Weight Training Programs Without A Bench Or Gym Equipment

How do I build muscle without equipment?

Well...with no equipment...
Day 1- do 25 crunches
25 sit ups
25 crunches
25 sit ups your abs
day 2- do chair lifts as many as you can do, and do 4 4 sets of 25
then do push ups 4 sets of as many as you can, you can alt chair lifts and push ups (chair lifts are where you sit on the edge of a chair, then slide your butt off and dip down as low as you can and use your arms to do dips-- you can straighten your legs or leave them bent)
Day 3- stand in a door way and jump...hit the door frame for 3 solid minutes...
Day 4- run for one hour
Day 5- do stairs, or lunges
start over?
I dunno, just some ideas of things you can do with no equipment... Its not easy, but use things you have around your can lift bottles of water or cans of pull ups using your door frame

Back Exercises Without Weights Or Other Equipment?

At the ACSM's (American College of Sports Medicine) 12th-annual Health & Fitness Summit and Exposition in March, 2008, Dr. Michael Bracko stressed the importance of back exercises to keep the spine--and muscles that surround it--healthy.

“The back is probably the most commonly injured part of the body for all people,” said Bracko. “We can help prevent back injuries through not only strengthening the back muscles themselves, but also by working muscles that surround and support the spine, such as the abdominals.”

Here are three great exercises Dr. Bracko recommends for the back, which require no equipment whatsoever:

1) Bird dog: Ge on your hands and knees on the floor.. Lift your right arm and opposing left leg simultaneously, holding straight, as high as you can lift each. Slowly, bring them back to the ground. Do 10 reps on each side.

2) Front plank: Lie on the floor, flat on your stomach. Bend your arms at the elbows to support your upper body, centering the elbows under the shoulders. Lift your body off the ground, using abdominal strength and toes to hold a “bridge” position, keeping the back straight. Hold a straight back for 10 seconds.

3) Side planks: Lie on your side, with your bottom arm centered under your shoulder. Lift your hips off the ground, and hold with a straight back for 10 seconds. Repeat on opposite side.

Chin-ups and pull-ups are great back strengtheners as well, requiring nothing more than a horizontal branch on a tree.

Don't forget the importance of building the muscles that support the back too, and abdominals certainly fall in this category. Weak abdominals can cause or exacerbate back problems.

Dr. Bracko recommends that if you work a desk job, you should make sure to get up and stretch a little every hour or so. Your back will suffer in the long run if you don't; it is not easy on the back to sit still for long periods.

Finally, don't forget to work on back flexibility too. Without flexibility, strength means very little. Click on the last link below to begin a yoga regimen. This ancient system has been tested for thousands of years, with great benefit to the backs of practitioners.

Bicep/tricep exercises without weight?

Close hand push ups.
Close hand pull ups.
Bicep/Tricep Dynamic Tension. (Tense your arm to show muscles, then move arm like doing a bicep curl)
Shadow Boxing.
Bench/Chair dips.

Is it possible to start bodybuilding without equipment from home?

I would highly suggest it! Its most definitely possible. Calisthenics is the art of using your own body weight in several exercises. I usually suggest everyone to spend atleast one month of doing that, while gradually increasing what you can do. For example, if you can only do 5 pushups, try and do 2 more on your next go around. Me personally, I spent 2 months doing calisthenics in the park and in my house before i joined a gym and I think it helped a great deal. It helps to build your strength. And theres so much you can do at home. Find a place to do dips, get a pull up bar, i would avoid the standard crunches and do “crunchy frog” exercise for more effectiveness. Planks, side planks. Dont forget to put some variation in your push ups! Incline, standard, decline, military press. And always always always always do more than you did yesterday. Even if its just by one rep, its progress.

Can someone give me examples of strength training workouts?

If you're trying to tone, stay away from the high weights. You want low weights with high reps.

Have a friend help you "max out" - find out how much weight you can safely lift by yourself - on the following exercises: benchpress, inclined benchpress, bicep curls, tricep extensions, leg press, leg curls, leg extensions.

Once you've got your max weights, start working each exercises at 60% of your max. Do fifteen reps for each exercise, moving from one exercise to the next without taking a break. Once you've completed all of the exercises, cool off with some abdominal crunches (don't forget the obliques!). This is called a "super-set". Take a one minute break after your super-set, then do it again. You want to do a total of three super-sets every other day. When you start out, the weight will feel very light and the exercise will seem too easy. By the end you'll feel it.

Try not to work the same muscle groups two days in a row. It takes about 24 hrs. to complete the lactic acid cycle that builds muscle, so working out every day does no more good than every other day. A lot of people like to break up their routine, doing upper body one day and lower body the next.

If you're not used to weight training, this kind of program will build strength very quickly. Be sure to max out every three to four weeks to make sure that you're still working out with 50%-60% of your maximum weight.

Those dumbells may be useful, but I don't know how strong you are right now. Based on your size, their probably a little too heavy for working the arms. They may be about right for butterfly presses. You could do this instead of the bench and inclined bench exercises. I recommend benchpresses for a beginner, though. The full-sized bar is easier to handle than two dumbells, and it's safer.

What exercise equipment do you need to have when setting up a gym in your home?

Dear Cornelius:You will find the following equipment in my home garage gym:Strength training equipment:Squats Rack, bench station, deadlift pad, bumper plates, fractional change plates, steel bars, Weightlifting chalk, Powerlifting shoes. The Strength training focus on systematic, thrice-weekly perfect execution of variation of deadlifts, squats and overhead pressing. For assistant exercises, you can do bodyweight training, and on days off from strength training/Powerlifting, you stay active doing cardio.Power development tools: (if you desire to play with Oly lifts)Pull Blocks, Weightlifting Stackable boxes, Weightlifting bars, bumper plates, fractional plates, weightlifting shoes.For the new trainers, the Strength training equipment is enough for the first couple of years.I hope i provided some clues.