What Are Some Great Ways To Overcome Anxiety And Panic Attacks

How should I think to overcome anxiety and panic attacks?

Fact- You cannot stop it instantly.Its a messed up brain situation. To get out of it you need to fix some stuff in your brain. Some chemicals need to be altered with better and efficient chemicals. And this takes time.Because at the end, you just have to be able to change your outlook towards the stimuli.One thing you could do is stay away from the things which induce the anxiety in the first place. You could observe it for yourself, the things or a particular situation which make you panic.You could start meditating. Has helped me to some extent. Concentrate on your breathing. This will help you calm yourself down, and also it will be less likely that you become afraid of the sensations that cause your panic. Become self aware.Try doing Yoga. If not yoga, exercise. Stay active.Stay away from stimulants or suppressants like alcohol, caffeine, cigarette, diet pills etc.Avoid interaction with people using text. Talk to them face to face as much as possible. If you feel no one is actually there to hear you out, get to know new people and interact with them. Explore ways to find them, and build supportive relations.Get enough rest. Resting does not mean 8 hours of laying down with eyes closed. That is sleeping. Rest while you sleep. If you think you haven't rested enough in 8 hours, rest more. If you think you only need 4 hours of rest, then that's fine. But rest. When you want to rest, take deep breaths for some time at the start and then shut your eyes. People don't find any difficulty sleeping while they want to rest. They just need a place to fall asleep into.Consider treatment. Being anxious or panicky sometimes is normal. It can turn out to be a disorder if there are repeated panic attacks, combined with change in behaviour or persistent anxiety. Treatment involves medication which usually involves antidepressants.Thanks for the A2A.

How to overcome anxiety and panic attacks?

I'll tell you what an official health agency in the UK says. They rank three treatments in terms of their demonstrated effectiveness for patients in general. (Not you in particular. Patients in general.) You can read what they say if you search with "NICE anxiety." Treatments are ranked 1) therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy), 2) medication (generally antidepressant; tranquilizers like Valium are not recommended for panic disorder), 3) carefully-selected readings based on CBT.

You can read about CBT with a very popular book, The Feeling Good Handbook by psychiatrist David Burns. This is the book recommended most often by professionals for depression. It serves as treatment for a lot of people.

Treating anxiety can be complicated but many people overcome panic attacks quickly with a little self-help. The key is understanding the problem.

This is a brief summary of Burns' advice for panic attacks:

= Exaggerate your fears instead of running away from them. Try your hardest to "crack up."If you're afraid of doing something silly in public, do something silly, on purpose.
= Expose yourself to whatever you're afraid of instead of running away.
= Keep a daily mood log and write down negative thoughts.
= Identify the distortions in your thinking and replace them with more realistic, positive thoughts.
= Substitute reassuring, peaceful images for frightening daydreams.
= Write a dialog with an imaginary hostile stranger who puts you down for feeling anxious.
= If you are ignoring problems that need to be dealt with, get in touch with them. Confronting a problem you'd rather forget can free you from worry.

Stress management wouldn't hurt and might do a lot of good.

Anxiety: Panic attacks: is there a way to overcome them?

Definitely!  First off, remember that there really is no such things as a panic "attack".  You are not being attacked by panic.  You are simply....panicking.   It feels like it is happening TO you, rather than BECAUSE of you, but that isn't the case.   You are choosing to panic.   The problem is that you don't know what it is that you are so scared of and that is where things get all mucked up.  There is no mystery to panic attacks, there is nothing wrong with your brain causing this to happen.  The problem is that you are over sensitized and over reacting to things that you wouldn't normally over react to.  Thoughts and feelings and sensations that you normally wouldn't be aware of.......all the extra adrenaline is making you aware of them now.    And they feel foreign and strange and they make you subconsciously feel fear.  It can happen in a split second without you even realizing it.   Your brain "hears" that subconscious fear and sends out the adrenaline because it thinks you are in trouble and need extra energy to handle your situation.   You don't realize why your brain is sending out the adrenaline.  You don't realize you ordered it up.  You think your brain is malfunctioning.  So you start to panic even more which sends out more adrenaline and so on and so on.  Keeping this in mind and realizing that you are always in control of whether or not you panic, is the most important thing.   You aren't crazy.  You aren't broken.   You are just stressed and need to desensitize yourself and re-train yourself to remain calm.  Its completely do-able.  I had horrible panic attacks and now haven't had one for years!  Good luck to you and you can read more about this at Panic?  Something to Think About.

How to overcome anxiety,depression and panic attacks?

How to overcome anxiety,depression and panic attacks? I am so hopeless. Ive been suffering with depression and social anxiety with intense panic attacks for three years. I think I had anxiety for longer than that but I wasnt depressed or had panic attacks. My last three years 18-21 I spend staying home,best years of my life something needs to be done.I dont have any friends anymore. I feel like crap. I had major panic attack today even going to Grocery store.I can't even stand at the red light I think everybody is looking at me.When stranger talks to me I just freeze like paralyzed,start shaking,trembling,my mind and heart racing,sweating,my mind goes blank and I just want to scream on the top of my lungs. I started avoiding social situations at all cost. I even feel panicky talking to my family or relatives. All day long bad thoughts running through my head. How can I beat this plz,any one ,because this is not a life this is hell,any info really appreciated.

What Surah's or Dua is best to overcome panic attacks/anxiety?

Surat Ar Rahman strengthens the heart. its such a beautiful surah so do read it. just listening to it has a soothing effect,

say this
"Alaahumma 'innee 'abduka, ibnu 'abdika, ibnu 'amatika, naasiyatee biyadika, maadhin fiyya hukmuka, 'adlun fiyya qadhaa'uka, 'as'aluka bikulli ismin huwa laka, sammayta bihi nafsaka, 'aw 'anzaltahu fee kitabika, 'aw 'allamtahu 'ahadan min khalqika, 'awista'tharta bihi fee 'ilmil-ghaybi 'indaka, 'an taj'alal-Qur'aana rabee'a qalbee, wa noora sadree, wa jalaa'a huznee, wa thahaaba hammee."

"laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahul-'Adheemul-Haleem, laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu Rabbul-'Arshil-'Adheem, laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu Rabbus-samaawaati wa Rabbul-'ardhi wa Rabbul 'Arshil-Kareem"

"laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta subhaanaka 'innee kuntu minadh-dhaalimeen"

How to overcome anxiety,depression and panic attacks?

How to overcome anxiety,depression and panic attacks? I am so hopeless. Ive been suffering with depression and social anxiety with intense panic attacks for three years. I think I had anxiety for longer than that but I wasnt depressed or had panic attacks. My last three years 18-21 I spend staying home,best years of my life something needs to be done.I dont have any friends anymore. I feel like crap. I had major panic attack today even going to Grocery store.I can't even stand at the red light I think everybody is looking at me.When stranger talks to me I just freeze like paralyzed,start shaking,trembling,my mind and heart racing,sweating,my mind goes blank and I just want to scream on the top of my lungs. I started avoiding social situations at all cost. I even feel panicky talking to my family or relatives. All day long bad thoughts running through my head. How can I beat this plz,any one ,because this is not a life this is hell,any info really appreciated.

What are some ways to overcome panic attacks forever?

I really think the key for me was understanding them. Not understanding them and being constantly afraid of having them actually brings them onThey can't kill you but can scare you if you don't understand why. If you feel one coming on don't say to yourself “Oh no I feel one coming” instead think “I feel the triggers, it's not going to harm me” and just focus on breathing from your stomach (not chest) and exhale as slowly and as long as you can.If we try to simply things more. People pay lots of money to feel the sensation we are so afraid of. When people get off a rollercoaster ride their heart is pounding and they are “floating” to a degree. They don't freak out because they know why they feel this way. Well, same with us. We 'save' our money and can just feel this way by our thoughts. And the key point is that if we catch these thoughts before they start the physical feelings (heart pounding, shaking) we can change our thought pattern .EgA) our mind overthinks somethingB) we start to feel the sensations of panicCrossroad timeWrong option - Oh no here it comes, not again, what is wrong with me. What if people see me. ALL OF THIS IS FUEL TO THE FIRERight option - I feel uneasy . Play down the thought that makes you feel this way (eg mostly why or what if thoughts). “What if I have an attack” change to “So what if I have an attack”. This is KEY because this thought is not fuelling the potential panic . Know that the panic attack cant hurt you and just focus on the breathing techniques above.It may take a couple of times to remember this but if you do have an attack just ride through it and stay above the fear. Just like a surfer rides a wave. It will end shortly. Our adrenaline can only be produced for a short period of time so don't be afraid that the attack will last long.Don't be afraid. It's pretty much the fear of being afraid. Cut this fear of being afraid and I am sure things will significantly improve.

How to overcome panic attacks?

I've been facing a similar problem before. Overcoming panic attacks was really difficult for me. The best way to battle panic attacks is to just simply face it. You can try using a powder called inositol which can be found at your local drug store. Mix it up with your o.j. and it'll definitely help you relax. Taking enough vitamin B is also beneficial. The same goes with magnesium and omega's.

Try not to think of having another panic attack as that has always helped me. Distracting myself to do other "important" things has minimized the amount of panic attacks I usually have.

I do a lot of reading online and I found a blog where people shared their stories about their panic attacks.


Some of them gave resources and tips to overcome panic attacks. Try checking it out if you have time. It was inspiring to read some of their success stories.

If you ever feel another panic attack coming, you should just ride it out. Don't try fighting it since it can become more worse than it is. Relaxtion therapy had a lot of positive affects when I used them and you can find more about it using the site I pointed out above.

You can try to figure out what triggers your panic attacks by writing it all down on paper. You can ask yourself.. what happened before the panic attack? what did i do during that day? was i neverous? what time did it occur? who was i with? Knowing this things will help you understand what triggers your panic attacks.

These are just the basic things of how to overcome panic attacks. Read the site I gave you and you'll be able to get more tips. As much as possible, try not to think about your panic attacks. Focus on that and it'll help in the long run!

How to overcome constant panic attacks?

I used to have panic attacks at a time in my life, when, as well as being depressed about my situation, for various reasons, I was also very unhappy in my job and this was gave me the most stress, and I think caused the panic attacks.
Are there any areas in your life, where you are particularly unhappy, and/or stressed?
I was fortunate because I had a very caring and sympathetic doctor, who prescribed anti-depressants (which also help to inhibit panic attacks). He was also a good listener, which helped, beause I need someone to listen to me and have faith in me.
He also suggested that I have counselling - which I did - and this helped.
Phobias can also be caused by deep seated issues from the past, and/or truamas, which sometimes need a lot of counselling and support, and they may not disappear overnight.
So, to summarize:

Step 1: Go to a sympathetic doctor, who believes in counselling and understands depression and these type of illnesses.

Step 2: Find a good counsellor - if you are in the UK, then the Westmister Pastoral Foundation, might be able to help, even if you don't live in Lond.

Step 3. Find at least one friend or a family member that you can trust and talk to.

Step 4. Do some exercise - maybe join a health club or gym if you can - or go dancing, or do an exercise class; this really helps depression and stress.

Step 5: You may need to make some changes in your life, such as leave your job, if you are very stressed by it.

Step 6: Treat yourself - do something nice that you enjoy, or that helps you to relax.

Hope this helps and feel free to contact me if I can help and further:>)