Weight Changing So Quickly

Why am I losing weight so rapidly?

You are just lucky, I guess! ;-) You have left out some important information such as, your sex/gender, current overall health, body type, overall health, your weight goals, how much you want to lose, etc. If you are female (depending on your type of body frame, i.e., small, medium, large, etc.) you should weigh anywhere from, 145, 152 to 160. For males, 152, 164 to 170. Note: You should get a physical before embarking on physical regimen and/or diet of any kind!

That being sounds like you are doing everything right! I'd say that in a few weeks (give or take) your weight loss rate will slow down and stabilize. Keep in mind that you are only 20 and your body is still changing. Kudos to you for adopting a healthy lifestyle at such a young age.

My suggestion to you is to alternate the different types of exercise, such as weight training one day, cardio the next, etc. Also, very important, your body needs a day or two of complete rest (no exercise) in between! You could be breaking down your muscle by too much exercise! While you are on your exercise regimen you need to allow your body proper rest in order to regenerate your muscles. It's okay to work your muscles but allow them a couple of days of total rest. If you feel compelled to exercise on your "resting" only days do ONLY casual/light walking (no power-walking, etc.)!

Keep up the great work! A good online reference is:

My weight goes up and down so quickly. is that normal?

Yes this is very normal. First off you should not weigh everyday for one. And two you should not weigh like 3 times a day. If you want your most accurate weight reading it should be done in the morning after you pass bodily fluids and you should only weigh in your panties and bra. Also, you should not weigh yourself more than once a week. My weigh in day happens to be every Friday. Pick one morning, and only one day a week. Your body weight will fluctuate depending on how much you eat, drink and what you wear so take all of that into consideration as well.

How did losing a significant amount of weight change your life?

I lost close to 5 stone in 2006 (over the course of 7 months) mainly cos i got to a weight that i didn't like, and wanted to change. I can say that alone changed the course of my life for the better.I had my first IT related job after Uni, I was sat for 8 hrs a day at work and then likely 4-6 hrs a day at night, I ate crap and drank crap. I was broke. I ballooned over a year (from my skint student self!) to this guy who hated how he looked and dressed.I started. (you need to start!) I quit sugar and bread. I joined a gym. I worked out. For the first time in my life.I wont lie to you, it was hard, especially initially. I was still in the same job. I was still painfully single. But I stuck to it. Then things started to change, not just in my weight (as I say, it dropped quickly, and steadily) but my mood improved. I started to go out more. I started to look at possible career paths. I gained confidence in myself. I moved on.Then about 2 months after i started, I met her. It was a random night out, nothing special, I was quite quite drunk - due to friends plying me with booze (I'm not a big drinker, at all!). We met up a few times in subsequent nights out and had our first official date about 4 months later (I had lost around 4 stone at this point). I felt fantastic, my confidence was high.We will have been married 7 years in August and have 2 wonderful boys. I will say that the weight loss wasn't the only thing that caused these series of events, but they were definitely the catalyst.You need to be happy in your own skin, to love yourself, love the person you are (not just the number on the scale). Then you will have confidence in yourself, and people are attracted to confidence.

Why can I lose AND gain weight easily?

The 2 lb change from day to day is water weight, not fat changes...most people experience that, and females moreso than weight might fluctuate 3 or so lbs from day to day, but it's not fat changes, it's water (bloat from my period or from too much sodium)...

As for ease of fat loss, it would indicate a fast metabolism or very diligent eating/exercise when you decide to drop some pounds...