We Want You To Join The Revolution

What is a good slogan for the revolutionary war?

Well, one famous one is, "Don't tread on me," referring to Britain "treading" on Americans and their rights, but if you have to make up one on your own, I would use one of the following:
- "Don't drink British tea! It's defenitely not free!"
- "Free men aren't free with a king in charge!"
- "Join Britain if you want to win!"

Would you join an armed revolution against the USA government? This is not a suggestion, call, or indication of support for such action but a survey of your views.

Only if the government was so bad that anarchy was better. And anarchy would mean ~20 million deaths, minimum, so the government would have to be *really bad*.Faced with real tyranny, I am far more likely to join a community self defense group that attempts to constrain the government in my locality than I am to try to overthrow it. I think that’s also how most other armed civilians would react. Revolution is for radicals, which most people aren’t. Revolution almost always makes things worse. But local action against tyranny that accepts the existence of the government but demands recognition of local rights (like we see in Syrian Kurdistan today, or in Somaliland)? That can succeed and even improve things.

Would you join a revolution that simply turns guns against the government and introduced genuine freedom over false security?

No. A revolution has to stand for more than just, “Yeah! We’re all free to do whatever we want!” A revolution has to represent the will of the people to change something that is wrong. Freedom means many things to many people. Not all of them are good.

Could we start a revolution in America?

I don't mean peaceful protest, but an all out overthrowing of the government, starting a new one, better rules, better society.

The purpose, at least until we have passed on the burden of leadership to the next generation, will be to lower costs.

I'm talking a government without rich oil farmers running it.

Would it be possible? I'm not saying me, or you, needs to start it, what I'm saying is us, all the people of America.

The question isn't if you disagree with the ideal or not, its weather if enough people wanted to, what would be possible?

4 years of college on top of high school just to earn a mediocre living is ridiculous. so are gas prices. Ciggarette taxes?

Come on! Its nonsense, every year I get closer and closer to not being able to afford the standard of living and I have a pretty good job.

How could a revolution be started.

How could other members join secretly.

How could a government spread out so much even be fought?

Why did the southern colonies join the American Revolution?

Believing the South to be home to many secret loyalists and hoping to keep the region's timber and agricultural products for the Empire, the British sent an expedition that captured Savannah, Georgia, in December 1778. At first, the British concentrated on taking territory with regular army forces, then organizing loyalist militia bands to hold the territory while the army moved on. This strategy largely succeeded in Georgia, but broke down in the Carolinas. The British scored a major victory with the capture of Charleston, S.C., and its 5,500 defenders in May 1780. Instead of discouraging patriot resistance, the fall of Charleston stirred it up and led to the formation of irregular militia bands to make hit-and-run attacks against the occupiers. The British had enough soldiers to move through the Carolinas and establish forts, but not enough to protect their loyalist supporters or establish effective control. As soon as the British army moved on, loyalists were at the mercy of their pro-independence neighbors.

I want to make a revolution. I believe politics in Western countries need to change. How can i do that?

This is easy and has been done many times before, e.g. in France (1789) and more recently Russia (1917). Worked like a charm.All you have to do is devise a platform, which you will present in the form of a manifesto. Make it persuasive. Hold rallies and amass a following with fiery speeches and, preferably, a larger-than-life persona and fanatical faith in your own convictions.Once you have enough followers, it’s time to take over and start killing people and purging government, civil services, the courts, the military, and the education system! You will be supreme ruler — governing on behalf of the people, in their best interest, of course — and as such will be responsible for ordering the, shall we say, cracking of the eggs.You will, of course, relinquish absolute power just as soon as the peaceful, just, and prosperous society you described in your manifesto is achieved. Which will be any day now.But I jest! In the question detail, you add:I believe the current “one party wins all” system is outdated. Single elected parties only work towards the interests of the electorate and being elected again, rather than the common good. I would like to see a system where elected reps from different parties come together to rule.Oh. That’s easier yet. Why didn’t you just say so in the first place? What you’re looking for is not a revolution. Revolutions are bloody affairs that rarely have the intended effect but instead invite absolutist sociopaths to jockey for power.No, what you want is a European parliamentary democracy. They already exist, so no need to start writing that manifesto.

What's a good slogan for a french revolution project?

Here's a link for quotes about the French Revolutions perhaps it will be helpful for you

Also:"The law of self-preservation, with every being whether physical or moral, is the first law of nature. ... The protection of government is only due to peaceable citizens; and all citizens in the republic are republicans. The royalists, the conspirators, are strangers, or rather enemies. Is not this dreadful contest, which liberty maintains against tyranny, indivisible? Are not the internal enemies the allies of those in the exterior? The assassins who lay waste the interior; the intriguers who purchase the consciences of the delegates of the people: the traitors who sell them; the mercenary libellants paid to dishonor the cause of the people, to smother public virtue, to fan the flame of civil discord, and bring about a political counter revolution by means of a moral one; all these men, are they less culpable or less dangerous than the tyrants whom they serve?"