Welfare Abuse In America

Should welfare be banned in America?

My first impulse is to say yes, however having been on it out of need makes me realize that some really need it like I did. I got off it ASAP because I was not raised that way and prefer to support myself as long as able.I was injured and rendered unable to work and needed food just to stay alive. Having said that I am aware of how many abuse the system from a friend that used to work at social security. He saw this with his own eyes.There needs to be some way of making an absolute determination of who is needy and for how long. I also believe that money for this should be voluntary from the taxpayer instead of mandatory.

How can America fix its welfare system?

maybe set a time limit on their benefits, don't reward them for having more babies, if you can't support them don't have anymore, right? make them come in or make routine visits to see if the circumstances of their need have changed. Stuff like that maybe. I agree something needs to be done but the problem is how and still be fair.

Is there more welfare abuse in the US or Europe?

Good question. I'm thinking Europe, and only because of the mass migration of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and Northern Africa.I'm seeing a lot of stories in the European newspapers about people being arrested for benefits abuse and falsified claims.I may be completely wrong however as this isn't the type of story that American Media would report on unless it was some astronomical ripoff where someone was receiving 40 checks and had 25 food stamp cards while living in public housing.Food Stamp fraud is very big in my area of the country. A person can buy a recipients $200 credit from food stamps for $75 to $100 all day long in some neighborhoods. Or simply go to an AA or NA meeting at the beginning of the month and ask around. There is always someone needing money for drugs and alcohol, or they know who does.The more I think about it I realize I don't have a clue. And I doubt the governments do either.

Why does America hate welfare so much?

It's not just welfare but other programs designed to help people. I know welfare, food stamps, setion 8, and other programs all have problems because I have seen both extremes. I have a friend who is a single mom and had her food stamps reduced because she got a minimum wage job at Wendy's. Now she struggles even more to feed her son because she is actually trying to do something to help herself. Isn't this just encouraging her (and people in her position) to just stay at home and not work at all because the quality of life would be better?

I also know people who have a section 8 apartment, receive welfare checks, and get like $400 in food stamps. BTW, these people are also unemployed, and their children dress better than mine (I'm a middle-class military man). Obviously, this is wrong but wouldn't it be better for America as a whole to change assistance programs and redistribute some of these funds. I don't care if they only gave these families enough money to only buy Ramen noodles to eat every night at least they would eat. I grew up in a section 8 apartment and my family has used welfare and food stamps before and I have seen how they can help people. As a result, I grew up to be a hard-working person and I can appreciate that I had finacial help when I needed it most...Now I want to return the favor.

My biggest problem with people's gripes about assistance programs is that we are going to find ways to waste tax dollars anyway.

I have served in Operation Iraqi Freedom as an aircraft electrician and I spent my first month making buildings from the ground up (eventaully these buildings will be the Iraqi military bases). We give other countries jobs. They worked at our Exchanges. They made our food and cut our hair. We have stimulated their economy. We spend money on their military training. We give them aircraft. We teach the military discipline.

Then we frown our faces when we use our taxes to help our own people. What kind of sense does that make?

I'm not saying welfare and assistance programs are perfect, because I know for a fact they aren't. I'm just saying if we are going to use our money on something, why not our fellow Americans?

Should Welfare be cancelled for people that burn the American flag?

It says in the 1st amendment that you have your right to freedom of expression, but no where in the constitution does it say that people that hate our country should be handed money and benefits at the expense of the American taxpayers like myself that work my asp off 40-50 hours a week. A lot of idiots are oxygen thieves, they love our benefits but hate our country. I don't want my hard earned tax money to be funding their stupidasses. They don't deserve welfare.

Has the USA become a welfare state?

Far from it. There is nothing close to cradle to grave government support in this country. It's the GOP propagandists definition of a welfare state which has propagated that notion. The Republicans define a welfare state as when the government pays for anything. The Republicans are barbarians who even consider Social Security and Medicare a welfare state. The GOP wants socialism for themselves and unbridled capitalism for everyone else. They're the worst hypocrites in the world.