What Are Some Popular New Fighting Games Gamers Are Talking About Playing Or Coming Out Now On

Why are a lot of gamers getting upset that new video game leads are becoming female?

They are?

Most gamers - including my self - will always choose a female character if given the choice simply because if I'm going to have to watch my character's backside while s/he runs around for 30-60 hours, it might as well be a backside I find attractive.

There have always been games where the lead was female, or at least you had a choice of a female character. Tomb Raider. Resident Evil. Metroid. All the fighting games. Almost every RPG, ever. Many point&click adventure games. All MMORPGs. On and on and on...

Do players get fined for fighting in hockey?

In the NHL, players generally get a five minute major penalty for fighting with no further consequences. Of course, if a player takes a cheap shot, comes off the bench to get into a fight, uses his stick or helmet as a weapon, or gets involved in a fight that has already started, he could probably receive further penalties, fines, and/or suspensions.

These rules do vary between the different minor and semi-professional leagues.

Why do some dorks play single player games?

EVERY GAMER IN THE WORLD was playing single player games before all this online competitive stuff came out. Even some people who were at old school competitions were playing single at their free time. Right now there's something better than competitive cod gta cráp: CO-OP modes.

If you love competition then it's ok, but not everyone will share the same feeling about it, videogames are supposed to be fun and entertaining as their main goal.

You love to compete then come up to Mortal Kombat X Online, or Guilty Gear or Street Fighter V, fighting games, where winning and competing is tough as hell.