What Are Some Good Movies About Teenage Partying/drinking/drugs Etc.

Should I party and drink with my friends as a teenager?

I know you’ve gotten a lot of negatory answers on this, but mine won’t be any different. I just graduated high school as the most decorated member of my class. I was in the top 20 for my class. I am going to college an a very large scholarship. I’ve never had a drop of alcohol (aside from Communion) and have no intention of doing so. On the other end, my former friend partied nearly every weekend. She would send me Snap Chats at 2am completely wasted. She nearly got into about a dozen accidents because she was driving buzzed. This all started around age 15, and since then her academic performance started to falter. She graduated near the bottom of our class, barely scraping by and getting a diploma, and now she is going to Salisbury, Maryland’s party school. She has nearly no prospects. She has no plans, just that she wants to be the life of the party in college.It may be hard, especially at 15, to not be invited to parties. Maybe it’s time to make new friends, and have your own fun, sans alcohol, drugs, and sex. You can have just as much fun with a deck of Cards Against Humanity, or watching movies. Have you ever had a burrito bar? Highly recommend it. Do you have a yard? Set up lawn games. Or have your friends over to cook a meal. These are all fun things that you can do, and things you’ll remember in the morning without a pounding headache and regret.

Movies with partying, sex and drugs?

The Rules of Attraction
She's Too Young
Less Than Zero

Why do many people like songs about partying, drinking, sex, drugs, etc?

It's basically the only thing my friends listen to. I prefer music with deep meaningful lyrics, so, I don't understand how people consider songs about being wasted or getting laid to be "good" music.

Thank you all for your answers<3 :3

Teen party/drugs movies?

I want movies about teenagers having a good time, having a fun adventurous party night. Something like Project X (: also remember the daze...just movies about teen parties or teens night, alcohol, maybe drugs, just a fun exciting movie. think project x!

Really funny movies which involve drugs, sex and partying?

i want a movie about drugs, sex and parting. and i want a comdey. something like pinapple express but with teenages. or any movie about teenages like american pie.

I need a good list of movies on teenage self harm?

They can be about drugs, alcohol, cutting, wrist banging, anorexia, bulimia etc.

I have seen:
Perfect Body
Sharing The Secret
Party Monster (Drugs)
Girl Interrupted
Secret Cutting
Wristcutters: A Love Story- black comedy movie

I mostly like teenage drama movies about self harm but I feel I have watched all of them- help?

Whats a good teen movie or college movie with rape drugs sex parties and all that good stuff in it?

Higher Learning


La Haine (Hate)

Ken Park

Stand By Me

Teen book suggestions with sex, drugs, alcohol, partying?

Hey.. Can you please give me some suggestions on some good teen books that have sex, drugs, drinking, and partying thanks!

I loved the books:
Pretty Little Liars
Summer of the Naked Swim Parties
Lock and Key
Someone Like You

and I LOVED the movie:
