What Are Some Good Protein Foods For Laying Quails

Are Button Quails good pets?

If so can u go into details i know they need a flat surface but, food, are they easy or hard pets to take care of. Do they make any loud noises, how long do they live , can u bond with them and what other things and tips.

Why aren't my quails laying eggs?

I have 9 Japanese quails. They are about 10 weeks old. They started laying eggs two weeks ago. I got about 3-4 a day for the first few days. Then I started getting less and less. Now I am only getting one a day. Not sure what s wrong. I did move them from the basement to the garage since the weather is warm. Could that make a difference. I feed them layered chicken feed and clean water. Sometimes I give them some leafy vegies. That s all I am doing.
Thanks for any hints. This is the first time I have quails.

My quail have suddenly stopped laying. The only difference is their food (protein content has remained the same), and that they're molting. Could that be the cause?

Birds need a lot of protein for creating new feathers. They also need calcium to lay eggs. Some studies show that more calcium in their diet leads to more egg production. Also, birds can stop laying eggs if they’re stressed out or too old. It’s also nesting season, so that might affect their behavior. There could be many contributing factors. Seek council from someone who raises quail. If I had to guess, I’d say their diet is insufficient for their needs. Take whatever I say with a grain of NaCl though. Can you provide more information about their diet, age and living space?

Is 12-15 quail eggs a day too much?

Way too much. Quail can only rarely lay 2 eggs in a day. Expect 1 most days.Oh, do you mean is consuming 12–15 quail eggs a day too much? Possibly not. I had to look it up, and those things are tiny: about 14 calories each. So this is about like two large chicken eggs. That’s not a crazy amount, but you don’t need eggs every day. A healthy diet is a variety of foods, mostly plants, not too much or too little. Don’t let any one food dominate. Change things up.How long does it take you to crack all those little things?

Quesions about common quails?

i kept quails and button quails, and bred them didnt have much success with the button quails their babies are like the size of bumble bee's but with the bigger quails i soon became over run with them and had to separate the females from males, mine lived for about 6-7 years and i kept them in large chicken coop but they had the run if the garden aswell. i had to clip their wings as they can power bounce quite high, sort of looks like they are trying to fly. they make good pets if you spend time with them,i soon had them following me around the garden, all the babies thinking i was their mummy. they ate bird seed and the babies had chick crumbs but they also ate the bugs in the garden and pecked at some plants
:) good luck
I had a quail that i had to keep indoors as it was smaller than the others and they picked on it,it lived quite happy with my guinea pigs, i thought it was a boy for a very long time but it laid an egg, so that changed my mind. it lived longer than all the other ones and thought it was a guinea pig. the guinea pigs liked it too they'd snuggle up together and go to sleep. it loved sitting on my knee, so yes they can be tamed, you just have to spend a lot of time with them.

Does quails eat meat?

No he wouldn't, he should be outside in an aviary that way he could catch his own insects. They wouldn't really be worm eaters as such. I'm sure he'll be fine on whatever bird seed you are feeding him. Female quails need layers food in the spring/summer when they are laying eggs but this isn't important for the male quails.

How do I keep my chickens from eating my quail’s eggs?

Put them in separate areas. Quail are too small to raise with chickens. Your hens will eat the quail chicks if you do manage to save any eggs.

Can you eat quail eggs everyday?

Quail eggs are richer in vitamins and minerals compared to chicken eggs. “Quail eggs contain 13 per cent protein compared to 11 per cent found in chicken eggs. They also contain 140 per cent of Vitamin B1, compared to 50 per cent found in chicken eggs,”Quail eggs are known to help fight allergy symptoms because of the ovomucoid protein that is contained in themQuail eggs can be eaten on regular basis but you have to look for your body requirements. Your body only ises what it needs. The extra protein and the energy is stored by body and if not burnt can result in gaining weight

Can I keep quail with my silkie chickens?

No, this would not be a very good idea as their needs are different. It's quite possible that the chickens would attack and even kill the quail. The quail need a feed which is higher in protein than layer pellets for hens, and the hens would eat this in preference to their own pellets, which would not be good for either species. Quail need an enclosed run or cage where they can be kept dry and clean, away from the hens droppings, and have little hideaway places such as small huts or shelters to hide under, as their natural habitat would be at ground level, in the undergrowth for protection. Quail do not need very much room, you could keep 3-5 in a guinea pig cage or rabbit hutch or similar, but they do need dry conditions especially in winter, and if you want them to lay well, they need supplementary lighting to provide them with at least 14 hours of light in every 24, which is easy to fix up in a cage rather than a hen run.

Can i feed mashed up hard boiled chicken egg to my quail sitting on five eggs and is it safe?

Yes it's fine to give your bird some egg as a protein boost while they are laying eggs or caring for chicks. Just don't use any salt or anything else on the egg. You can also just use egg shells crushed up and sprinkled over their regular food if they won't eat the actual egg pieces.