What Advice Should I Give My Young Nephew About His Unstable Girlfriend

I think my Girlfriends Little sister likes me?

I think her sister is just going through puberty. Sometimes little girls tend to hold small crushes with boys older than them or with boyfriends that are not theirs. Its totally normal but it isn't right. She needs to understand that you are her sisters boyfriend. I suggest you ask your girlfriend to talk to her sister or just talk to her sister without there being a third person being involved. Every time you have an issue with someone make sure you don't bring others into it unless it involves them. To avoid any sort of conflict between sisters just talk to the kid first. Tell her you like her sister and that you actually love being her boyfriend. If she has any sort of feelings for you they have to stop because there is an age difference and you don't see her any other way than as an younger sister. I think she'll understand. Just don't ignore her. The more you do that the more she will want to get your attention.

What are signs of an emotionally immature girlfriend?

Immature Girlfriend.Clingy - needs to be in constant contact with you and to know where you are, what you're doing, and who you're with at all times, gets upset when you're doing anything that doesn't involve you.Insecure - gets upset if you even look or talk to another girl; tries to put limits on who you can hang out with or talk to; checks your email, facebook, internet history, and cellphone.Unable to Communicate - expects you to be able to read her mind and know what's bothering her; cries or goes silent when you're trying to talk about something so you're never able to work out your problems.Not upfront - talks to other people about problems in your relationship more than she talks to you about them.Trouble seeker - reads into everything you say or do as something negative toward her.Turns everything into a game instead of being upfront or just accepting things at your word, she expects you to "chase" her and "prove" that you love her.Unfair - holds you to different standards than she holds herself.Impulsive - reacts based on emotions rather than looking at something logically.Closed-minded and unwilling to consider differing points of views.Untruthful - distorts reality to better suit her needs.Superficial - cares too much about superficial and material things.Lacking of Initiatives - won't take the initiative to learn how to do things for herself, but instead expects other people to do things for her; or just says "it's too hard" and gives up.Sexist - divides things into "male roles" versus "female roles"- thinks a guy should always make the first move, pay for everything, deal with all the "hard stuff" or complicated things.Cry Baby - A girl throws tantrums. When displeased, upset or angry, she reacts just as she did as a kiddo. This often consists of screaming, pouting, giving the silent treatment, being passive aggressive and/or punishing. A woman still feels the emotions of being upset/displeased, but has cultivated the skill of responding versus reacting.And oh, it can be a “MAN” too.Visit this site: Ask Any Question, Girls and Guys Have the Answer

Should I get my boyfriend's niece a gift for her birthday?

If you are invited to the birthday party, bring a gift. If you are not going to the party, do not get her a gift. But, whenever you do happen to visit her, it is acceptable to bring her a little something, like a coloring book or a colorful plastic bracelet. Even if it's not her birthday.

To get the most brownie points with your boyfriend's family, the best gift to give is clothes (the mom will like that) and the worst gift to give is chocolate and other candy.

Betrayed by mother, CPS involved, need advice?


CPS has come and gone and assured me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my parenting, home or children. They are putting a note on my 'history' in case my mother keeps calling them. The woman actually told me I was 'way above average' with my act at home. I confronted Mom and she said that she had called and is not one bit sorry. She does not believe she was lying. The icing on the cake after CPS left I posted a status update expressing what they said to me about my home being clean, kids being happy and taken care of, fridge full of food and that I seemed well rounded and happy as Mom...something to that effect. All of my friends said congrats and 'of course we knew that' but then my mother posted this:

"kind of like with Casey Anthony , they thought she was not guilty too."

and after a long discussion with my husband I have decided to cut off communication with my Mother until she can come to me with a much altered attitude. Makes me sad, but I have to protec

How can I convince my mom that scolding my nephew about liking girly things (i.e., baby dolls and purses) isn't helping him? I understand she doesn't want him to be made fun of but he's three and I'm sure he will grow out of it, if he wants.

This has nothing to do with boys doing boy things and girls doing girl things.Just tell her that at that age they are still babies, they just want to be like mama. Little boys will get into mommy’s makeup and try on mommy’s clothes not because they have gender dysphoria but just because that’s what they see mommy do.Remind her that he is still young and he has been around his mom. Children have no idea why mommy and daddy are different at that age, they just are. He doesn’t know that he grows up he will be a daddy. He might see mommy rocking the baby and carrying a purse. So he looks up to mommy and wants to be just like her, so he does those things as well.Scolding him for being like mommy is just going to confuse him, let her know that to a child that age mommy is god, so of course he is going to look up to her. They know nothing else at that age. Tell her she is pretty much scolding him for looking up to his mama. Hopefully that will change her aspect.

Is 22 too young to be a father?

If you really love her and she is ready to do it, I think your age is just as good as any other. Just be sure that she is ready to have a child cause if she is not things might get bad between you two.