What Are Post Common Cold Symptoms

Is it the flu- cold symptoms and diarrhea?

:/ This is kinda awkward...
I've had a low-grade fever (highest it's gotten is 100.4 degrees Farenheit), all the cold symptoms- deep, wet chest cough, post-nasal drip, headache, runny, now stuffy, nose... Plus diarrhea. :(

I thought it could be the flu, but I don't feel *that* bad, everything I keep reading says if you have the flu you won't even want to get out of bed. But I've been able to answer the phone, make my own soup, and shower without any problem... I've just never had a "common cold" with a fever, and really bad diarrhea... What could it be? Went to the doctor and they said it was just a cold, but I didn't start having the diarrhea until after and the fever was bad *after* as well. Oh, and I didn't go to school today, should I go tomorrow? :/

Can a common cold cause asthma-like symptoms?

It doesn't cause them, as such... But it certainly can trigger them in people with a tendency to airway hyperreactivity.For example, whenever I get a cold, I end up with this lingering cough that lasts for weeks, and it's basically post-viral cough-variant asthma, as I figured out after a trial of an albuterol inhaler. My last go-round was last fall and I still had the cough in December, so I finally got a prescription for Singulair but never got it filled because the cough resolved spontaneously about that time. I just caught another cold a couple of days ago, so I'll probably end up with the cough again!I have a peak flow meter at home, and my PEFs at baseline are > 100% of predicted for my age, so it really is just a transient thing for me, but it sure does hang on for a long time after all my acute symptoms have resolved.Anyway, I recommend you see your doctor about your symptoms! :-)

Is it common to have cold like symptoms after donating blood?

I was reading a couple of answers and I want to clarify and differentiate the “common” vs “expected.” To clarify, it’s possible to become sick when you donate blood and it has happened to several people. This is because when you donate blood, you also might be losing white blood cells which weakens your immune system.However, this isn’t expected. I know this is an old question, but for people who stumble upon this, you should be calling your blood bank to notify them about this because whatever sickness you have, (i.e. if its a virus) it is also in your blood and you don’t want that to go to a patient. You need to call them and tell them any and all symptoms you have so they are aware.Source: I donated blood, became sick, called the donation center and they gave me instructions.

Can a common cold cause nausea?

I caught a cold from my girlfriend about 3 days ago, I never threw up or had diarrhea but my stomach does feel sour and it makes me nauseous, I don't recall having a fever and the cold is going away now but in the mourning and late at night I get the nauseous feeling, I feel the mucus in my throat and my nose just started to run today but until then it was just dripping down my throat. Is that normal?

Continuing Cough after cold?

Hi Yahoo Answerers, So I had a cold for about 1 week and a half and had all the symptoms: Sore throat, cough, sneezing, fever, etc.; however, after that week and a half all the symptoms have gone away except for cough the cough has persisted for about 1 week after my cold has "ended." I no longer feel sick nor am I being slowed down by a cold, but this cough is very much like a sick deep cough. I am wondering what this is or will it go away.

Is it possible to vomit from having a cold?

The virus that causes cold (usually adenovirus) does not typically cause vomiting. But, as several people below have mentioned, swallowing snot from the cold can irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. There is also "post-tussive emesis" - you cough so hard it makes you vomit. We see that in kids a lot.  Another thought (also mentioned below) is that you have something that is not just a "cold" but rather an infection that's a little more broad, giving you both stomach/GI symptoms (like vomiting and diarrhea) and respiratory symptoms (like cough & runny nose)

Is it possible to get the same cold twice in one month?

No, you can't get the same cold twice. Once you get a cold and defeat it, your body has antigens or antibodies to that specific strain.
The next cold you catch is a mutation or a different variety of the cold.