Ways To Keep Kittens/cats From Getting Bored

Are kittens/cats good pets?

Getting a kitten/cat, especially a siamese would be awesome!
Felines are able to take care of themselves most of the time, so they're not high-maintenance at all. If you treat it right, it can also be very loving and affectionate toward you and every one else.

I have two cats myself. I just recently got a grey kitten and he's the best!
Cats have such crazy and cool personalities that you could never get bored while they're young.

Hope you end up getting one!

How to keep kitten/cat away from fish bowl? kind of doesnt matter what tank you have. but i can guarantee your kitten will be all over that bowl if your not carefull.
But you can eith place the tank where your kitten cant get to it (our fish ended up in the bathroom)
Wait untill the kitten shows interest and squirt it with a spray bottle
or there is this device you get that help train cats what not to do by spraying a loud gust of air when motion activated. its called SSSCat. google it. if used properly it works well

ADD - Any chemical you put near the tank can dilute into the water which could kill the fish! Take some time to train your cat or buy a better bowl. other wise you will have to choose, fish or cat!

How can I keep my cat from getting lonely?

I'm moving into a new house in my college town next weekend, and I'm taking my cat with me. She is almost 2 years old, but still very active. She is used to living in a house with other cats as well as several dogs who she loves to play with. I love her very much, and want to do everything I can to keep her happy and healthy. What can I do to make sure she doesn't get bored or lonely during the day while I'm in class? Getting another pet is out of the question.

Me and my baby (Esmeralda):

Isn't she just gorgeous?:

What are some unique ways to play with my cat? He's bored with fetch, string, being chased around, and hates the laser pointer. The cat’s meow keeps breaking, and he’s bored with his cat dancer.

I agree with Jene. You cat sounds like he needs a cat friend. The two will keep each other entertained when you are not around and he will be much happier.If he is a kitten, *definitely* get him a friend. kittens need playmates their own age (and species). You can't possibly give him all the stimulation that another kitten can, And watching them play is better than TV!Meanwhile, get Da Bird. it's a fishing rod toy where the feathered piece moves like a bird when swung through the air, triggers their hunting instinct. make it move like a flying bird or flop around on the ground like a wounded bird.I don't know what "breaking meow" means. some cats have choppy or weird sounding meows. if you mean a kind of clicking chatter sound, that is usually frustration.Are you sure he was enjoying being chased around? that's not something cats usually enjoy from people.Lots of cats hate the laser pointer. they need toys they can catch now and thenGet him a buddy :-)

Nursing mother cat is bored?

Basically, my cat had kittens 2 weeks ago, and I can't risk letting her outside until she's been spayed. People keep saying I can't get her spayed yet, but she's going mad with boredom inside. She's been boredom eating and raiding the kitchen (she's never stolen food before).When she can't think of anything else to do, she'll jump into the kittens' box and wake them all up, then gets confused when they start crying. I've tried playing with her, but she gets bored of any new toys I think up so quickly. 5 minutes of playing with her and she just walks away. I try to make the games as energetic as possible so she gets the exercise, but it's clearly not ideal for either of us.

To make all of this worse, the house is baking hot and can't open any windows, because she will get out (found that out the hard way). It can't be good for her to be in this kind of temperature, particularly since cats are so awful at knowing when they need to drink.

I know she really just needs to get outside and be a cat, but there's no way that I'm risking her getting pregnant again. Someone suggested a cat lead to me, but I think the idea of putting a cat on a lead is horrible. What can I do to help alleviate her boredom, and do I really have to keep her inside for another 6 weeks?

How can I stop my kitten from bullying my older cat?

I have a 7 month old female kitten who was recently spayed to try to stop her agression and "bullying" but it hasn't slowed her down one bit. The other cat is a 2 year old female. The kitten is constantly chasing the older one around and if they just pass each other the kitten will jump onto the others back and tackle or bite. The older one will not fight back and will whine and try to get away. I do have another 2 year old female cat who the kitten does not mess with. How can I stop my kitten from being so aggressive?

Do mother cats leave on purpose and go away from their kittens after two months?

Most mother cats will start weaning their babies when they are around 8 weeks old. Kittens usually begin eating food when they are 4 to 5 weeks old. And by the time they are 8 weeks old, they can begin to do without their mother’s milk. The weaning process is usually pretty complete when the kittens are around 12 to 16 weeks old. If the mother cat is happy in her home, then near 8 weeks she will probably start to cut nursing periods short, and refuse to allow them at all more and more. She will begin to be tired of babying her offspring. She may greatly enjoy playing with them, though. And through play she will teach them; how to be gentle with family and friends, and how to fight when necessary and protect themselves from enemies. If there is a good balance of space, food, and human loving care for the number of animals present, she will probably keep a good relationship with the kittens as they mature. And she will probably want to stick around.Harmonious relationships are more likely to be maintained if all or most cats in the household are spayed or neutered when they mature. Adult cats with intact sex drives are like adult humans - they want to be in charge of their own home territories. If the home is crowded with cats, and/or if meals, comfort, human love, and security are not reliable, a mother cat (who is able to go outdoors) may become unhappy enough to leave and seek out another home. And even if she is content at home, when she goes into heat, she will probably leave long enough to get pregnant again. After that, if she discovers another home she feels is a better environment to raise her babies in (less crowded with older kittens, for instance), she may not return. This may happen even if she loves you, due to the powerful commitment mother cats have to ensuring the well-being of their babies.

How do I keep my cats out of drawers and cabinets?

i prefer to give in, i find it much easier. leave the drawer open, put a blanket in there for them to sleep on.

the fridge - someone fed him from the fridge. someone took food out of the fridge, while he was sitting next to the fridge and gave him a treat.
as a predator, he learns where the food is. they hunt mice by learning the mouses routine, where it enters the room from, then they wait.
he is now hunting your fridge.

other then something that will fall and clatterer when he opens the door, to scare him, or two sided tape on the lining, i dont know how to stop it.

in time he will learn the fridge is no longer a good hunting ground.

edit - do they have a place to hide, explore? a closet?
if not, you need to give them a box in a corner, put a blanket over it, like a tent.
cats love to explore cave like things. they also love to sleep in small places.

the ignoring the sticky paper on the counter, are you feeing them enough? hungry cats will go searching for food.