Were Cavemen Real If So What Langue Did They Speak

Were cavemen real? If so what langue did they speak?

The term "cavemen" is a generalised popular term for any prehistoric humans that either lived during the Palaeolithic (the Old Stone Age), or inhabited 'caves'. Sometimes it is specifically aimed at Neanderthal populations. The Neanderthals inhabited parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Siberia, between 250,000 and 31,000 years ago. They were very much real, and we have many fossils of their bones, as well as their stone tools - and even a copy of their DNA Genome!

Sometimes however, the term Cavemen is directed at early AMHs (anatomically modern humans or h.sapiens) who inhabited much of the Old World - but specifically those that inhabited parts of Europe towards the end of the last Ice Age between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago. These people were very much like modern people, except that they lived a hunter-gatherer economy using a stone age technology.

Yes, they were real.

As for language? We really do not know. Literacy was not invented until many thousands of years later, so we have no record of languages then. We do try to examine modern, and recorded ancient languages, and try to understand how they develop, exchange, etc. However, there have been many languages (particularly the Indo-European group of languages) that have arrived in Europe since, so it is difficult to reconstruct languages earlier than that.

Did cavemen speak english?

No. People didn't even speak English at the time of Christ, much less in 10,000 BC! English has only been around for about 1,500 years.

Cavemen's language would have been more than grunts and head nods though. Man's brain was fully evolved 10,000 years ago and the cavemen would have had a fully developed language, but it would not sound anything like a modern language.

The grunts and head nods would be much further back in time, at least 50,000 or 60,000 years back and probably more 100,000 years back.

There was an "Indo-European mother tongue" at some point. There are certain words that sound similar in all the European and Indian languages, so linguists think all of them came from one language. Perhaps cavemen spoke that.

How did we go from cavemen to speaking ?

We didn't all of a sudden do anything. Everything has taken a long, long time. I not sure if you mean "language as the written word or spoken word" but early on before we were even considered man there was basic words of warning which many species have the ability to do. There is the idea that tool making changed the brain which had the side effect, so to speak, of a more complex communication ability. Cave paintings may give a clue to when these changes occurred but remember outside painting may have been older but weathered away.
Some on here would like for you to use the term, "Early Modern Humans" instead of the word, "cavemen".

Tiki, I always get lots of thumbs down if I mention that women were a source of anything.

What language did cavemen speak, and was a cave man the first man?

First, what do you mean by cavemen? Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo habilis, etc...

Your question cannot be accurately answered without more information on what you mean by cave man.

Could cavemen talk?

I would imagine so. I’m sure derivations of “mother,” “father,” “cold” and “fire” have stood the test of time. And I imagine there are phrases passed from the Stone Age on forward like, “Do not put your hand in the fire!” and “The yellow snow is not for eating.”I also believe that cavemen and cavewomen employed various grunts to serve as shorthand in the same manner we use them today. For example, that growl we hear from men when someone tries to take the television remote probably has it antecedents in cavewomen whose male mates tried to borrow the vines they used to tie their hair back.I also think cavemen invented words and phrases when their extant vocabulary failed them. For instance, I can imagine a scenario where a caveman caught in flagrante delicto with the sister of his female mate probably came up with all sorts of new excuses to explain his behavior.

How could adam and eve speak, but cavemen couldn't?

I just don' understand that if adam and eve were the first people on earth and they could talk, why couldnt cavemen talkbecause they did come after adam anr eve....

How come the real-life cavemen never spoke English?

Two reasons:Cavemen did not exist. Nobody lived in caves. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors were nomads, moving around the landscape with the seasons as various food resources became available and never staying in one place too long so that they didn’t over-exploit the area. They might take purely temporary advantage of cave mouths as well as other natural shelters like overhanging rocks, large trees and the like, but they didn’t really stay in place long enough to say that they lived anywhere. (They did sometimes go into the interior of caves; we know that because of so many cave paintings. However, we can also tell from the lack of the detritus of everyday living that they didn’t stay.)English did not exist. The English language is the result of a specific set of historical processes and conditions. The science fiction author H. Beam Piper called English “the result of Norman knights trying to get dates with Saxon barmaids,” which doesn’t even begin to get into the complexities. There’s the layering of French words onto a largely Germanic core in England, but there’s also massive borrowing of vocabulary from other languages afterwards as the British built a global empire, and before that there were Germanic migrations to England (The Angles from whom England and the English get their name? From Denmark.) and a heavy influence of Latin on the Celtic language originally spoken there. Languages change a lot over time, so English had to come into being for anyone to speak it.

When did cavemen exist?

If Adam and Eve were the first humans, and they were created in God's image, then is God a neanderthal? I don't recall stories of Adam hitting Eve over the head and dragging her to the Garden of Eden. Not meaning to be funny here, Just tring to gain some perspective.

Where are cavemen in the bible?

the Bible does describe a period of traumatic upheaval (the Flood – Genesis chapters 6-9) upon the earth during which time civilization was utterly destroyed and men were forced to start over. It is in this historical context that some scholars believe that men lived in caves and made use of stone tools. These men were not primitive; they were simply destitute. And they certainly weren't half ape. The fossil evidence is quite clear: cavemen were human (hence the term cave-"men," men who lived in caves).