What Are Some Ethical Dilemma Ideas I Can Write An Essay On

Ethical Dilemma?

You absolutely love him. There is something between you. He feels the same. You have done nothing about it for years because of your conscience and it is against your moral beliefs. But you cant move on because you have never explored this relationship. Life is ticking away. No one need get hurt?.......

What were some ethical dilemmas in Lord Of The Rings?

There were a few, for sure. And as always, with these questions it's a matter of opinion. Here are a couple of mine:
One of Frodo's initial dilemmas was whether or not to allow anyone to make the deadly journey with him. Gandalf had to reason out allowing Frodo to be in charge of the Ring whilst he went to seek more info on it, and Saruman's advice. He knew it was possibly dangerous, and that Frodo wasn't equipped to handle the situation alone should things go sideways.
Elrond bore a lot of stress.....What to do with the Ring, whom to have take it to Mordor, choosing those trustworthy enough to accompany the Ringbearer, and struggling with the Pippin of it all. Daughter wants to hookup permanently with mortal whom he raised as his own, who must make the quest and win out to earn the right to have her.
Galadriel had to decide what to do with Gandalf gone, with time running out, knowing Boromir had gone wrong and Aragorn had to finish his end of it if he was to win finally, the hand of her granddaughter. How do you encourage the Fellowship, particularly Frodo, knowing they're most likely going to their death(s)? And being offered the Ring......
Legolas had to trip tra-la over the snow and look really good while shooting arrows...hmmm...
Every character in the book has moral/ethical dilemmas to paw through. A lot of philosophical hashing out, brilliantly done.

Is this a good ethical dilemma to write an essay about?

This is for a scholarship & I need to write an essay about an ethical dilemma I have experienced.
I also need to write about my decision.

I'm thinking about writing about my choice of college. I want to go to a school about 3 hours away from my house. My parents say that we do not have the money to pay for it especially since I would have to dorm. It is my first choice and my dream to go to this school.

I would have to choose whether to go to the college of my choice & cause a big financial burden on my parents OR go to a local university that I'm not really interested in and make college more affordable to me and my parents.

PS: I would have a job and help pay.. but I just need to know if this is a good topic to write about!!(:

What are some examples of ethical dilemmas?

I find that most ethical dilemmas boil down to boundaries: what is acceptable in the relationship.Touch, for example, many find all forms of touch to be unethical. Other counselors may be okay with just a hug. Still, others may be okay with holding as a reparative experience.Gifts, as another example. Some therapists will not accept gifts in any form. Others will accept gifts under a certain price range (their is a price named in the code of ethics, but I can't remember exactly what it is and which code it's from). Some will only accept gifts that are personally crafted and thus monetary value is more of a question mark (art, crocheted blankets, etc.).Outside contact is another one of those blurry ethical areas. Technically speaking outside contact is not forbidden by the code of ethics. In fact, the code suggests that it is acceptable when client and therapist are in different locations. However, when it comes to text and email this becomes a very personal choice because in the states HIPPA also enters the equation. Text and email aren't confidential unless special precautions are taken, so most counselors don't allow for this unless it is for scheduling and business purposes. Those who do allow more, I find, tend to find this less than sustainable unless they're in group practice and doing DBT (which calls for coaching).Dual relationships goes along well with outside contact. Apparently some therapists fear that allowing outside contact is a slippery slope that will lead to a dual relationship. Some dual relationships can't be avoided as another answerer has stated. In small communities where there may only be one counselor, it may be more unethical to deny the person your services.I think in all cases, it just boils down to, what's in the best interest of the client. What will cause them the least harm and do the most good? And being sure that the counselors own stuff doesn't get in the way of honestly answering that question.

An ethical dilemma for the Air Force Academy?

I have to write an essay on how I faced an ethical dilemma or a setback. I was thinking about talking about how I was at an open house and there was alcohol, but I didn't partake even when people were asking me to. But I'm afraid of saying that because USAFA may think that just because I was there, I was tolerating it, and that may hurt me in the long run.

Anyone have any ideas? I was thinking about how I never leave anyone behind, but I can't think of any examples.

The prompt is as I quote:
"Describe a setback or ethical dilemma that you have faced. How did you resolve it? How did the outcome affect you? If something similar happens in the future, how would you react?"

Ethical dilemmas in a Zombie apocalypse?

Hello there. I want to write a paper for my ethics class about the type of ethical dilemmas that police/government would face in a potential zombie apocalypse. I'd appreciate any help in brainstorming ideas and finding sources. I also need to ground this in reality to an extent. Comparisons to real life situations like weather disasters or terrorist attacks would be helpful. I'mnot asking anyone to write my paper for me, I'd just really appreciate some help with some of the bones and creativity of the paper.

Thanks in advance!

Are essay writing services ethical?

Wow. It’s gettin’ really deep and steamy in here.No, it's not ethical. When you turn in someone else’s writing as your own, you are lying. There’s no grey area there. You can argue that the student felt it was necessary, or is worth the risk, or “who does it hurt?”’, or any other justification you want, but it does not make it not lying.The teacher assigned you to write something, personally, in your own words. That is not what you turned in, but you said it was. The grade you will be given, someone else earned. You lied to your teacher to have it given to you. Everyone who looks at your transcript and sees your grade in that class, believing it reflects your mastery of the subject, is being lied to. That grade represents someone else’s mastery of the subject.All of you who offer essay writing services, have the balls to stand by what that service is, okay? It’s not illegal. There’s a market for it, Just don’t pretend it’s some great service to mankind, designed to teach struggling students how to write better, by giving them”examples of essays” that they can look at while writing their own original essays. The number of students who call up an essay writer at the last minute and trade their beer -and-pizza money for someone else to complete their assignment are not doing it so they can sit down and STUDY its technique and learn from it and write their own original work….Jesus, guys, how do you even type that with a straight face? Yeah, I know that’s how you have to present your service so as not to get in trouble, but please don’t argue for that interpretation as if anyone believes it.Turning in someone else’s work and saying it is yours is not ethical. It is cheating. One might argue whether it’s *justified*, or *necessary*, or ask who it hurts, but that’s not the same question. It’s in the same category as having someone use your ID to take a final exam for you. It’s a lie.If people want to learn to write better, they can get tutoring in that, or (gasp) get help from the teacher whose job it is to teach them to write a good essay. You know, the one who assigned them the essay in the first place. He did that so he could give his students meaningful feedback on their writing, and now instead he is wasting his time giving feedback to a stranger. While the student who supposedly hired an essay service for the purpose of obtaining “an example of good writing he can learn from”, now *won’t* get the feedback that could have made him a better writer..

What is the ethical dilemma in "The Catcher in The Rye"?

The biggest dilemma in the book is that Holden is directly between childhood and adulthood. He has extremely strong opinions about what it means to be a child and what it means to be an adult and he doesn't want to make that transition. Those opinions he has are apparent (if you know to look for them, that is) and if you reread sections of the book with "child vs adult" or "change vs non-change" in mind, you will see the complexity of his dilemma.

For one, it's obvious that Holden cannot be classified as an adult or a child because of his behavior, his thoughts, and the way he presents himself. He is irresponsible, impulsive, innocent as a child, but is also a liar, doesn't depend on someone through the days of the story to help him as a child would.

Notice how when Holden sees the F word tagged in the school, he assumes it's been done by a creepy adult. It's more likely that a child did it, but Holden is convinced that children are not capable of doing such bad things. Children are blameless, worth protecting. That is why he wants to be the "catcher in the rye" - keeping kids safe and pure and innocent. He loves Phoebe and everything about her that is childlike, from her handwriting to her clothes.

Adults, to Holden, are creepy and phony. He is terrified of becoming one of them. Just see how he describes the museum, which is unchanging. Holden ADORES that lack of change. He desires it for himself. On the other side, see how he describes the ducks and the pond, which are forced to move on because of the weather, because of time. He is constantly worried about that change. When he's worried about the ducks and where they'll go, what he's really worried about is himself and where he's going.

Hope that helps!