What Am I Asking This Question For

Why Am I Asking This Question?

Because you got onto your computer and while you were sitting in front of your computer you decided to go onto yahoo answers, heading straight for the lgbt section of yahoo answers, where you then just clicked in the midst of creating a question, where you are not sure what to ask, rather just curious of the responses, so you ask "Why am I asking this question", out of pure amusement for yourself to see what others may have to say in reply. Thus, this is then how you got here. :D

I may be completely off, but oh well.
Our curiosity tends to get the better of us fairly easily.

I am asking serious questions about Jesus?

I met Jesus when I was 42 and the first thing I did was look back on my life for each time I might have dismissed hearing about him... I regretted every second I waited.

Now, I need you to understand that I didn’t just jump right in to believing: it was after an intensive search for truth that I was confronted with this God-man. It was after I was convinced in my heart that I said out loud that I believed He was the Son of God. Instantly my life changed.

15 years in... my relationship with Jesus is still an amazing adventure, and He helped me with all my problems. Plus I know I’m going to heaven after this life. The worst thing about this is knowing the truth and watching people dismiss it to their own destruction.

Why am I asking this question? And why are you answering this question?

Existential guilt for an unlived life.

Who am I that is asking this question?

Who am I? What am I? How am I? These are the type of questions that bind us to suffering. This constitutes inappropriate attention (ayoniso manasikaro). Appropriate attention would be reflecting in accordance of dependent origination: Requisite ConditionsRather terse, but the implication in Buddhism is that we need to view things including identities as actions rather than as discrete things. Whatever “I” there is is a sequence of activities, much like individual frames in a movie. On the basis of ignorance we fabricate, feel, perceive and shape the world around us. To undercut this tendency we most learn to fabricate on the basis of wisdom e.g., the 4 noble truths.

This question might sound rude but i am just asking what does transexual mean?

'transsexual' is a person who belongs to one gender but wishes to be perceived as a person of the opposite one. the individual achieves this either by undergoing a sex-change procedure or by dressing up as a member of the opposite sex.

Spiritually: What was so wrong with asking this question in the Psychology section of Yahoo Answers?

Yahoo doesn't care. The sooner they get bought out by Microsoft the better. They have allowed the report monkeys to completely take over, to their own detriment and in the mean time they have allowed their infrastructure to crumble. Every day Yahoo is less and less functional.
I woke up to 4 violation notices this morning, for nothing. Yahoo is killing itself.

What are 20 questions I can ask the girl I'm dating to promote a deeper level of disclosure?

I have been dating a girl for the past 2 months, I am looking to start getting into a deeper level of self disclosure with her. In my mind it seems easy but when i try and think of questions to ask to start deeper conversations I get hung up. Does anyone have any ideas on 10 to 20 questions I can ask? Seeing them in written form might help jump start my mind! thanks

I am sorry for asking rude questions. sorry. people will you frogive me?

I didn't see any questions from you other than this one. Even when I checked your profile, this was your only question listed. But I'm sure you are forgiven for any rude questions asked before. I forgive you for trying to be funny. Hehe.