What Am I Seeing Am I Going Crazy

I feel like I'm going crazy. What should I do?

Whenever you or anyone else is “feeling” like that - it is because:You are unable to silence the noise in your mindThere are too many external signals which are affecting you.Here is a question for you to think about.When you are sleeping or you are in deep sleep - do you feel like you are going crazy?The answer without a doubt is - No.You can ask anyone and everyone this question and the answer will still remain the same - a total and emphatic ‘NO’. For that matter have you ever watched a noisy crazy hyper-active baby when it is sleeping?One of the most beautiful sights you can ever see.Reason being:The mind and body is relaxingThere are no external stimuli that communicate to the bodyThe internal communication is switch offThere is no communication from inside to outsideThink about this for a second.And now I want you to picture this.Someone in deep state of meditation or trance. What do you picture?Do you picture something hyper? fast? out of control? disturbing?Or do you sense a feeling of serene, tranquil and silent peace?Of course - you know the answer this…And to date - I have never met anyone who meditates or who lives a life devoid of stimulation - going crazy.Have you?So now coming to your questionWhy do you feel crazy?It can be a whole host of reasons.So why you are going crazy?It can be because of all the external signals that are bombarding youSocial MediaMoviesMusicEmailsFriendsFamilyWorkTravelPeopleIt can be because of your lifestyleToo less sleepToo much milk, sugar, carbs, artificial or processed foodsToo many stimulantsIt can be because of so many factors.Sometimes even something as small yet very powerful factor like “money” can be a major factor.So what you need to do is - step away from all the chaos and confusion and ask yourself - what is happening. Be aware of what is happening and slow down.So if I were you - I wouldn’t ask myself “Why am I going crazy”Rather I would ask myself - How can I find peace or be more relaxed?Because with the former question, you are finding out all the ways to go fuel the fire of being ‘crazy’ but with the second question, you are looking at ways to eliminate what is driving you mad - and see happiness, peace, calm and achieve a sense of serenity.I hope you find the right answer to the right question and find peace.Loy Machedo

I am feeling that I am going crazy over a girl. What should I do?

If you are going crazy because of her character and personality than the beauty of her body then it will last long.In that case you shall let her know slowly indirect way. She will definitely understand your intentions and if she decides to keep distance from you and doesn't involve you in her life as much you wanted after all your efforts then you should walk off slowly away from her life and appreciate her decision.Over the period of time if she starts missing you then she will try to interact you and include you in her plans. But beware allow her only if she is good person otherwise you will only regret in long run.

Can anxiety make you feel like your going crazy?

Short answer: Yes, anxiety can make you feel you're going crazy.
Long answer:
First, know that you are not schizophrenic, but merely anxious about it.
You are having the fight/flight response to a perceived threat-- the thought of losing your mind/suffering from a mental illness. The threat, of course, is not real and in fact, illogical since you are not having actual symptoms of schizophrenia.
Anxiety sucks! But there are ways to deal with it:
Try to use your thinking brain, because then your emotional brain will be less active. So, multitask! Do a crossword with the tv on. Or make a collage or watch your favorite movie while knitting. Journal and write all the thoughts you're having. Talk to someone about your thoughts.
Another suggestion is deep breathing and visualizations. Imagine a peaceful scene, and try to relax all your muscles. If you hold onto tension in your body it will make your anxiety harder to go away.
I like to drink strong (2 teabags) chamomile tea. Or Tension Tamer, which has other relaxing ingredients. Kava Kava root is supposed to be helpful. Talk to a doctor.
Good luck!

Am I going crazy or did a ghost touch me?

Before I was born, my dad worked with a foreign developer in an isolated area.
They rent a house there. My mom told me that she often got disturbed in the middle of the night, someone was poking her. At first, she thought it was my dad (and got angry at him). One night, frustrated, she turned right away after being poked and she saw a hand, a hairy hand (Not my dad's hand obviously). She knew after that, it wasn't human. One day, when she was cleaning the house. She removed the shelf or cupboard wanting to clean the dust under it. She saw a hole in the wall, brick wall, and there was something being planted there. Something like a teapot, she described. She tried to pull it out but can't. Because the hole was too small. After that, the hand who kept touching her at night never disturbed her again. Also, from the neighbors, she heard that the previous renter of the house died.
She didn't feel afraid because she used to this weird things. But it was the first time, it physically disturbed her.

If you share your supernatural story, half of the people here won't believe you. It's your personal experience, you are the only one who experienced it. Others would find it difficult to determine which one is real and which one is hallucination/paranoia. When you have sorted of all the logics and still can't find the answer. Then believe on yourself. I didn't deny the possibility that unknown thing, unexplainable from current human's knowledge exist.
Remember, Galileo was ridiculed and arrested for heresy, opposing the accepted knowledge during that time. Now we say, he is the correct one.

Am I crazy if I cut myself?

Crazy is a vague term. You might be a little mentally disturbed by a something going on in your life.

It's definitely a sign that you don't respect yourself. However, I won't just bash you about it. Most likely you're suffering some type of emotional pain caused by some sh!t in your family or your social life.

Personally, I'd recommend you to speak to a trusted counselor at school if you can't talk to your parents about it.

To me, there's nothing cute or cool about damaging your own body, and I've lived pretty miserably during all my adolescence.

Get help through trusted people. And remember that things usually do get better, especially if you do something about it.

I am going crazy because he isn't texting me on vacation?

I have been seeing him exclusively for 6 months and he left for a 1-month overseas vacation 2 weeks ago. We are not technically in a relationship, but we were planning to start once he comes back.
At first, for the first few days-week after he left, we texted nonstop whenever he found wifi and was awake/I was awake. He kept saying how much he will miss me, and tons of other cute stuff.
However now, he will talk to me if I text him, but doesn't check in to ask how im doing or anything on his own. Through his snapchat I see him going out drinking and getting high with friends a lot (and he sends snaps to me).
I also will see him post on Facebook when he apparently has wifi but he won't text me. It makes me feel mad and like he isn't thinking about me like im thinking of him. Granted, I have work and he knows that, and he is doing fun things, but am I wrong to get mad/upset when he won't check in with me or shoot me a text at night? I just want to know that his feelings for me aren't changing. I'm really insecure and don't know what to do about it. There's 3 more weeks until hes back.

Why do I keep on hearing and seeing my dead dog?

I had to put my dog down the other day because of the pain he was in. I'll start from the beginning. When my sister and I were leaving the vet and driving home, I said, "at least hes not in pain anymore". Then he both hear him wimper(sp?). No I keep on hearing him. I thought I heard his pant and I thought I heard his wimper outside. I thought I saw him a few times. What is wrong? Why am I seeing him and hearing him?