What Amount Of Food Can Poop What Size

Do we poop the same amount we eat?

No other wise how would it be possible to gain weight? and people wouldnt have to "watch what they eat"

How much of the food we eat turns into poop?

The answer really depends upon the food eaten, the age of the person, their activity levels and general health.The higher the fiber in the diet, means that more fiber will pass through as waste. Sugars get digested, as do most proteins.The more active the person is, the more that can be burned will get burned as calories used, so there is less waste.The older a person is the less digestive enzymes they produce, so more food will go through as waste.So four people (2 men and 2 women) can eat the same foods and have completely different results, if one of each sex is young and active and one of each sex is older and far less active. If we expanded our little group to include one young girl and one young boy, they would also have different results. And for almost every different type of individual we add we will get different answers.

How does your body turn food into poop?

I'm not a gastroenterologist, but as a sophomore biomedical engineering major with intro physiology under my belt, I'll take a stab at this question.We must trace the steps of digestion to understand this.First, your mouth mashes up the food into a pretty soft and amorphous blob (if you ever spat something out after chewing it a bit, you'd know what I mean). This already is chemically different from what you had on your plate since your saliva began some digestion.Assuming you didn't spit it out, your throat gradually brings the food down to your stomach. Once it reaches the stomach, your food ends up digested with hydrochloric acid and an enzyme, pepsin, meant to break proteins down. Add in some bile from the liver to dissolve the fats, too. At this point, your food slowly turns into a chemical soup of bits of proteins and fats, and sugars, too. This soup is called chyme.After that, your chyme continues to the small intestines, where most of the nutrients are actually absorbed. Some water may be absorbed too (this I forget).But by the time your food leftovers from the small intestines reach the end of the long intestines, there's really only waste. This could be simply stuff your body doesn't need at the moment, or it could be stuff that you would never want in you, anyway. Add in that some of poop is actually gut flora that got swept along, and it's kind of a biological waste bomb of random bacteria, anything they produce, and the waste proteins, fats, and what not from your food, and there's little wonder it's not exactly a pleasant smelling thing.

Does your body make less poop if you only eat liquid food?

Depends on how long you are having all liquid food and how many things accumulated inside your bowl that needs cleaning up.If the liquid food intake is one day or two, and your average bowel movement is once per day, you will likely have poop or more poop, to clean away wastes that accumulated since don't know when.Things may be a bit different if such liquid food intake persist for a longer all depends on: we eat; active and efficient our bowels are; 3. Do we have a habit of going to toilet to clean the waste in our bowel everyday; and 4. Do we have sufficient water and fibre intake?

What does it mean when you poop and it is different sizes, colors, and textures?

Fluctuating BM's are normal - blood is not - At 23, you could get tested - and at least have a Dr. aware of your family history. They may recommend a colonoscopy when you're a little older -

What medium sized dog breed poops the least?

Stuffed Animals don't poop at all.

How much does each dog poop weigh?

Interesting question. Responsible dog owners pick up after their dogs so it wouldn’t be so hard to weigh a bag of poop. I have carried more bags of poop, sometimes over significant distances, than I care to think about.How much poop a dog produces varies on the dog’s size, diet, metabolism and the particular status of his or her GI system at the time. Yeah, dogs do get constipated. Based on humans, you could estimate that a dog will produce on average about one ounce of poop for every pound they weigh.The real question here is why you want to know how much dog poop weighs. Most recipes call for poop to be measured by volume, for example by the cup, and not by weight.Also note, that whenever you are measuring your dog’s poop, whether by weight or by volume, do so when the poo is fresh. It doesn’t have to be warm, but it should be fresh and at least a little bit sticky to the with feces: recipes

Is the mass of feces produced by an animal proportional to its size?

No. Assuming the same diet (herbivores poop more than carnivores), smaller animals generally poop more compared to their body size than larger animals. This is because the quantity of poop is proportional to the amount of food they eat, and smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate. See Company Of Biologists for a formula which links body size to metabolic rate and hence the amount of poop produced per day per kilogram of body weight. So for mammals, the biggest poopers per unit of body weight will be small herbivores, like rabbits. The smallest poopers per unit of body weight will be large carnivores, like lions and tigers.

Do husky dogs poop big?

Ok so i want to buy a husky and i have a huge back yard but i want to keep it inside our house but what im thinking is that does huskys poop like big poop or smallish and do they poop allot?

What's the normal size of a healthy stool?

“What’s the normal size of a healthy stool?Is it bad if its too big or too small?”A2AIt depends on the size of the person, how much and what the person has eaten.Size is less important than consistency and colour. See the chart below.