Wat Is A Less Than Or Eqyal Mean In Math Language

Explain mathematics is a language of science

Mathematics is a language of science because both of them includes numbers. For example, you need to find the numbers that corresponds to the given situations or problems in Physics. Like solving the total distance, mass , velocity, and other like that. Also, it is because it usually to test the given measurement. Indeed, Mathematics involved Logic and reasoning. in which it is very significant in field of Science. Mathematics also gives the correct answer and the only answer but it sometimes have greater than or equal or less than or equal or the estimation. Like in Science, we have this what we called Accuracy and Precision.

hope it helps!

What does an equal sign with a slash through it mean?

It means "is not equal to".

The slash is used to negate other signs as well, for instance a < sign with a slash through it means "is not less than". Generally any sign with a slash through it means the opposite of the same sign without the slash.

In text forums it can be written as /= or =/ but is also often written in these forms, which derive from computer programming languages: != and <>.

What does the "!" (exclamation mark) mean in Math?

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In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. Combinatorics is, loosely, the science of counting. This is the area of mathematics in which we study families of sets (usually finite) with certain characteristic arrangements of their elements or subsets, and ask what combinations are possible, and how many there are. This includes numerous quite elementary topics, such as enumerating all possible permutations or combinations of a finite set. Consequently, it is difficult to mention in this page all the topics with which a person new to combinatorics might come into contact. Moreover, because of the approachable nature of the subject, combinatorics is often presented with other fields (elementary probability, elementary number theory, and so on) to the exclusion of the more significant aspects of the subject. factorial The factorial, symbolized by an exclamation mark (!), is a quantity defined for all integers greater than or equal to 0. For an integer n greater than or equal to 1, the factorial is the product of all integers less than or equal to n but greater than or equal to 1. The factorial value of 0 is defined as equal to 1. The factorial values for negative integers are not defined. Mathematically, the formula for the factorial is as follows. If n is an integer greater than or equal to 1, then n! = n(n - 1)(n - 2)(n - 3) ... (3)(2)(1) If p = 0, then p! = 1 by convention. The factorial is of interest to number theorists. It often arises in probability calculations, particularly those involving combinations and permutations. The factorial also arises occasionally in calculus and physics. .

Math question: what is the little equal sign with a slash through it called, and what does it mean?

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It means "is not equal to". The slash is used to negate other signs as well, for instance a < sign with a slash through it means "is not less than". Generally any sign with a slash through it means the opposite of the same sign without the slash. In text forums it can be written as /= or =/ but is also often written in these forms, which derive from computer programming languages: != and <>.

What does a squiggly line ~ mean in math terms?

If it's just the ~ then it means 'has the distribution'.

So X ~ N(0,1) means 'X is a random variable which has the Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1'.

If there is an equals sign under the ~ then it means 'is congruent to' (as in geometry).