly out of the continent, but the people of many/most African countries demanded independence and gained it.French colonies almost all gained their independence around the same time in 1960British colonies became independent over a longer period of time, led by Ghana in 1957Portuguese colonies had to fight long wars to gain independence in the 1970sThe Belgian Congo gained independence in 1959/1960 because of overwhelming pressure by Patrice Lumumba and othersSouth Africa was a member of the British commonwealth with self-government by a white minority, and finally achieved majority rule in the early 1990sA white minority in Zimbabwe declared independence from Britain, but was itself overcome by Robert Mugabe and others in 1980 to achieve true independence from colonial ruleEthiopia was never colonized (not for lack of effort) and actually expanded its territory during the European scramble for AfricaLiberia was not colonized because it was formed as a place for North American and Caribbean former slaves to be shipped back to AfricaThis isn’t an exhaustive summary by any means. Each country of Africa has its own story of independence and they are well worth reading about. I would recommend The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith.

How did the French Revolution differ from America's war for independence?

It was fighting an internal power rather than an external one.

In the case of the United States, American colonists had been living relatively independently for a century. It was only once the British started turning the screws and demanding higher taxes that the Americans decided it was time to start their own country. So they were kicking out a power that controlled them from thousands of miles away.
In the case of France, they were kicking out the king, who was right in Paris.

The French Revolution was also much more internally directed, with many more civilian casualties than the American revolution. Most casualties in the US revolution were military.

Independence of Egypt from Britain?

Prior to the Kingdom, Egypt had been occupied and controlled by the British Empire from roughly 1882, when European forces invaded to bolster the regime of the Khedive against rising nationalism. This marked the beginning of British military occupation of Egypt, which was still nominally a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. In 1914 as a result of the declaration of war with the Ottoman Empire, Britain declared a Protectorate over Egypt and deposed the Khedive, replacing him with another family member, Hussein Kamil, who was made Sultan of Egypt by the British.

The Monarchy was established and recognized by the British in 1922 in the person of Fuad I of Egypt, and struggled with the Wafd, a broadly based nationalist political organization strongly opposed to British influence, and the British themselves, who were determined to maintain control over the Suez Canal. Other political forces emerging in this period included the communist party (1925) and the Muslim Brotherhood (1928), which eventually became a potent political and religious force.

King Fuad died in 1936 and Farouk inherited the throne at the age of sixteen. Alarmed by Italy's recent invasion of Ethiopia, he signed the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty, requiring Britain to withdraw all troops from Egypt, except at the Suez Canal (agreed to be evacuated by 1949).

The kingdom was plagued by corruption and its citizens saw it as a puppet of the British. This, coupled with the defeat in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, led to a 1952 coup by a group of army officers called the Free Officers Movement. Farouk abdicated in favour of his infant son Fuad II. However, in 1953 the monarchy was formally abolished and the Arab Republic of Egypt was established.

What were the main goals of the American Revolution? Were they accomplished?

War and life is messy. When teachers teach history, we usually talk about themes, cause and effect and what were the results and what this means in history… even if it isnt true or didnt really happen that way.There were about 2.5 million colonists. About 1/5 are solidly loyal to britain throughout the whole war and then a large majority at the beginning favored reconciliation with britain while less than 20 percent (most likely much less) may have wanted a violent break from britain from the beginning.The colonists main objective was to remain british citizens but also have the right to self rule. King George disagreed and basically pushed the colonists into full revolution and independence.The revolutionary war’s goal was for self rule, the colonists successfully gained it by declaring independence. Yay colonists.The colonists would have a much harder time self ruling themselves and that is why a few years later they had a committee which drafted constitution and led to current usa gov.

What were the causes and effects of the revolutions of 1917 in russia? and of the mexican revolution?

Wow. Long answer. Your best bet for internet research is It's an encyclopedia for the internet, and it's free.

Russian Revolution cause: Oppression at home, made worse by Russia's army getting beaten by Germany during World War I. Effect: Destruction of Russian society as tyrants tried to remake Russia in their image... Millions of Russians were killed (which is why Hitler did so well against them at first during World War II), but the main tyrant (Joesph Stalin) turned Russia into a world power.

Mexican Revolution: You mean the 1910 one? Ther ehave been many, many revolutions in Mexico. Mexico has been more often at war than at peace since the day it broke from Spain in 1821.

Why didn't the Industrial Revolution cause big social crises in America like it did in Europe?

Because the Industrial Revolution did not intrude into a stable, very slow growing, economy. The US was in a state of huge growth and huge immigration. People were not, generally, being thrown out of jobs that had existed for two or three hundred years. Where people were thrown out of work, there were opportunities for new jobs, and the dislocation was blamed on the expansion and immigration, not on industrialization.Even so, you could say that the American Civil War was a product of the Industrial Revolution. The industrialized north and the non-industrialized, human labour driven, south got lethally out of step. Without the Industrial Revolution, it is doubtful that the Civil War would have happened when it did - and certainly not how it did. The distinction was paid manpower and and unpaid manpower is less than that between man-supervised machinery and unpaid manpower.