Washing To Branson-how Many Days

How many days can I go without breathing?

You can go forever without breathing, but you will be dead for all but about five minutes of it. Your body—and your brain in particular—requires constant oxygenation in order to function, and brain cells begin to die very quickly (about six minutes) after you stop breathing. Your heart muscle will also begin to die off within a few minutes.One caveat: if you fall into freezing water, your metabolism will slow to the point that cell death will take much longer. How long is not precisely known, but some people who have been submerged in freezing water for 30 minutes or more have been revived.

How long is too long to leave clothes in the washer before moving them to the dryer?

To some extent it may depend on the climate where you are. Where I am, southern England, I’d be happy to leave my clothes in the washing machine for about 8 hours, though they’d probably be fine on all but the hottest days if left for a full 24 hours. However, my washing machine and my tumble dryer both have timers, so I can load the washing machine when I go to bed and set the timer so it’s just finished when I wake up.The problem with leaving wet clothes too long is that mould may grow on them. This is more of a problem is a hot, humid climate and less of a problem in a dry, cold climate. If you do find that your clothes smell mouldy, wash them again, complete with detergent and any additives that you used the first time.

Is there a person that cleans fresh caught fish?

I'm wanting to catch a fish for the family to eat while we are on vacation in Branson, Missouri. I am not going to clean a fish on the resort property, so is there a such thing as a fish "butcher", or something like that? a name of the person who does that kind of stuff, or a place you know will be great :)

Will eating mango affect a person who’s suffering from chicken pox?

If you were able to eat mango BEFORE having chickenpox without complications, then you may continue to do so.Were NOT able to eat mango without problems before having chickenpox, then the same rule applies during the illness.Don’t scratch. Don’t take hot baths or hot showers (use only lukewarm water). Hot water dries the skin. Dry skin means more itching, more itching means more scratching which leads to more scars or possible infection.Don’t use soaps which irritate. Opt for moisturizing, unscented, or other hypo-allergenic cleansers for washing, as best suited to your personal needs, or recommended by your doctor.For everyone reading who DOES NOT have and HASN’T HAD chickenpox, here’s a reliable source for information about the vaccine, its importance, and the risks of not getting it:Vaccine Information Statement | Chickenpox | Varicella | VIS | CDC

What are nurses actually doing for patients during much of the day -- time when a Washington State senator said they were "probably play(ing) cards"?

Here’s what we’re doing on any given shift in the ER:Getting report on our assigned patients at the beginning of the shift.Making patient rounds and assessing each patient (vitals, listening to lungs, checking IVs and lab results, etc.)Documenting every time we check a patient.Giving medications.Starting IVs, drawing labs, cleaning and dressing wounds, administering blood, inserting catheters, inserting nasogastric tubes, doing EKGs, getting and sending culture specimens.Constantly watching unstable patients, because an unstable patient can crash very quickly.Helping patients to the bathroom. If the patient is a fall risk, remaining in the bathroom with him or her, and then escorting him or her back to the bed.Letting the doctor know when there is a problem (change in heart rhythm, new pain, new confusion or dizziness, allergic reaction to medications, etc.Repositioning patients to avoid bedsores. Changing gown and bed linen when the patient is incontinent in the bed.Taking daily inventory in the trauma rooms, and restocking equipment.Assisting the doctor with procedures. This can be as simple as fetching supplies for suturing, or putting a patient out (moderate sedation) while the doctor puts a dislocated bone back in place, protecting the airway during the procedure, and recovering him or her after the bone is back in place.Tracking down and troubleshooting equipment. Calling pharmacy and asking why a medication hasn’t gotten there yet. Calling maintenance to fix an overflowing toilet. Escorting patients to CT or Xray. (In certain situations, a nurse must be with the patient at all times.) Transporting patients to critical care.Triaging patients, to determine which are the highest risk, and must be seen immediately. Explaining delays to patients who keep coming up and asking, “How much longer is it going to be?”If we have any free time (which doesn’t often happen nowadays), we’re either giving our patients a little extra attention—-checking to see if there’s anything they need; answering questions, bringing worried family members coffee—-or documenting, which is never-ending. Or catching up on mountains of continuing education, which is required in order to maintain our licenses, certifications, and jobs.I can’t imagine playing cards at work. Even on a less busy shift, there are constant interruptions, and you’d have to be getting up every two minutes (or less). What would be the fun of that?

Laundry: How often should I wash my clothes?

I can only speak on the matter of demin. Demin fibers (likely like other kinds of fabrics) wear out from being laundered, especially from being put in the dryer. If you wear high end demin, the best thing to do is to very infrequently wash your jeans. Not only will they last longer, but they will grow softer over time. If you wear your average, basic jeans, you will likely end up prolonging their lives with this method. I wash my jeans, every 3 months or so. When I do wash them, I make sure to line dry them instead of putting them in the dryer.They don't smell or pick up a lot of dirt/stains or anything like that, but they are all very soft and extremely comfortable. For most things nicer then demin, dry cleaning seems to prolong the life of the garment the best. Most other things such as undergarments and T shirts, you are spot on. There's no way to wash them more than once after each use, and to wash them less would be unhygenic.