What Are Health Risks Thought To Be Caused By Mobile Phones

Do cell phones pose health risk?

What is the importance of knowing the effects of using cell phones to human health? What is it about cell phones that might pose health hazard? Is there any basis where we can say that cell phones are safe or unsafe to to our health?

Do mobile phones (cell phones) emit harmful radiation or electromagnetic fields?

*headdesk*Okay, so, in the hundreds of times this has been asked on Quora, the answer has not changed. Just in case you were wondering. It is possible to search Quora for questions before you ask them yourself. This one is overdone as much as the “My IQ is XXX, is that good?” Probably more.So.Here’s the thing.Cellphones utilize microwave frequencies usually between 450 MHz and 1,900 MHz. This means that they are on the non-ionizing portion of the EM Spectrum; the ionizing portion includes Gammas and X-rays.You’ll notice that visible light is closer to being ionizing than microwaves are. Literally, you’re more at risk from your lightbulbs than you are your cellphone. So don’t freak out over cellphone radiation. It’s fine. It cannot hurt you.“But the WHO and [random organization] have stated that they are potentially carcinogenic!” This means nothing. Don’t fool yourself. Because those organizations also state that there is no scientific research that backs up that they might actually be carcinogenic.What this means is:There is no reason in the first place to have ever made the statement that they are harmful, because nothing scientific suggests that they are.They can’t prove that they aren’t harmful, as you are trying to prove something in a void; you also can’t prove that Bigfoot doesn’t exist.However, scientific evidence suggests that cellular radiation is not carcinogenic, as there is yet to be a scientific study suggesting that they are.“What about heating?” If it could damage you with heating, you’d notice everything around the phone getting hot, too. Phones do get hot at times, but this is easily traceable back to battery discharge. Phones simply do not have enough power to hurt you via heating.If the radiation cannot ionize your cells (it can’t) and it can’t noticeably heat your body (it can’t) then there is no further mechanism of damage for the radiation to harm you. If you want to make the claim that cellular radiation is dangerous, you also need to provide a mechanism of damage, or else I’ll probably just laugh at you for being anti-science.That last bit wasn’t directed at you,OP.

Radiation emitted from mobile phone. is it safe?

Mobile phones send and receive information via microwave (a kind of electro-magentic radiation (EMR) with wavelength longer than visible and infra red light but shorter than TV and radio waves. This is the same kind of radiation that cooks food in a microwave oven. It is emitted from the antenna which is usually in the top of the phone behind the screen.

Because we know microwaves can cook food, and other types of EMR, such as X rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet light, etc. can damage dna, some researchers worried that prolonged exposure to mobile phones could cause damage to dna or cause heating of the brain.

There was a bunch or researchers in one of the European countries who looked at rates of cancer in mobile/cell phone users and people who didn't úse mobiles over 15 years and found no significant difference. (New Scientist?). Add to this the fact that microwaves have a lot less penetrating power than gamma rays, x rays and UV light and the verdict at the moment is that mobile phones are safe. The researchers did however say that people should go easy and minimse their use of mobiles just in case welearn something in the future.