What Are Good Natural Ways To Fall Asleep Better Quicker

Good ways to fall asleep fast?

i cant fall asleep with any light or noise so dont say watch TV.
sometimes i lay in bed for hours not being able to sleep, do u have anyways to help u fall asleep?
also, tomorrow i have to wake up early tomorrow so i have to go to bed early but im not tired at all

I need a fast natural way to fall asleep when super hyper and wide awake?

Being unable to switch off at bedtime is a very common sleep problem.

Common sleep aids include warm milk, Chamomile tea, 5-HTP, Melatonin and Valerian.

If you are having trouble switching off at bedtime some light exercise at bedtime often helps you to relax, unwind and switch off and that often improves your sleep. Strenuous exercise at bedtime is likely to ruin your sleep.

You can see further tips on "how to fall asleep and stay asleep" in

What is the quickest way to make your hand fall asleep?

sit on it for a while, till its numb, then it will be asleep :)

Methods on how to fall asleep?

There are lots ways to fall asleep faster. Here are a few I know: Fall asleep quickly every time after establishing a habit of drifting off to sleep while listening to books on CD. This allows the active mind to stay active initially but eventually it will drift off to sleep on its own. The habit becomes a case of conditioning - hear narrative talking voice, fall asleep. Eventually you will condition your body to fall asleep within a couple of minutes. Do something you really enjoy prior to sleep: take a walk; chat with a friend on the phone or on line; watch an amusing re-run; read something not related to school or work; take a bath; masturbate; etc. The idea here is to take your mind away from whatever's feeding your angst, allowing for greater ease into slumber.

Make tomorrow's to-do list just before you call it a night. Not only might you be more organized for the next day, you may also have fewer anxiety dreams and a better night's sleep overall.

Instead of just lying awake with worries, write them down in a journal. When you're done, close the book and put it away. Better to leave your stressors on the night table than take them to bed with you.

Listen to music or a guided imagery tape to take you peacefully into zzz-land. Imagery often comes in the form of tapes with pleasant scenes in which you visualize yourself relaxing. They're available at many mainstream bookstores.