Was There Ever Slavery In France Ds

Why did Britain lose the American War of Independence/Revolutionary War?

The British were not yet an unstoppable empireSome ice, some desert, and a small slice of India     In 1776, the British were one of several Great Powers in Europe who were all roughly equal in power. These were them, France, Prussia, Austria, and Russia.  Below them were a few middle powers including Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal.  Out of these strong nations, the British were known for their naval prowess but had one of the weaker and smaller ground armies - France was the expert here.  As a result, when the 13 Colonies declared independence, the British were forced to ship soldiers 3,000 miles away and feed and supply them - no mean feat back then - to fight in an environment they were not experts in, ground wars.  So this explains why they had difficulty against just the colonists alone.  Now let's look at the international situation.     13 years before the Revolution, Britain and Prussia defeated France, Russia and Austria (there were also smaller allies on both sides) in the 7 Years' War.  In the aftermath, French colonies from North America to India were seized by the British, which upset the balance between the Great Powers, frightening much of Europe.  The British also spent a huge pile of money, which started them on the path of taxing the colonies which started the war in the first place.  As a result, when the 13 Colonies declared independence, France was eager for an opportunity to even the score with their rival.  Soon after the war began, France was bankrolling the American bid for independence. In the first year, France supplied enough muskets and uniforms for 30,000 soldiers (Larger than the initial size of the Continental Army) and 10 pounds of gunpowder per soldier.  Then, France joined in the war openly with a navy that was at the time, roughly equal to the British one.  They were eventually joined by the Spanish and Netherlands who brought even more money and soldiers to the;dr The British Army was never that strongIt was half of Europe and the USA vs Britain

What does BDSM stand for and what exactly is it?

As other's have answered. BDSM is an acronym that stands for:
Bondage & Discipline; Dominance & Submission; Sadism & Masochism.

While it can be sexual it is not about sex. It is about power and control. It should be entertained by individuals who have communicated their desires and trust each other as to what each will experience.

It can include things like bondage with ropes, chains, handcuffs, or silk ties, scarves and the mind. It can include things like whips, paddles, floggers and spankings; and it can include things like sensations from feathers, air, satin.

It is not all rough and pain.

It IS about trust and communication, and should always be Safe, Sane, and Consensual by adults.


What is KWANSA.?

It's spelled Kwanza.

Africans had highly complex cultures and societies before slavery a**hole. Many Africans and yes even black slaves could read and write all the way through the picture..... despite the threat of death from a weak a** enemy that perpetrated a lie and a system of evil to get free labor (the greedy basta%ds). The system of lies began with the threat of death over education... you know if people would write the horrors down they could forward copies all around the world - slaves could organize their resistance (remember John Brown, Denmark Vesey et al or did your one dimensional history book not teach you about those... what did you think the slaves were all cowering and whimpering like children? haha)

Lucky for the african americans today all that hardship meant survival of the fittest and the natural selection bred a nation of people that are physically bigger, stronger and faster as well as being clever as Brer Rabbit and adaptive.

Here's a link to review about slave rebellions:

Why did the Founding Fathers of the US think it was important that the population have weapons?

The colonists grew up under the very oppressive British government of the 1700's. The most oppressive aspect of the British government was forced religion. British subjects were penalized severely if they did not worship in the Church of England, as required by law. How would you feel if you witnessed a loved one burned alive at the stake? This was the main motivation for hatred against British rule. The second most oppressive aspect of British rule was taxation. These are the two main factors that drove citizens away from Britain to the New World, and eventually to wage war to throw off their rule. After the colonists defeated Britain in the revolutionary war, their strong desire to avoid another oppressive regime motivated them to include several controls in the Constitution for their new nation. The main controls were:Obvious absence of a king. The President's limited duties are explained in Article II of the Constitution.Separate governmental bodies that check each others' powers.Frequent elections.A free press that will notify the citizens of the government's actions.The right to bear arms. The reason for this is best explained by George Washington: "Guns are the people's liberty's teeth."A limit of the federal government's powers to only those powers specifically given to it by the people. Per the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in The Bill of Rights, if the people have not given a specific power to the federal government, the federal government does not have that power.Thus, the right to possess guns is an important component of a bigger strategy for the people to maintain their liberty.