Weight Training Recovery Advice For Good Muscle Gains

Need advice over weight lifting after injury?

So I want to start weight lifting because i need to gain muscle.
The problem is i just had a clavical (collar bone) broken like a month in a half ago and i got off my sling like 1 week ago. I can do sports not contact though. So when would be a good time to start?

What is the best protein powder for muscle mass/weight gain?

I like and use whey protein. The guys I get my stuff from have some good discussion threads on comparing products, gaining muscle, smoothie recipes etc.
Check it out
I love the vanilla flavor.

How much muscle can you gain in a month with a good protein intake?

I know that the most muscle you can gain off of SPECIFICALLY muscle is 2lbs a month(not including bone increases, body fat increases, or water weight increases). How much muscle can you gain a month with a high protein intake though?

Most advice I see for body building and strength training seems to focus on major muscle groups. But what about all those smaller muscles?

Most easily found programs are targeted at beginners and intermediate lifters that are not on steroids. As such, you need time to recover but yet your body only gets anablolic (muscle growing) stimulation from a workout for about a day.As such, for best results you need to hit your whole body every other day or so for best growth- further apart than that and you give up some muscle growth that you could have had and closer together you won’t recover enough to keep growing and not injure yourself. Because of that, to get all the major muscle groups in one workout you pretty much are limited to the big compound motions (bench press, deadlift, squat, some sort of row/pullup and possibly a shoulder exercise), which get the large muscles and also the stabilizing muscles before you just plain run out of time. Most people don’t have time for >2 hour workouts, and don’t have the energy to do them well even if they had the time.The reason that PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs, steroids…) change this equation is that they can both increase your recovery rate (you recover faster AND you recover more effectively from more work) and the anabolic window, the amount of time you get growth from doing an exercise. In that case you can grow more by hitting each body part from more different angles less often (“bro-splits” where you might do one or 2 body parts per day) and even hitting them so hard that you wouldn’t recover correctly otherwise.

Why do my calve muscles take so long to recover after workout?

although im seeing small gains in muscle mass in them, as opposed the rest of my body they are taking a lot longer to recover... I have 30 seconds rest in between sets, do about 7 sets... they take about 5-6 days to fully heal.. this always happens as opposed to 2 days rest for the rest of my muscles, please advice

Anorexia Recovery...anyone been? Weight gain tips and help me get through.?

im also in recovery and all i can say is still with what your meal plan was when you were in rehab if you went to rehab for your ED... that what i did when i first got out. i came home and still followed my meal plan that i had at the place i was at... if you just eat as much as they told you to eat then your in the clear. the only thing you should worry about is losing weight. if your losing your not doing it right. just eata ndbe happy try not to think about it too much you'll relaps by worrying too much i know ha. and dont feel bad that your jean or pants dont fit! thats awesome if you NEED to gain wait and your jeans dont fit your reaching the goal! stay strong hun your young and you dont wanna be a old woman still dealing with this crap! kick your ED to the curb and do whats best for you. live a long healthy life! recovery isnt easy for anyone. stay strong!

How much protein should I eat to gain muscle?

Start out with about 30 grams of protein in a shake or smoothie, work up to 45-50 grams. It takes your body a few days to a week to get use to the extra supplement, at least mine did. also, take your drink within 30 min of your workout for best results.
Always buy high quality whey. I get my stuff from the link below, their forum page also has some good recipes and discussions. good luck

Is napping after a workout a way to gain muscle? I've heard that eating, then napping is one of the best ways to gain fat.

Funny thing, sumo wrestlers carry more muscle mass than any other athlete.Sleep releases testosterone and growth hormone. A lot of athletes nap to help recover. If you're getting sufficient levels of sleep already the benefits may not be major. Eating something post workout is still the better option. Realize that sumo wrestlers are eating major, major calories daily to get their bulk. It's not simply that they eat and nap; they're eating several times the calories of any average person. Your muscles really don't start to recover until they replenish the glycogen used during exercise. The faster they're fueled the sooner they rebuild. Eat some simple carbs and protein after your workout.