What Are Some Funny Sandy Hook Elementary Jokes

What are your favorite jokes about the Sandy Hook school shooting?

who would make jokes about such a tragedy you people are SICK!!

Any good sandy hook shooting jokes?

What do you think was going through the children's heads when they died?

Does Anyone have any quotes? Any and all will do!!!?

I"m trying to fill up my note book with quotes that i like. i cant to go on any other sights besides yahoo, otherwise I'd look for my self. Can y'all help me?

How will the Parkland shooting affect gun control?

Strangely, it depends on what firearm was used. If it was an AR-15, we will hear about “assault rifles” for a month and list of shootings in or near high schools in 2018. If it was anything else (A Mini-14, a handgun, etc) we will hear about HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES. Then we will hear about the evil Hearing Protection Act, why we're supposed to hate Republicans, how Trump is LITERALLY HITLER and finally recent successful efforts to ban bump stocks.Also expect to hear how President Gromald J. Frumpwas insensitive on Twitter and did nothing to stop this from all of the late night comedians. Expect Jimmy Kimmel to cry as usual before breaking to a joke five minutes later.And finally, (I'll catch Hell for this but whatever) expect a few new cringy fear mongering NRA commercials with that angry woman, pandering to Baby Boomers and further distancing themselves from younger gun owners in America. ACT NOW. PAY US. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS. LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP JACKET. And eventually, they will compromise as usual.Rinse & repeat.

My friend got expelled from high school for posting school shooting memes on his Snapchat story. How is this fair?

You must be kidding.I was almost sympathetic until you posted the words “Don’t come to school, kids”.Why don’t you take a look at some of the pictures from Columbine or Sandy Hook and then ask why this kid is expelled?Do you have any idea how serious it is to combine the implied threat of gunfire with the words “Don’t come to school tomorrow?” He’s lucky he was just expelled and not thrown in jail. It’s possible the FBI is tossing his whole life now looking for pipe bombs. Can you blame them?This is not a gag. This is a cruel act of a sadist or a moron whose goal it is to fill students with fear. Who can go to school and learn about quadratic equations when in the back of your mind you’re waiting for gunfire?I am amazed that this surprises you at all. I admit that some schools have gone too far, suspending students who draw pictures of guns or make “thumb and forefinger” shooting motions but your friend didn’t do that - he made an actual threat. It doesn’t matter what his real intentions were - to be edgy, to be sickly funny, to get a response from people - the fact is, he MADE A THREAT. And that requires serious action.Gone are the days when you could give someone a stern warning. Those days ended when NRA-loving nutbags shot up entire schools and terrorized the lives of thousands. Do you even remember Sandy Hook? Were you even alive when Columbine happened? Do you remember Virginia Tech? These were traumatic events perpetrated not by terrorists but by disaffected morons like your friend.How can the authorities take this as anything but serious? They have to mobilize expensive resources, put on extra security, consider whether to close down the school, involve Federal government officials. Do you think that’s funny? Innocent? A prank? Of course he was expelled. He deserved it. The best we can hope for is that he learned his lesson and will get a GED and live a good life.But I have no sympathy for anyone who makes threats against others “for fun”.

Who is the most controversial stand up comic of all time?

I nominate the performance artist “Andy Kaufman.”Andy Kaufman - Wikipedia[1]The question asks for a “stand up comic” which is what Kaufman pretended to be sometimes. But I would not call him an actual “stand up comic.”His “humor” was in his intentional trolling of his own audiences.Literally what’s “funny” about him is how he fooled people into expecting comedy when he did other stuff in stead, like read The Great Gatsby, “seriously” which (itself) is not a humorous story.[2]Other actual stand-up comics liked him because it was easier to appreciate it from inside the comedy profession: the fact that his jokes were not FOR the audience but ABOUT audiences in general.But the fact remains he did not act like other stand-up comics, and his “humor” was very hit or miss with audiences.Footnotes[1] http://By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fa...[2] Andy Kaufman Reads Earnestly from The Great Gatsby and Enrages His Audience