What Are Some Similarities And Differences Between The Ancient Arabic And Egyptian Civilization

What are some of the differences and similarities between Ancient Egypt and today? Ex. We have technology, they had hieroglyphs.

The differences are that the ancient Egyptians were overwhelmingly Native Africans and Egyptians today are mostly descendants of Arabs, Turks, Greeks, the Copts who aren’t the original Egyptians and other groups. The similarities are, the ancient Egyptians lived on the same continent, in the same country.

Were ancient civilizations (Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc) more technologically advanced in comparison to today’s Arab countries?

The answer is no, by any means. Practically every country today (and even two hundred years ago) is more civilized than the Romans were at their peak. But it does bring an important question.How do you see civilization? What is its most important achievement? Technology? Art? Social advancements? Infrastructure? It depends on what you mean.Technologically speaking, ancient civilizations weren’t even as advanced as a good city in the middle ages.But, when we look at the middle ages, there was better technology and war techniques and perhaps culture at the elite level, but there was an immense lack of infrastructure. In fact, a lot of the Middle Ages seem terrible to us because they were still using the already centuries-old infrastructure of the Romans, but didn’t keep knowledge on how to improve it, so they didn’t know how to make more. With the fall of the Roman Empire’s central government and infrastructure planning, a lot of their construction techniques and advanced planning quite literally were lost.A lot of the Roman infrastructure is amazing to this day. And in fact, ancient Roman Concrete Is About to Revolutionize Modern Architecture, because only in 2013, after much trial and error, we reverse-engineered the formula to create that same cement they used for their infrastructure.Roads, acqueducts, temples. All were built with Roman cement and all last incredible spans of time.Roman concrete was cheap and easy to make. They were able to manually produce so much so cheaply, that they paved a lot of roads, built water infrastructure that served millions - to such an extent that arguably the middle ages can be seen to end and the Renaissance begin just as people in Europe start embarking on large scale infrastructure projects for the common man again. It is hard to overstate how much proper infrastructure can change peoples’ lives.So the story of “civilization” is actually two parallel stories - technology and infrastructure.If you have the first without the second, huge inequality and poverty follows, so there’s a civilized elite but overall you are considered very uncivilized.If you have the second without the first, daily life may be difficult, but you can bathe with clean water from miles away, you can go to a theater which you can get to on a road, smell the flowers and write poetry, and are “civilized”.And that’s why there’s a term in war - “Bomb them back to the stone age”, when you blow up all the country’s infrastructure.

What were the similarities and differences in the geography of ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia?

Similarities: both regions are situated in the subtropics. The water to develop an agricultural civilization was derived from big rivers. Both areas had lack of rain so the river water was for both essential to survive. For Mesopotamia it is the rain that falls over the mountains in Turkey and west Iran. For Egypt the rain that falls in Tropical Africa.Differences. The Nile River is not only draining from the equatorial rainforests in central/east Africa but also from the monsoon like rains that fall in July August in the highlands of Ethiopia. This rainwater drains into the Blue Nile that joins the White Nile at Khartum. This causes a yearly wash of the Nile down stream gently flooding the the low lands near the river, leaving a thin layer of fresh silt with the necessary minerals for wheat, flax and other plants. Later irrigation works were undertaken to enlarge the land that could be used for agriculture.The Euphrates and Tigris do not have this yearly rise. Irrigation was more essential than in Egypt. The Nile flows over old rocks. Sodium has been washed away over the tens of millions of years. The Euphrates and Tigris have their beds in the old sea floor of the Thetys Ocean. There is still a lot of Sodium present and this sodium makes some parts after some time unfit for agriculture. In the center of Iran is a very large salt desert. Also old Thetys sea floor.

Difference Between Nubian and Egyptian!!?


Black people were mainly Hunters and Gathers [ They still are ] they dint even know how to cultivate a land or fish untill it was introduced to them let alone creating a civilization.

What are the similarities between egyptian and mesopotamian civilization?

There is a few similarities but not a lot. starting by simple one.those 2 civilisations ended up by being Arab countries Egypt and Iraq.other things that is more related to the civilisation itself not what happen after:women was able to role in both of them which isn't common thing in old civilisations.Egypt was having centralised government with rulers over each city still, metopotamin was ruling each city individually but still under same rule.  not so much the same system but ended up with same result.writing for both was easiest way of communication it was easier even than speaking.both of them write their history over the walls to keep it for future.both invented a language and start to writing not learning it from someone else, the only different in that, that Egypt was having many written languages some for normal people, some for higher people like kings and knights.both built their cities where the water is and all their cities was having permanent source of water.both have more than one God to worship , Egypt start a revolution for worship one God ended up by the death of the King Tunt who start this, and back again to worship more than one God.both was having huge strong armies but Egypt wasn't invading others and mostly protect itself with this army only, that is the main reason why Egypt civilisation was able to stand more than any other Empire appear in the history.both learn war wheels from outside and no one of them was mentioned before that they invent class pyramid is 100% the same for both.finally things you may need to know:Egypt history is more related to the religions and that's because many prophets was living or rolling Egypt like Moses and Joseph for example.Egypt civilisation is the longest one in the history stayed for over 7000 years.there was no lots of deals or communication between both civilisation.people in Egypt was having more rights and freedom, of course as long as they didn't talk about the king badly.Egypt civilisation was more involved with Greece and Roman one, and  mesopotamian was more with Arabs later.both countries later on was leaders for Arabian Empire, Iraq first then when it fall down Egypt rule and it was that until the Arabian Empire fall down and Ottoman Empire started.hope this answer is helpful for you.