What Are Some Diadvantages And Advantages To Prospective Research Questions

Disadvantages & advantages of Retrospective study?

There are many different study designs, but I will assume that you are asking about a retrospective COHORT study.

A major disadvantage of a retro cohort is that people are naturally poor historians, highly prone to recall bias. And if not bias, then we just for get things (random misclassification). I do a lot of retro cohorts 'cause I'm an epidemiologist. Most of what I ask involves trying to get people to remember what they ate three days ago, and golly, they never can remember. So I know the folks who have to discuss risk factors YEARS in the past really have it tough trying to get useful data.

But a good thing about a retro cohort is that it takes less study time than a prospective cohort. Pro cohorts have problems like loss-to-follow up, and it can take years to find an outcome, that is if an outcome exists. A retro cohort is good 'cause you have your group of exposed subjects already (minimal loss to follow up), some who have already had the outcome. That's a lot less waiting for an outcome. You get results faster (from your point of view, anyway).

Advantages and disadvantages of Market research?


increase insight into market and consumer purchase behavior. knowing consumers makes it easier to sell them stuff

can identify and target best prospects-don't waste resources on low potential activities

expensive to do right-data collection and analysis are pricey

sampling errors can have a big impact on results and lead to bad decisions

different data addresses different things but impossible to get the total picture

just a few...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research?

Pros:Permits formulation of statistically sound hypotheses with no room for emotional design.Probabilistic inference and prediction permits sound implementation and hence rigorous evaluation of quantitative hypotheses.Enables evaluation of multiple datasets and hypotheses, faster and more accurately than any human brain could ever perform.Time-consuming manual implementations of ideas can be automated and hence performed exponentially faster.Cons:Requires constant (or periodic) monitoring of model performance to ensure continued compliance with original hypotheses -> which is time consuming.Inadequate quality of training data used in model construction can lead to erroneous or even disastrous model performance on unseen data.Requires a deep background in multiple complex disciplines that are hard to master for the average person - hence limited supply of Quants (which is a good thing actually).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the correlation research method?

1. An advantage of the correlation method is that we can make predictions about things when we know about correlations. If two variables are correlated, we can predict one based on the other. For example, we know that SAT scores and college achievement are positively correlated. So when college admission officials want to predict who is likely to succeed at their schools, they will choose students with high SAT scores.

We know that years of education and years of jail time are negatively correlated. Prison officials can predict that people who have spent more years in jail will need remedial education, not college classes.


1. The problem that most students have with the correlation method is remembering that correlation does not measure cause. Take a minute and chant to yourself: Correlation is not Causation! Correlation is not Causation! I always have my in-class students chant this, yet some still forget this very crucial principle.

We know that education and income are positively correlated. We do not know if one caused the other. It might be that having more education causes a person to earn a higher income. It might be that having a higher income allows a person to go to school more. It might also be some third variable.

A correlation tells us that the two variables are related, but we cannot say anything about whether one caused the other. This method does not allow us to come to any conclusions about cause and effect.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of of the MMR vaccine?

Aside from preventing illness from measles, mumps, and rubella, also prevents congenital rubella syndrome, a devastating disease that affects up to 90% of babies infected in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What are the advantages & disadvantages of human cloning and gene transfer?

Hi all, I am doing a project for my school on the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning and gene transfer. It will be nice to hear what you guys have. Thanks

What are the disadvantages of making a research proposal?

In reading your question, I wondered if this was actually what you wanted to know. The ADVANTAGES of writing a research proposal is that you will - eventually, after many edits and a successful ethics application - get approval by supervisors, ethics committee or Uni research panel to start gathering primary research project in answer to a scoped, clear research question.I can’t think of any disadvantages, unless getting research approval is something you want to avoid…?At some institutions, a pre-proposal is called a research proposal. A pre-proposal should be around 1000 words plus bibliography, outlining what it is that you aim to study. It is a hook to gain the attention of a prospective supervisor, or a prospective institution.A research proposal will be around 20,000 words.If your question should be “how do I write a quality research proposal?”, I suggest three things: (a) to check your institution/department format and word counts, and then (b) to ask your supervisor what they would like to see included, and then (c) to read a couple of really good books:Maree, K. & van der Westhuizen, C. (2009). Head Start in Designing Research Proposals in the Social Sciences. Cape Town, South Africa: Juta & Company Limited.Punch, K. F. (2016). Developing Effective Research Proposals (Third Edition). London, UK: Sage Publishing Ltd.I hope this helps you :-)