What Are Some Of The Thing You Would Like To See Change In The World

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

It's very difficult for me to regret my own mistakes because I have learned from them but there is one in particular regret that no matter what anybody tries to tell me to make things better, I simply can't come to terms with.When I was 5 years old I was sexually abused my cousin. It went on for a while until he moved to another state. Years went by and I never said a word to anybody about it until I was 17 years old.Fast forward I graduated high school and joined the military right away. I rarely visited home but one of the days I did, my sister told me to not mention anything to anybody but that when I was on deployment my younger brother had came forward with some terrible news.My sister said that my brother told my mom that my cousin had sexually abused him. Yes, the same cousin who abused me.I asked her when it had happened and he said it was right before my cousin left to live at another state. At that moment, my heart broke. If only I had said something to someone about the sexual abuse that was being done to me my brother wouldn't have suffered.My brother suffered a lot but we didn't know what was wrong. He never said a word to anybody about anything. Now we know why and if I would have said something, he wouldn't have been abused.I've learned to accept that it wasn't my fault but it's still something that when I think about it, it breaks me down.

What would you like to change about the world?

to open borders and destroy all stocks of weapons
and live in peace


What is the one thing you'd like most to change about the world?

I normally do not ask anyone to change because I have lived my life assuming no one can change but me. But if there were a few changes I could implement in this world, they would be:No more nationalities. Everyone has only one passport & one nationality.There are no more religions in the world other than being a good human being.The punishment for Rape or Pedophilia is having the person sexually castrated. And after that they should be allowed to live. Killing them is way to easy.The punishment for falsely accusing someone or suing someone wrongfully should be life imprisonment and the person to be fined the exact amount they sued the innocent person for.All politicians who lie, cheat and engage in corruption should be killed on the spot.People who engage in Drugs, illegal activities & crime should be shot-to-death on the spot. No need for any jury or court proceedingsThere should be no more ‘hiding’ behind the cloak of anonymity on the internet. Whatever anyone and everyone does online - their identity should be publicly and easily accessible.Loy Machedo

What are the top five things you want to change in this world?

1. PovertyStart by addressing Poverty (higher quality labor force through tax breaks on training expenses, building housing for poor and providing residency for families with children with higher grades, provide state funded education to government workers on condition they maintain acceptable grades [zero interest loan]). Persuading farmers to donate food instead of destroying it (the government would buy the crops half of market value). Tightening grip on people who abuse the system, such as people who get food stamps and are fully capable of buying their own food, or people abusing welfare. Increasing the amount of zero interest college loans to those who cannot afford it.2. EducationImprove education (awareness and appreciation of the environment, focus less on standardized test results and more on real world applications, helping students discover their talents and bringing them out rather than oppressing them). Reward students who build interesting and impressive projects. Host national fair, broken into computer science, physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, and visual and performing arts to encourage research, innovation, and mastery. Massive crackdown on bullying.3. Fixing the EnvironmentRequiring businesses in lumber to plant at least one tree for every tree cut down (every tree planted after that is tax deductible). Researching algae technologies for fuel exhausts (vehicles and factories) so that there are reduced carbon emissions. Increased taxes on oil businesses where the proceeds will go to hydrogen fusion research. Researching innovative ways to better buildings in frequent disaster zones (tornado proof homes, mudslide proof buildings, etc...) 4. Reduce Military Presence Around the WorldPulling out of "conflicts" around the world and only maintaining an appropriate navy size for secure trade and special forces and intelligence communities for national security. Focus more on the drug wars, human trafficking, and cracking down on counterfeit operations, but reduce the military size and expenditures drastically.5. Corruption  Cracking down on corruption and reforming politics so that politicians focus more on their constituents and less on re election and lap dancing the big corporations at fundraisers. Requiring constant up-to-date audits on public funds, "misplaced" money, usually material amounts, from the Federal Reserve Bank, and third party government contractors.

What do u want to change in this world and why?

The world is as perfect as it is.
If there is a cure for cancer, than the world will be overpopulated.
If every homeless person will have a home, I think I'll just drop out of school and be homeless, but still get a home.
You people think of stupid solutions that could really ruin the world, if leaders do not abuse power they wouldn't know how to use the power properly, if Hitler hadn't WWII will not happen and Germany will still be poor as hell.

What is the one change in the world you want to see?

Equality Everybody should be treated equal irrespective of: Caste, Creed, Gender, Color, Financial capability and any other measure which leads to comparison

Why and what would you want to change in the world?

During my teenage years (I'm still one if you can an 18 year old a teenager) , I thought a lot about how I wanted to change the world. I wrote essays on it and took parts in debates competition on the major world issues to get a more clear vision in my head about how these problems could be solved. Once I was surfing through the internet when I came across this quote from Leo Tolstoy :' Everyone thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself.’This hit me hard! All this time, I was so focused on looking for a way to make this world a better place without realizing that change starts from within. The problems exist because of us! If only each and every individual in this world change themselves or at least try to be a better person, the change is inevitable.‘ Be the change you want to see in this world.’You don't like people backbiting about you? Don't backbite about other people. Don't like when someone lies to you? Don't lie to other people when you have a chance. You hate to see beggars on the street living in such a pitiful condition? Help them! Give them some money even if it's couple of dollars and food. Don't like the way people treat the poor and downtrodden? Stand-up to such people! Don't ignore and walk away from the scene. You're fed up with this polluting atmosphere? Don't contribute to it. Throw your trash in the bin!These are some very minor problems which can be solved only if people pay heed to it. The world will not change overnight. It'll take time.

What kind of changes would you like to see in the world today?

Today, I would like to share a very famous situation that every “Educated Person” come across. It might be your neighbor, friend, colleague, relative, or you might have heard that one of them got trapped in owning jobs by paying a certain amount. Are you the one among them? Then here are my questions :Why don’t you take the first step to claim a case against the person?Why don’t you post whatever the details you have related to them in social media?Why Police people were not taking immediate action against these happenings?Why Lawyers were not initiating new laws or acts against them?Do you think all the people who pay money were rich? If they were really rich they won’t show interest in getting jobs, they would have gone for their own business.Do you think the people who were paying money are encouraging criminal activities? Absolutely no! They were showing a common trust on the other guys (EX: In today’s world even an uneducated people are opening their bank accounts even they doesn’t know a single letter on it) Do you agree with me? Then how come we say trust is wrong?Edit 1: Hey Guys! I’m so excited to share it that one of my friends got her total money back after approaching a Police people. Hats off! to police who really protects us from cruel and fraudulent people.If you are the one who lost money please immediately go and approach nearby police station and file a case against them and don’t hesitate to do it. Because every step we take in our lives should be inspirable and helpful to others.Be the change that you wish to see most in your world. And once you do your life will change.-Mahatma GandhiHey! guys, it's all about my knowledge hope you all enjoyed it while reading and don’t forget to do upvote and don’t forget to follow me on Quora.Stay Healthy and Be Happy!

Is it possible to change the world?

I'm sick of how everyone acts, taking everything for granted. I want to get people to think about whats really important in the life, i don't care what it takes is just need the world to change or i won't be able to stand it much longer. I assume that most of you will have no real ideas how to change the world or you would have tried them already. Also, im not looking for little everyday things, i want an idea that is plausible and might create some major change in the world. Sorry if the question is jumbled or incoherent, im not a very gifted writer.

What would you Change if You RULED THE WORLD?

God bless ye merry hypographs - I think I would enjoy Debating with you for hours maybe...., that goes for Jennifer too...

Jennifer - Ok it's official... you are now deemed Emperor of the NEW WORLD ORDER........, NO SERIOUSLY..., rush to the UN they will take you into their loving arms and possibly make you the new Ruler of the world...., Based on your beliefs....

" THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS" - What Horrifies me most is that you seem to have Good intentions..., and what you say sounds nice....., That's scary once you understand how things REALLY WORK, in the Real world aside from Fantasy land....