What Are Some Good Charities That Help Children In Poverty In Foreign Countries

Does charity perpetuate poverty?

Charity isn't only about giving, but also about love. As the old saying goes:

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a life time.

They are both charity. But one sustains itself, while the other is a "band-aid". Do you love enough to bare with the man in patience to teach him How to fish, or will you do just enough(just giving him the fish) requiring no effort on the part of the man to better himself day after day(why work when you can wait on a hand out everyday)?

So the answer is yes, to a degree as well as no to a degree.

Feel me?

Is Children International legit?

i have heard of children's international for many years , whether it is legit or not ? i can not assure you .
if you hesitate on it ? why not find an association close to where you live ? i found this page on Children International if you would like to read it ? there is an mail where you may want to ask questions ?

At Children International, in our efforts to fight poverty, we unite sponsors with children around the world – bringing different nations and cultures together. So take a peek by clicking below and learn about the children and their countries, their traditions and their lives.

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What do you think about aid (charity) being sent to 'third world' countries?

Having traveled a little, including some time in various parts of Africa, I can see that some long term aid is both siphoned off by corruption and can cause a level of dependency, however this is insignificant when compared to the good I've seen done with aid money.In Malawi (OK, 15 years ago) I saw aid money being used effectively to train people to build better houses and loos, so moving them out of literal grass huts and into self built homes that lasted, were not mouse infested and were sanitary. This enabled more time for farm work and reduced food loss from spoilage.We have all also seen pictures on the TV of situations in which conflict has caused the requirement for emergency food aid. Yes, we could not send the aid, let these people die and so ensure that they don't breed again. Harsh but effective. However, that is not the world I choose to live in. I don't begrudge the 0.7% of GDP we have committed to overseas aid as I spend more than that upgrading my phone each year. Do I believe some aid is wasted? Yes. Do I see trade as a way to help bring (some) people out of poverty? Yes. Do I think there is a need for direct emergency food and medical aid? Yes. Is there a need for charity at home? Yes, but this does not need to be at the cost of charity abroad.I try to have a broad portfolio of charitable support. Some Kiva loans to encourage overseas micro business, so helping people help themselves. Sponsoring a child in Malawi long term via a reputable charity. Donating to disaster mitigation emergency appeals when required. Funding long term programs through my taxes. Donating some of my project management skills to (very) local charities to help organize their efforts to improve my local community. Devoting part (25%) of my pension pot to high risk overseas investment funds to encourage economic growth (I may win but if not, then I'll chalk this up to charity). Putting every £2 coin I receive to some form of (broadly) charitable use be it giving to someone on the street, buying school raffle tickets, dropping it in a collection box, adding a bit extra to a tip, buying a ticket to a charitable event. None of my giving is selfless, I'm looking for a return of some form or other in the future (even if it is a little tenuous).

Why do charity groups continue to waste money on useless africa?

Yeah, "useless" might not be the best word choice, but I know what you mean. Africa is the poster child for poverty, disease, corruption, and genocide. Throwing billions of dollars at it over the past generation really hasn't changed the mindset of Africans, it's just made the rich richer because they are corrupt. To quote Bruce Cockburn, "One day they're going to rise from their habitual feasts and find themselves staring down the throat of the beast they call Revolution." It's easier for aid agencies to collect for Africa than other people groups perceived as less-needy, and of course the 15% admin/collection fee stays with the agencies.

How does poverty affect us and the world?

There are some organizations who make money from their "charities" and hold up photos and videos of poor people, play on the sympathy of the good-hearted. They skim a percentage of the money, to pay overhead and administration's salaries. There are corporations and even government institutions who take advantage of the poor by not paying them a decent living wage. There are politicians who love to use the poor to get elected. Some people really do care, but if American politicians really gave a hoot about poor people they wouldn't have given tax benefits for companies who outsource to other countries who in turn barely pay a living for their workers. People who live in poverty live in substandard housing, and that in turn is a breeding ground for parasites and other diseases which can eventually be spread to non-poverty areas (such as water of our food supply). Sometimes the children who are living in poverty get lead-poisoning from peeling house paint, that impairs their learning abilities and keeps them from their full potential, as does vitamin deficiencies, they end up in a cycle of poverty. Children of mothers who are malnourished are often born with birth defects such as spina bifida. Just imagine if all children could have the best education and live to their full potential and help themselves how their lives could be better. In fact, our lives would be better if all children could live to their full potential, who knows how many could be a scientist or doctor or researcher and discover something that could help millions of people regardless of income? Poverty is also a breeding ground for terrorism, people who feel hopeless believe they have nothing left to lose. The kingdom of Morocco has instituted a housing program to help in those neighborhoods that are believed to be breeding ground for terrorism.

Do black people donate to white charities?

I don't think large charities only help white people so I'm not sure what you mean by "white charities". There may be charities that only help in poverty stricken black areas so perhaps some black people are inclined to only give to those charities. But most charities focus on helping all people in poverty.