What Are Some Good Games With A Form Of Gambling

Do you consider video games a form of gambling?

Only if you pay to play. It is a waste of money since you don’t get anything in return. However, if it free, then it just a form of past time.

What are some of the popular gambling games?

Some of the most popular gambling games are:1. Sports betting- Sports betting includes betting on various sports games like football, soccer, and many more ball games.2. Poker- A poker player is just like a small mad scientist, pushing boundaries, taking calculating risks are some of the tasks of the poker player.3. Blackjack- It is one of the popular casino games which is very safe and easy to play.4. Roulette- Roulette is played on a table map of numbers up to 36 and a small wheel. Players make bets on some of the specific numbers.5. Baccarat- It is a game played with the deck of 52 cards between different numbers of players. It is also a very simple, interesting and easy game.One of the best-reputed site where you can play various different types of casino as well as sports games is judi online. They provide best gaming facilities for different types of exciting casino games.

What is the future of gambling games?

I've been asked to answer.The future of gambling is definitely going towards the online and social gaming arena. With new legislation being passed in America and the UK, online gambling is becoming more appealing and accessible than ever before.The big buzz word in the gambling industry right now is "social". Of course, when you go to a casino you'll likely be around other people. But social gaming on platforms such as facebook is going to change the way most people gamble. Online gambling will no longer be a solitary activity or one done alongside internet strangers. Instead, gambling integration into social gaming will make it possible to attend to your facebook farm and maybe bet on a roulette-style bonus round while you're there, all on your lunch break at work.To answer your question, the games themselves will remain the same - betting on random events like the roll of a dice or the spin of a wheel - but the context and delivery of these games will change drastically and become a bigger, more accepted part of people's lives. It's really a quite exciting shift.

What are some good reasons why gambling is bad?

In moderation, gambling is fine! It's always fun to go have a good night with friends, and you sometimes end up at the casino, throwing a few dice; but just remember, the dealer is made to win!

Casinos are DESIGNED to trick you into playing longer, spending more, and LOSING more! Sometimes you get lucky, a lot of the time, you don't! A lot of people have a really hard time shaking a gambling addiction, and just like alcohol and drugs, it affects the people you love the most.

It is very bad, yes; but it doesn't have to be. It is unfortunate that people end up with a gambling addiction, but the golden rule, "Only bet what you're willing to lose."

What are some good games for betting daily?

Don’t. Betting daily the way you suggest sound like a gambling addiction. If you are betting daily, and you don’t make a good living off of it, then please seek help.

Which gambling game gives you the best odds of winning?

A2A “Which gambling game gives you the best odds of winning?If I walk into a casino, which table should I go to to have the best chance of winning?”You don’t have any actual chance of long-term winning, as that’s not how the odds/rules are determined when games are set up. Truly, if you’re going to the casino with the expectation of financial gain (as opposed to the “wouldn’t it be neat if…” attitude), you’re in for trouble.That said, blackjack played with rigid adherence to perfect strategy (which you should get from reputable sources — even many dealers often give bad advice for this) will offer a minimal house edge. Playing craps and betting either pass or don’t pass, particularly if you’re able to do the “odds behind” option, will also have minimally negative expectation.

Are legalized forms of gambling...?

No, they are not. The government can be hypocritical in matters like these. They make gambling illegal on moral grounds, forcing people to gamble on Indian reservations or highly regulated cardrooms, because "gambling is bad" yet run state run lotteries because "money for education is good." Let's forget the fact that they just use lottery money for education (they take educational money out of the regular budget when the lottery provides, so it's a net wash in this case).

It would be different if they just said "gambling is okay, but we're only using it to benefit the state, so it's illegal everywhere else." However, they claim that it's morally bad, then run their own system.

What are some good strip games?

strip drinking game, it has to be with many people, at least 3 or 4. and you ask a question like "what time is it" and the person who is next has to ask another question instead of answering the question, and if the question is answered the person who answered it has to take something off and have a shot. this game is do much fun and people will drink faster then you think. i played this game with smart people but alcohol does something to our brains that you want to answer whats being asked.