Watching The News Tonight There Were More Black Men Arrested Than Anybody Else.why Is That What

Was racism to blame for the black men getting arrested at Starbucks in Philly?

Starbucks has a reputation of being a meet up spot. It has a reputation of being a lounging or study area. People are totally allowed to go in there and not order anything as they wait for friends. They are also allowed to go in there, use the bathrooms, charge their phones, sit around, study/work, and leave - all without ever ordering anything, or staying there at a table for 5+ hours with only one drink. You can go to Starbucks, order a Venti iced water with lime, not pay anything for it, and leave. That’s what Starbucks IS. It’s part of the vibe and also a huge part of the selling point of Starbucks. Just because it may seem confusing, doesn’t mean that it isn’t a business tactic. They lose very little to gain a lot. Starbucks is not losing money (the margins are well in their favor), and honestly, that really shouldn’t be a concern to anyone in the first place. You have to understand, there are tons of places with better beverages at a cheaper price than Starbucks. Many people don’t go for the drinks, they go for the convenience because it’s a great meet up spot. Over the frequent visits, they’ll eventually order something, but they don’t have to. There’s no pressure to order and that’s the appeal. Many will eventually start ordering - maybe sporadically at first, then regularly - and in no time, Starbucks gained another regular customer. It’s a business tactic and Starbucks works it very well into the brand name.That’s why it’s racist. She kicked them via the police, and they weren’t hostile at all. If you paid attention to the video (that’s really clear evidence), you’d see customers around were defending the two. They weren’t kicked out because they didn’t order anything. That was just an excuse - again, it’s all an integral part of the Starbucks identity. They disturbed absolutely no one except the racist manager. It was because she saw they were black and didn’t want them there.

Why do only "black lives matter"?

I do not fully comprehend how this "black lives matter" movement is supposed to unite us as one Nation. It s a true statement that the African American peoples lives matter but why exclude other races? All lives matter in my personal opinion. I am not impartial to any race. With the Dallas shooting I ve concluded that the shooter is a racist because he s basically saying the 4 cops that he murdered dont matter. You, me, we all matter and to say only "black lives matter" creates more of a divide. I believe in total equality. I see good in every single race on earth. I d love to hear your opinion on the subject. What do you think about the divide of races crisis? Can t we all coexsist as one people? Love your brothers & sisters and may peace be in all our hearts. Any replies are much appreciated!

Marines being held to a higher standard?

Since marines are not classified as soldiers but a higher entity, should they be held to a higher standard when convicted of brutally killing and raping innocent Iraqi’s? I am seeing a trend where marines think they are better than everybody else and think they can kill innocent civilians and rape little girls. They think JUST because they are the almighty marines, they will NOT be classified as pedophiles and rape defenseless little girls. It seems that marines a predominantly committing these atrocious crimes!!!

Why do I keep seeing news reports about white people calling the cops on black people for no reason? What is going on? Is this a real thing, or is it fabricated by the media?

This is the police force performing its original function of controlling black people at the behest of white people.The History of Policing in the United States, Part 1To quote the above:The genesis of the modern police organization in the South is the "Slave Patrol" (Platt 1982). The first formal slave patrol was created in the Carolina colonies in 1704 (Reichel 1992). Slave patrols had three primary functions: (1) to chase down, apprehend, and return to their owners, runaway slaves; (2) to provide a form of organized terror to deter slave revolts; and, (3) to maintain a form of discipline for slave-workers who were subject to summary justice, outside of the law, if they violated any plantation rules. Following the Civil War, these vigilante-style organizations evolved in modern Southern police departments primarily as a means of controlling freed slaves who were now laborers working in an agricultural caste system, and enforcing "Jim Crow" segregation laws, designed to deny freed slaves equal rights and access to the political system.This has been going on forever. Now everyone has social media and cell phone cameras, so it’s harder to ignore. In previous decades, people would just assume that the black person had done something suspicious, just as in police shootings/murders of unarmed black people.To this day, there’s a notion, even if unspoken, in many white communities, that black people are a threat to them. The color of your skin is evidence that you don’t belong, and the police are there to make sure that only the people who belong are in these areas. A black person is a threat by merely existing in proximity to a white person.“There must be more to this story” was and is the reflexive refrain, assuming the story was reported at all. One more dead black person has never weighed particularly heavily on the minds of most of the people in the United States.

Is it racist to think black people are more likely to commit crimes than white people?

Yes.Imagine you had blue eyes. Now you might be proud of having blue eyes or you might be insecure with having blue eyes in a community of brown eyed people but ultimately you didn't get a choice. You were born with them. Now imagine living in a community where people were very suspicious of blue eyed people, where assumptions were made about your personality and character because of your blue eyes. You notice people clutching their bags when you walk past them but you never see this happening to your brown eyed friends. You see people purposefully avoid you at night when walking down the street. You get pulled over for going slightly over the limit and the police officer notices your blue eyes and despite having a few brown eyed friends who got off in this situation you are ticketed. Imagine a blue eyed friend or person you know of does something awful and you hear brown eyed people saying they expected it of a blue eyed person and you start being treated with suspicion. Imagine seeing a brown eyed person in the news committing a similar crime and everyone talking about what a good student that person was, how unexpected it was, how good their prospects were, that it must have been due to mental health or something else. Tell me how would you feel? Then ask yourself that question.When people aren't treated equally and given the same opportunities in life of course the statistics are skewed.Everyone has prejudices but it's how aware we are of them and how we manage to overcome them that is the important thing. I mean these prejudices start at such an early age. I suggest you watch the doll test:Doll TestHeartbreaking isn't it?

Why do some people think racism is only about black people?

ive heard many people, including black people say many racist things in public to other nationalities like eastern asians and middle easterners especially. they think their being funny or something and dont even consider it racist they just think its a big joke. and so many black people who are also a minority in most places dare to say something to other nationalities but once you say something about them its automatically racist its like to them racism is only about blacks. do you ever see this alot? its all racism no matter if their bing funny or whatever race its about.

Would you rather be called Black or African-American?

I personally would prefer to say Black rather than African-American. Why hyphenate when you're as much an American as "Chad Whitenton?" Nonetheless, I'd still like to know what you black people think.