What Are Some Fun 2 Player Games

What are some fun, M rated, two player games?

Borderlands 1 and 2
Resident evil 5 and 6
Army of 2
Dead nation (downloadable psn game)
Every cod from mw2 forward.
Lost plant 2

Good two player games?

I want some fun two player games for two players (next to each other) to play with my boyfriend on pc on playstation 1,2,3 or nintedo 64 or xbox. Any suggestions that would be fun? :)

Fun & easy 2 player card game?

i need a fun & easy card game for me n my sis to play she's 10 & i'm 14. we already played war, 31, slapjack, & go-fish. Please explain rules in detail please. thanks =)

What are some easy and fun two player card games to play?

you can have 2-4 players, but 2 is the best. only takes about an hour to learn.
also WATCH THE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any good 2 player board games?

My birthday is this weekend and my boyfriend is taking me to a cabin. There isn't a TV so I thought playing a couple games would be fun. Any suggestions on some entertaining 2+ player games? (I'm going to bring a deck of cards)

What are some fun 2 player cards games that are easy to learn?

In online you can buy more like this game. As my know here given some fun 2 player cards games that are easy to learn. Slapjack, War, 52 card pickup, Crazy Eight etc. for more information I will suggest you to go

What are the best 2 player games on Android?

My favorite Android 2 player game is Dual, a game with 2 devices (android or iOS) played over wifi or bluetooth. Each player has a ‘ship’ on their screen, and the object of the game is to shoot across the gap between the two phones and hit each other’s ships.If you only have 1 device, I would recommend getting 2 Player Reactor, a reaction-time based game where you solve various puzzles and minigames, whoever solves them faster gets points.If you’d rather have a strategy game than an arcade game, try Uniwar, a turn-based strategy game played on a grid of hexagons, with 3 races and several maps, as well as online or single device multiplayer, and a campaign.