Weight Lifting / Deodorant Question

What deodorant is the best after sweating?

Try Gillete Sportwear, you can buy packs of four or two at Wal-Mart or basically any store that stocks such products even Shoppers or CVS amongst others. It comes in a clear gel and the bottle/stick itself does not move. Rather there is a drill that shoots the gel/deoderant through the pre-made openings. It can last for several days, there's no running or condensation when excercising either. I play football and have practice every day alongside a weightlifting class, this means I am sweating/doing twice the physical activity most people do. A single swipe of it on each pit is more than enough for me. I recommend the Power Rush variant, make sure it comes as a clear gel and says sport on it.

Should I feel winded after lifting weights?

I do various weight lifting exercises at home every other day with 10lb dumbbells. I do enough reps and sets to the point where my muscles feel tired and I feel like I've had a good workout. However, I do not ever get out of breath or sweaty. Does this mean I'm not pushing as hard as I could? Or do some people just not get winded from lifting weights?

I feel like I'm going to orgasm during weight lifting?

I know exactly what you are talking about here. The exercises that always gave me the feeling I was going to orgasm were straight leg raises on the roman chair, squats, leg presses, laying leg curls and the leg extension machine. One day during a superset of leg presses and the roman chair leg lifts i felt the sensation begin and tried to ignore it thinking it would go away. This plan proved to be unsuccessful and before I knew how to stop it, I was ejaculating inside my briefs. I momentarily lost all strength causing the leg press sled to slam onto its safety mechanisms. My partner asked if I was ok and what had happened. Since he was a buddy who I had been naked around before and felt comfortable telling him the truth, I told him what really happened. I indicated to the huge dark gray wet spot that was very noticeable in comparison to the light gray color the shorts were when dry. My buddy stared at the spot for a second and then it dawned on him what had happened. He bent over and quietly asked if I had pissed in my shorts or if I had blown my wad mid set. I told him it definitely wasn't piss which made him bust up laughing. He didnt tell anyone what had happened, but he gave me so much crap for it I think I wold rather have had every guy know the truth. I am glad to see another guy had the balls to admit this has happened to them. I think the cause is a combination of friction, increased testosterone levels and an attraction to the thought of showing off in public. At least that is what caused my orgasm during my workout.

Will I be looked down on as I start my first day of weight training?

No. You'll likely be ignored. The only reason anyone will care that you're there is if you're doing something stupid (curling in the squat rack), annoying (lifting dumbbells so close to the dumbbell rack that no one else can get a set of dumbbells) or dangerous (excessive arching of your back during a deadlift).Use common sense and 99% of the people won't care you're there.dont sit on a bench and text. Use the equipment, clean it, then get out of the wayDon't be in the wayWatch YouTube tutorials on how to do a certain exercise if you're unsureWear deodorantDon't try to make a spectacle of yourselfSquat in the squat rack. Rack pulls, heavy military presses, or bench press without a spotter is also acceptable. No curling or other exercises that don't require safety bars!If you're using a machine, there's likely instructions on how to properly use it. Follow them.Don't squat on a bosu ball. You'll look dumb.Hire a personal trainer if you're having difficulty

Doesn't cycling to your workplace tire you and make you sweat buckets?

I live in Florida in the US, so, yes it does make you sweat. I wash up in the bathroom because there are no showers. None of my patients have complained yet. Despite the sweating and having to leave the house earlier, I feel a lot better when I start my day with a bike ride and I have more energy during the day. At first I was exhausted. As I got stronger, I began to feel better when I biked to work.

What are some good measures of my health that aren't my weight?

Focus less on the numbers on the scale.  Here are some other things to consider in terms of being healthy:Going for a long walk or jog and feel good after (physically).If your hair and nails are shiny and strong.Be physically strong.  This doesn't mean you need to lift weights, but be able to do a couple push-ups.Stretch regularly to help your muscles and joints.And emotional health is just as important as physical health.  Make sure you are able to look in the mirror and appreciate yourself, mentally and physically.  Appreciate that your clothes fit great, that your hair is perfect today, that your smile is bright and happy, anything!Don't worry about health to the point of obsession.  If you are happy, physically able, and treating your body well, you are probably healthy.

What are some good resources to learn about bodybuilding?

t-nation.comIts a great site for learning more about weight training. They have user forums that are very active, and broken down into interest categories from beginners to professionals.They have a series of articles written by weight trainers every week or two that are relevant, interesting, and helpful to weight training.The site is hosted by a supplement company so if you are included to take supplements there is information readily available on the subject.