Weird Thing With Horse. What Are Your Thoughts

What weird things do your horses eat?

my horse doesnt really like a ton of stuff . the weirdest thing he has eaten was a golfball .. i found one in our paddock ( were right next to a golf course ) and so i let my horse smell it . and of course ... he eats it ! so i stick my fingers in his mouth and thry to make him spit it out . but only HALF came back out !!! i assume it passed through him , and hes fine , no worries(:

Barrel horse acting weird..?

It could have been you sending your nerves down the reins to her.

After you noticed her acting strange in your warm up run and when you ran the poles, probably made you nervous about what was going to happen when it was time for the barrels. We all get a little nervous sometimes when we are at shows or rodeos, or if we aren't sure what our horses are going to do or if we no they are acting up. The horse can sense you being nervous on her back and that makes her think "Oh no, my riders nervous about something so that means I should be too!"

It may sound crazy to you but it's true! I've had this problem before when my horse used to spook at a certain corner of the arena. I would anticipate him about to spook or try to push towards the center, and I would tense up causing him to spook because he didn't know what I was scared of. Once I was able to relax and control my breathing and movement, he would ride through the corner with no problem every time.

I'm not saying you aren't a confident rider, I'm just saying we all get a little nervous sometimes when we ride!

What are the weirdest things you've seen at night alone?

Wow, these answers are so paranormal.I was just going to post about the time I went out into my yard to look at the constellations.That night was a very silent night. A storm must have been headed in because even the animals and bugs were quiet.It was such a clear, quiet night that I just wanted to look and see how many constellations I can find out here in the country.While looking up at the stars, I heard movement at the edge of my yard. When I turned, I saw a man standing beside a tree on the other side of the brush separating mine and the neighbor’s fields.It was pretty dark out, so I could only see his silhouette. I stared at him hard. He was wearing a coat (in the summer) and his hands were in his pockets. We didn’t move for a long time. Then I saw him shift his weight and take a few steps toward me. I heard his footsteps on the ground and knew he was big.When I saw him advance, I ran back inside my house, grabbed my gun, shut off all the electricity in the house to hear better, and hid in the hallway closet.I hid there for ages, listening for footsteps outside.When I heard my neighbor come home, I called her to notify her of the strange man in her field. She said she would investigate and then call the police. We stayed on the line for safety.After a few minutes, she said she didn’t see anyone in her field and wanted to know where I saw him. I came out of my closet and looked into her field through my window.The man was still there. He had come closer and was standing practically inside the brushline.I described the location using trees and the fences, but my neighbor insisted she couldn’t see him.Finally, she decided her horse must be blocking her line of sight and said she would have to go down the property line to see around it.I asked where her horse was standing to confirm the theory from my angle. She described its location as very near to the strange man. I couldn’t see the horse from where I was.My neighbor came over to my house to get a look from my angle and was exasperated to find the “strange man” was her horse.She took me outside closer to the brush and pointed out the location of the horse’s front end in the dark.It was a painted horse with brown and white markings on its rump, legs, and tail that in the dark looked like the silhouette of a very tall, strong man in a coat.I laughed hysterically and spooked the horse away.Once it was away from the brush line it was even easier to tell it was just a regular horse tail scaring me!

What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you while riding a horse?

Many years ago as a teenager I was riding alone in the forests of Sweden on a borrowed Icelandic horse. We were doing just fine, the ride was excellent, when a couple of hundred meters in front of me I saw a large mama bear on one side of the path, and two cubs on the other side. If you know bears, you know that you NEVER get in between a mama and her cubs, that can only result in death or serious injury. And on a horse? Forget about it. Before she spotted us or the horse noticed the bear I quickly turned around and started to calmly but speedily move in the opposite direction, only to lope smack-dab into the ass of a huge moose crossing our path at high speed. How the three of us got out of that unharmed I’ll never know, but essentially the moose spooked, made a surprise-roar of sorts and ran away. My horse jumped (of course), snort-shrieked in surprise and then seemed to decide that “no, I’m not gonna listen to this idiot on my back any longer because she obviously cannot be trusted”; took the bit and loped the entire way home. We were both absolutely fine, thank deity of choice.I’ve ridden in those woods many times since, but never seen either moose or bears. Pretty insane to crash into one while trying to avoid the other.

My horse is my best friend, is that weird?

Definitely not. Very normal. Look around the world. Life is about so much more than just humans and human relationships.

Whats the strangest thing your horse has ever done?

ummm... my horse does a LOT of wierd things so I can't decide. I think the funniest was when our neighbor came over to help scoop the corral and my horse grabbed his hat (which he's VERY protective of) and ran off with it! Another time my friend was over riding and he grabbed the arm of her sweatshirt and started walking away pulling her!! Haha it was funny. Also whenever I'm eating ANY kind of food (even hamburgers!) he'll nudge me and put on his puppy face until I give him some (he'll go on for hours!) and when he finally gets some he'll shake his head! Whenever I have soda he always tries to drink it out of the can too, then does the lip thing. :D Straws REALLY confuddle him though its so funny!

What most people think is hilarious though is when he drinks straight out of the hose. He will freak out when I try to rinse him during his bath, but as soon as I let him have a drink from the hose, he's perfectly fine. !!! :D

haha have fun!