We Should Admire Rich People More

Why do Americans glorify/admire rich people?

Because too many Americans are materialistic and are given the false illusion that if you dream big enough you can achieve it, but the fact of the matter is that it only happens to a few. Those that have their feet firmly planted on the ground may not become rich, but will earn enough money to be comfortable and enjoy life.

Why do people admire the rich and despise the poor?

because they want to hang out with people they think are better than the poor .

Why do most people worldwide admire the rich & famous and good looking people? Are they admiring the wrong thing?

The rich and famous aren’t admired just because they’re rich and famous.They are admired because of what they had to go through, the shit they had to put up with, the highs and lows in their paths to success, and how they managed to overcome ALL that to get to where they are.I mean, who doesn’t love a rags-to-riches story?Is that wrong?Nah.It’s good to have someone’s success story as a source of motivation when you’re down and out.As to why people are admired for their good looks?I have no clue.But to say it’s wrong is definitely something really subjective.Like how I dislike Justin Bieber.Is he rich and famous? Hell yeahIs he good-looking? That’s what his fans probably think.Do I like him? NawDo I admire him? Hell nawAre his fans then admiring the wrong thing?Well, that’s their problem not mine.

Why can't people admire rich people?

It occurs to me that likeability of a personality is its richness but not just in material abundance. No matter how rich or poor a person is, if somebody treats you badly or looks down upon you, it is highly unlikely that you will maintain a diary about them.People like people who achieve things on their own and are perceived to be worthy of their comforts. All around the world people admire entrepreneurs, the first-generation rich men, people who earn it with their efforts.But some of richest men are so due to inheritance. These second or third generation rich people are the ones you will find most people don't like. In my experience, humility is a great charmer. I have seen people from extremely wealthy family liked by all and sundry because of their good nature. So, it heavily depends on the context and individuals. Then again, some people might just be jealous or expressing the unfairness of the society when they see themselves struggling for daily bread and see somebody spend millions on weddings.

Are you intimidated by rich people?

I'm not... I actually feel superior to them. I mean the ones who were born rich. If someone worked hard to get where they are, I admire that. However, the spoiled brat type makes me laugh. They will never know what it's like to sit out on a porch with lemonade and a radio in the middle of a storm because the electricity went out. They will never know what real hard work is. Or worse, they will be 23 out of mommy or daddy's house and all of sudden have to face reality... by the way, I've grown up below the poverty level all my life. Single income family with 4 people in it and that one income rounds out to maybe 14,000 a year. That is actually the best income we've had since ever... I wouldn't trade my trailer park for the world. I clean for the neighbors, play ball on the streets, and have a lot of friends that actually love me. I am self motivated because I know the only way I'll get to college is through scholarships. I have a 4.0 gpa and I'm pretty fit because of my lifestyle. My feelings don't get hurt easy and no one bullies me. I don't feel threatened by anyone who has more green paper than me.

Should we respect the people who prefer rich people?

Respecting others is more an expression of oneself towards an external entity by identifying something which your valuesystem would want to cherish and increase. So you respect others for riches, wisdom, qualifications, life achievements etc. So, for example, considering you are moderately rich you may admire a multimillionaire businessperson like Mukesh Ambani or Jeff Besos. But they might be respecting someone who has renounced the world, say a monk or a writer whose words inspire them but that writer may be a poor person in comparison. So respect is linked to your value system. So as you increase your value system you find more people to respect in this world for a variety of qualities. When we respect someone and seek their blessings they share their positive vibes in terms of thoughts and energy and this benefits you. So we should look to increase our value system, respect is a byproduct. Even though a person may not be as rich as you, not as educated as you, you can still respect him/her , say for example, they may obey the laws of the land which you may like.

Do Americans admire or envy the rich?

Many Americans do admire the wealthy, especially those who are  "self-made men," rather the inheritors of fortunes.  Much depends on how  the money was acquired, and what one does with it.  A significant  percentage would seem to agree with the adage, usually attributed to  Balzac, that behind  every great fortune there is a crime.*  That is certainly not true of  the inventors of great technology and other business innovations.   Memoirs of successful businesspeople have been famous bestsellers, and  the self-help industry rakes in millions in the sales of all sorts of  media and tickets to seminars on how to be successful, the latter  billboarding the rich and famous like they were rock stars.But there are some wealthy folks who seem to be in the business of conspicuous consumption without doing anything worthwhile in life.  I  understand there are whole television series about these types, though  they don't interest me.   "The rich" aren't uniform. I can admire the accomplishments of Jobs and Wozniak, or even Bill Gates, while not caring a fig about the Kardashian clan.  Look at the Kennedys.  Some  people worship them.  I don't.  Old Joe did run rum and save RKO  Pictures, but aside from that was a louse.  His sons inherited his wandering eye, and most of them held appalling political views on a few subjects that would have kept me from pulling a lever for them. Best to think about rich people as individuals, not as a class.  Class envy isn't very American.  Judge a man or woman for what he or she does, not  for the actions of others he/she may have no influence over.*Balzac never wrote exactly that.   Behind Every Great Fortune There Is a Crime

Why do people who are rich but want more money than they can spend seem narccisstic?

You shouldn’t live life with the sole purpose of spending money; to do so is arguably much more shallow than simply having a lot of money. That said, it isn’t narcissistic to want more money than you can spend, it’s smart.I’ll frame it differently. Are there wealthy people who are also narcissists? Absolutely, but wealth and narcissism do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. People living on the streets can also be self-absorbed and shallow - we just don’t tend to stereotype them as such.To answer your question of why rich people are perceived as especially narcissistic (or perhaps more commonly, self-centered, greedy, or egotistical), I personally think it breaks down to a couple bigger picture ideas. First, that wealth and power are almost always correlated.Since the beginning of recorded human civilization, people have gone where the money goes; before the concept of money, where the animals they hunted to survive went. Most individuals who find themselves in a position of power are there because they positioned themselves to do so, meaning they have some degree of influence over the things people want, whether it be money, food, a revolutionary message, et cetera. As a result, who do we blame when something goes wrong? The people with power and influence, making the decisions.Another possible reason why the wealthy are perceived negatively is envy. The 1987 film, Wall Street, is famous for Gordon Gekko’s argument that “Greed is Good.” At a survivalist level, we are designed to be greedy, because it keeps us alive. If we weren’t at least somewhat greedy, what incentive would we have to work and fight for food and water or a safe place to live?One of the principle theories of modern economics is the concept of supply and demand. While human demand is unlimited, supply most definitely is not. Therefore, everything that somebody else has literally is something that you don’t. When we see somebody with more money than us or better looks or any sort of advantage, we tend to subconsciously perceive them as a threat or feel that we should have the nice things they have, instead. Why is this? It is because we are greedy.It is possible to say that people who have more money than they can spend seem greedy, because some people feel they are wasting it or could put it to better use.

Why does the common man only respect the rich people?

Because they are conditioned by their parents and society overall to do so. Common people rarely question the status quo.Wealthy people are also in media. Since they are on TV they should be special in someway, therefore worshiped. This is also because their heads appear huge on TV and all throughout history the common worshiped all kinds of kings, with big statues and castles. We all need to be sure that what we do is not in vain. And easiest common denominator for the lazy mind is wealth. Even that we know that some people inherited theirs.

Why do people feel jealous of rich people?

When you have poured your heart and soul into something and you don't get it. When a rich person gets it...When you know rich people who can afford to go travel or go out every weekend...who didn't have to really care about trying hard in school because they'll always have money...that they can just live their lives focusing on fun and you had to sacrifice a majority of your college years to books...When rich people literally don't have to care about anything because they have so much money--they could quit their job and be fine. They could buy a house in a new country tomorrow. Then they do it and post it on Facebook...When rich people get sex and general societal approval/praise, while I work my butt off and feel as though I've missed out on things. Things that I know they do and have been doing...Jealousy isn't fun, and it can breed a lot of anger. Much of it is justified. Much of it is not. It's not easy to try so hard and get so little. Someday, maybe something surprising will happen to me...But you know what? You MUST get over the jealousy and you CAN! These people don't know hard work (I'm talking people born into money here). They don't know what it means to suffer and struggle for something. They can just buy anything. I'd like to think these people don't have as much meaning in their lives and passion in their hearts.